Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 51   84  O cli-common  1079871  common files between all CLI packages  13,604  nobody
 52   382  O db-defaults  1055344  Default Berkeley Database Libraries  13,234  nobody
 53   312  O fbreader  808074  e-book reader  13,133  nobody
 54   2,470  O qdbm  890504  QDBM Database  12,601  nobody
 55   205  RFH  908868  Linux container runtime  12,536  nobody
 56   1,773  O zope.hookable  948809  Hookable object support  11,700  nobody
 57   84  O libgdiplus  1079870  interface library for System.Drawing of Mono  11,641  nobody
 58   268  O libuser  1064872  user and group account administration library - utilities  11,384  nobody
 59   456  O fonts-stix  1050247  Scientific and Technical Information eXchange fonts  11,165  nobody
 60   2,130  O untex  920058  remove LaTeX commands from input  10,028  nobody
 61   3,134  RFH devscripts  800413  scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer eas…  9,732  nobody
 62   2,113  O libvisual-plugins  921623  audio visualization framework plugins  8,983  nobody
 63   50  RFH multipath-tools  1083104  maintain multipath block device access  8,944  nobody
 64   1,495  RFH swi-prolog  896458  ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog interpreter  8,891  nobody
 65   1,941  RFH freeradius  933376  high-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server  8,859  nobody
 66   3,003  O linux-atm  828731  net-tools for ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) in Linux  8,769  nobody
 67   748  O libquazip  1023385  C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (documentation)  8,529  nobody
 68   585  O mueller  903832  Mueller English/Russian dictionary in dict format  8,495  nobody
 69   1,316  O gthumb  986935  image viewer and browser  8,232  nobody
 70   5,182  RFA scalable-cyrfonts  596674  free Cyrillic PostScript fonts for X and TeX  8,054  nobody
 71   256  O papirus-icon-theme  1065811  Papirus open source icon theme for Linux  7,803  nobody
 72   1,606  O ifenslave  963889  configure network interfaces for parallel routing (bonding)  6,599  nobody
 73   287  RFP webmin  820659  web-based system configuration tool for Unix-like  6,396  nobody
 74   663  O id3lib3.8.3  770255  library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags  6,395  nobody
 75   1,886  RFH gnucash  910059  personal and small-business financial-accounting software  6,087  nobody
 76   462  O xmlrpc-epi  1049879  XML-RPC request library  5,941  nobody
 77   3,048  O apt-xapian-index  813201  maintenance and search tools for a Xapian index of Debian p…  5,882  nobody
 78   34  RFA suckless-tools  1085292  simple commands for minimalistic window managers  5,809  nobody
 79   2,948  RFP teamviewer  841958  free for non-comertial use, remote support, remote acces, m…  5,723  nobody
 80   201  O poco  1070311  C++ Portable Components  5,704  nobody
 81   641  O ssh-askpass  993155  under X, asks user for a passphrase for ssh-add  5,703  nobody
 82   2,698  O aspell-it  866830  Italian dictionary for GNU Aspell  5,658  nobody
 83   1,395  O extra-xdg-menus  981051  Extra menu categories for applications under GNOME and KDE  5,655  nobody
 84   5,665  O intlfonts  529348  International fonts for X  5,468  nobody
 85   410  RFP signal-desktop  842943  standalone JS desktop client for Signal Messenger  5,269  nobody
 86   2,169  O libopendbx  916331  Lightweight database access abstraction layer  5,228  nobody
 87   626  RFP brave-browser  864795  web browser with privacy and micropayment features  5,180  nobody
 88   2,603  O openclipart  690518  Open Clip Art Library  5,145  nobody
 89   2,062  O alien  791522  convert and install rpm and other packages  4,848  nobody
 90   2,281  O hugs98  907114  A Haskell 98 interpreter  4,709  nobody
 91   809  O unpaper  1019012  post-processing tool for scanned pages  4,319  nobody
 92   1,861  O dblatex  942402  Produces DVI, PostScript, PDF documents from DocBook sources  4,314  nobody
 93   995  RFA dvidvi  1006644  Manipulate .dvi files  4,266  nobody
 94   2,444  RFP libjs-backbone  892816  Models, views, collections, and events for JS apps  4,185  nobody
 95   818  O granite  1018149  extension of GTK3 libraries  4,172  nobody
 96   1,483  RFH cargo  860116  Rust package manager  4,024  nobody
 97   1,546  O xxkb  969108  Keyboard state indicator and switcher for xkb  4,003  nobody
 98   3,187  O wv  816327  Programs for accessing Microsoft Word documents  3,999  nobody
 99   145  O libextractor  1070308  extracts meta-data from files  3,986  nobody
 100   435  RFP tailscale  972439  wireguard overlay network manager (client)  3,982  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!