Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2001   2,857  RFP spro  664803  Speech signal processing toolkit for feature extraction  1  nobody
 2002   3,152  RFP pdftable  820171  extract tables from PDF files  1  nobody
 2003   2,531  RFP qubes-gui-agent  837906  Qubes GUI Agent for VMs  1  nobody
 2004   2,531  RFP qubes-gui-common  837908  Common files for Qubes GUI - protocol headers  1  nobody
 2005   3,254  RFP yle-dl  746645  downloader of media files from YLE  1  nobody
 2006   3,020  RFP pkg-create-dbgsym  749094  automatically build debug symbol ddeb packages  1  nobody
 2007   2,411  RFP how2  817175  stackoverflow from the terminal  1  nobody
 2008   2,541  RFP racktables  629531  Datacenter asset management system  1  nobody
 2009   2,715  RFP kawa  818130  general-purpose programming language of the lisp family, th…  1  nobody
 2010   2,817  RFP sigrok-firmware  669074  firmware files for various logic analyzers  1  nobody
 2011   2,500  RFP pulledpork  846235  Suricata & Snort Rule Management  1  nobody
 2012   2,466  RFP wifi-switcher  805116  script to automatically switch between networks  1  nobody
 2013   3,021  RFP python-rauth  745424  library for OAuth consumers  1  nobody
 2014   647  RFP enemy-territory  606931  GPL version of the id software game Enemy Territory  1  nobody
 2015   668  RFP fonts-pt-astra  840361  metric-compatible Times New Roman and Arial alternatives  1  nobody
 2016   2,948  RFP pgbackman  842350  Tool for managing PostgreSQL logical backups  1  nobody
 2017   2,616  RFP lhendraw  823032  cdx/cdxml compatible chemical drawing program  1  nobody
 2018   3,088  RFP clickshare  820587  Linux driver for ClickShare screen share system  1  nobody
 2019   2,756  RFP baka-mplayer  813591  A libmpv based media player  1  nobody
 2020   2,531  RFP qubes-utils  837913  Common Qubes utils for dom0 and VMs  1  nobody
 2021   3,328  RFP libjs-reveal  799215  HTML Presentation Framework  1  nobody
 2022   805  RFP libpdl-fftw3-perl  763199  PDL interface to the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West …  1  nobody
 2023   3,035  RFP hedera-icon-theme  833279  A classic icon theme for Linux desktops  1  nobody
 2024   3,297  RFP ldview  715280  OpenGL based viewer and renderer for LEGO LDraw 3D models  1  nobody
 2025   2,882  RFP crystfel  743268  Suite of programs for processing "serial" diffraction data …  1  nobody
 2026   2,355  RFP ubiquity  623790  GUI installer for live systems  1  nobody
 2027   3,049  RFP freesynd  404762  Free implementation of the Syndicate engine  1  nobody
 2028   968  RFP pidgin-opensteamworks  690465  Steam IM / Steam Friends plugin for Pidgin (libpurple)  1  nobody
 2029   3,053  RFP xubuntu-artwork  831421  Xubuntu themes and artwork  1  nobody
 2030   655  RFP node-jsdoc  774565  API documentation generator for JavaScript  1  nobody
 2031   3,645  RFP squidanalyzer  723019  Squid proxy native log analyzer and reports generator with …  1  nobody
 2032   3,328  RFP gwt  798856  Google Web Toolkit  1  nobody
 2033   3,020  RFP jsqsh  784370  Console based database query tool, featuring command line e…  1  nobody
 2034   2,412  RFP sflowtool  724738  Command line utility for decoding and analyzing sflow data  1  nobody
 2035   3,413  RFP pagemap  717075  analyze and print the physical memory layout of a Linux pro…  1  nobody
 2036   2,425  RFP ruby-maven  789877  ruby wrapper around maven  1  nobody
 2037   450  O golang-github-hashicorp-go-azure-help…  1050948  various helpers and wrappers for working with Azure  1  nobody
 2038   450  O golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-svc…  1050947  handling of friendly hostnames for terraform  1  nobody
 2039   2,685  RFP emulationstation  820750  Graphical emulator front-end  1  nobody
 2040   2,479  RFP libreplan  810650  Web application for project planning, monitoring and contr…  1  nobody
 2041   54  RFP fwts  748783  firmware test suite PC firmware  1  nobody
 2042   1,077  O x-loader  1001580  Board initialization helper for OMAP boards  1  nobody
 2043   3,025  RFP bitfighter  705303  A fast-paced team-based multi-player space combat game  1  nobody
 2044   559  RFP pp3  698886  Celestial chart generator  1  nobody
 2045   2,604  RFP yofrankie  497859  Yo Frankie is a project by the blender foundation to create…  1  nobody
 2046   767  RFA golang-github-segmentio-kafka-go  940419  None  1  nobody
 2047   2,653  RFP lenmus  480510  music education software to learn music  1  nobody
 2048   316  RFP opentofu  808940  tool for managing cloud infrastructure  1  nobody
 2049   2,887  RFP rutorrent  671744  a web front-end for the rtorrent client  1  nobody
 2050   3,544  RFP envoy  758651  A ssh/gpg-agent wrapper leveraging cgroups and systemd/sock…  1  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!