Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2051   3,544  RFP envoy  758651  A ssh/gpg-agent wrapper leveraging cgroups and systemd/sock…  1  nobody
 2052   2,253  RFP python-pytest-django  763081  Django plugin for the py.test Python testing tool  1  nobody
 2053   1,653  RFP janeclone  748279  JaneClone is a simple browser for the Internet bulletin boa…  1  nobody
 2054   2,752  RFP openomf  796557  Open Source remake of "One Must Fall 2097"  1  nobody
 2055   3,771  RFP esteidcerts  702164  Estonian ID card root, intermediate and OCSP certificates  1  nobody
 2056   2,884  RFP pingo  800393  Generic API for controlling boards with programmable IO pins  1  nobody
 2057   441  RFP siso  1051557  experimental build tool that aims to replace ninja  1  nobody
 2058   447  RFP cli-visualizer  1051152  console alasa/pipewire spectrum visualizer  1  nobody
 2059   499  RFP clash-meta  1041011  A rule-based tunnel / proxy in Go  1  nobody
 2060   724  RFP gemget  1025154  A command line downloader for the Gemini protocol  1  nobody
 2061   789  RFP qtvsplayer  1020281  can read local video files of Hikvision and display blue, g…  1  nobody
 2062   2,799  RFP php-text-wiki-mediawiki  577931  Mediawiki parser for Text_Wiki  1  nobody
 2063   504  RFP bottles  1040671  Bottles gaming environment comes preconfigured to play a la…  1  nobody
 2064   775  RFP vocal  1021554  modern and simple podcast client  1  nobody
 2065   788  RFP ucode  1020861  tiny general purpose scripting language featuring a syntax …  1  nobody
 2066   837  RFP choose  1016389  human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) …  1  nobody
 2067   361  RFP tusd  1014812  implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol  1  nobody
 2068   363  RFP wp-cli  1015300  command-line interface for WordPress  1  nobody
 2069   815  RFP fx  1018794  terminal JSON viewer  1  nobody
 2070   229  RFP kcm-grub2  1013125  KDE Control Module for configuring the GRUB2 bootloader  1  nobody
 2071   319  RFP nusolve  1016959  Geodetic VLBI data analysis software  1  nobody
 2072   964  RFP tremc  1004845  Curses interface for transmission  1  nobody
 2073   992  RFP handlr  1006898  application default handler  1  nobody
 2074   173  RFP memray  1009970  Python memory profiler  1  nobody
 2075   2,858  RFP merlin  558419  alternative database backend for nagios3 with support for r…  1  nobody
 2076   1,025  RFP verynice  746255  nice(1)-like utility to throttle long running processes  1  nobody
 2077   754  RFP mogan  1011149  structured editor for science and technology  1  nobody
 2078   926  RFP soapui  1008232  API and web service testing tool  1  nobody
 2079   842  RFP adagios  744818  Adagios is an alternative web configuration (and status) in…  1  nobody
 2080   767  RFP onvifviewer  1000820  ONVIF camera viewer  1  nobody
 2081   2,425  RFP cdesktopenv  689098  CDE, the classic unix desktop  1  nobody
 2082   2,883  RFP aces2  642472  Advanced Concepts in Electronic Structure II  1  nobody
 2083   1,048  RFP fiji  1003189  "batteries-included" distribution of ImageJ2  1  nobody
 2084   1,306  RFP checkbox  987674  The checkbox project coordinates various testing and certif…  1  nobody
 2085   3,022  RFP nodogsplash  782736  manages public internet access  1  nobody
 2086   1,057  RFP lpairs2  1002033  Classic memory game with nice graphics  1  nobody
 2087   52  RFP pika-backup  999493  simple backups based on borg  1  nobody
 2088   1,092  RFP wxmathplot  1000683  library to add 2D scientific plot functionality to wxWidgets  1  nobody
 2089   1,682  RFP blat  740601  BLAST-Like Alignment Tool  1  nobody
 2090   1,268  RFP x2gohtmlclient  989461  html client for x2goserver  1  nobody
 2091   3,524  RFP jdownloader  562217  download manager for one-click hosting sites  1  nobody
 2092   1,268  RFP docker-credential-helpers  989459  A suite of programs to use native stores to keep Docker cre…  1  nobody
 2093   1,409  RFP amazfish  980123  Companion application for the Huami Amazfit Bip, Cor, MiBan…  1  nobody
 2094   1,243  RFP yabridge  990448  A modern and transparent way to use Windows VST2 and VST3 p…  1  nobody
 2095   319  RFP gephi  650636  The Open Graph Viz Platform  1  nobody
 2096   631  RFP btdu  1008321  stochastic disk use analyzer for btrfs  1  nobody
 2097   1,457  RFP pcnfsd  975595  RPC Server That Supports ONC Clients  1  nobody
 2098   1,094  RFP piskel  970886  an easy-to-use sprite editor  1  nobody
 2099   2,838  RFP pootle  657499  Web-based translation and translation management  1  nobody
 2100   647  RFP acpilight  978937  backward-compatible replacement for xbacklight that uses th…  1  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!