Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2151   2,463  RFP movim-desktop  891462  Desktop app for the Movim social network  1  nobody
 2152   2,380  RFP chrono  899149  An Open Source Multi-physics Simulation Engine  1  nobody
 2153   647  RFP opendcp  655338  Open Digital Cinema Package software  1  nobody
 2154   2,316  RFP docklight  850429  dock launcher for GNOME 3 desktops  1  nobody
 2155   2,471  RFP termite  890719  A keyboard-centric VTE-based terminal, aimed at use within …  1  nobody
 2156   452  RFP node-capnp  893165  Cap'n Proto bindings for Node.js  0  nobody
 2157   2,316  RFP you-get/0.4.1025  891074  command-line utility to download media contents (videos, au…  0  nobody
 2158   3,594  RFP pageres  775859  Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions on t…  0  nobody
 2159   2,298  RFP minichess  893718  chess dockapp  0  nobody
 2160   1,493  RFP prophet  892111  time series forecasting package for R and Python  0  nobody
 2161   3,023  RFP ruby-jasmine-jquery-rails  776679  custom matchers for jQuery and an API for fixtures in specs…  0  nobody
 2162   3,771  RFP edeploy  717664  new way to provision/update systems  0  nobody
 2163   2,436  RFP reconnecting-websocket  893982  A small decorator for the JavaScript WebSocket API that aut…  0  nobody
 2164   2,243  RFP libjs-strophe.jinglejs  892291  webrtc connection plugin for strophe.js  0  nobody
 2165   1,636  RFP ijulia  781937  Julia kernel for Jupyter  0  nobody
 2166   2,432  RFP cinnamon-applet-multicore-sys-monitor  894275  System monitor applet (CPU, Memory, Network, Disk IO) for C…  0  nobody
 2167   2,503  RFP idemptables  887455  idempotent iptables wrapper  0  nobody
 2168   2,882  RFP uberftp  779275  Interactive gridftp client  0  nobody
 2169   3,771  RFP django-colorful  715006  database and form RGB color fields for Django  0  nobody
 2170   2,490  RFP way-cooler  888718  Customizable Wayland compositor (window manager)  0  nobody
 2171   3,350  RFP entityx  772414  A fast, type-safe C++ Entity Component System  0  nobody
 2172   907  RFP hera-vm  890538  Hera VM: eWASM virtual machine conforming to the Ethereum V…  0  nobody
 2173   2,939  RFP weblaf  779101  Java Swing Look and Feel and extended components library fo…  0  nobody
 2174   2,434  RFP libjs-gzip  712215  a pure JavaScript implementation of the GZIP file format  0  nobody
 2175   2,488  RFP vim-vimtex  888981  modern Vim plugin for editing LaTeX files  0  nobody
 2176   3,024  RFP shadowd  775998  Shadow Daemon web application firewall server  0  nobody
 2177   2,477  RFP libfelix-configadmin  890145  An implementation of the OSGi Componendium Configuration Ad…  0  nobody
 2178   3,021  RFP python-primes  774901  library for working with prime numbers  0  nobody
 2179   1,853  RFP asynk  709161  Contacts synchronization for Google Contacts, BBDB and Outl…  0  nobody
 2180   3,771  RFP yoda  707034  Yet more Objects for Data Analysis  0  nobody
 2181   3,021  RFP morelia  633411  client-facing scripting language for Behaviour-Driven Devel…  0  nobody
 2182   2,477  RFP libfelix-fileinstall  890146  File Install is a directory based OSGi management agent.  0  nobody
 2183   2,469  RFP redmine_agile  888896  Kanban / Agile board plugin for Redmine  0  nobody
 2184   3,024  RFP netcdf-libcf  775584  Library to process data files in the Climate and Forecast (…  0  nobody
 2185   2,477  RFP libfelix-metatype  890144  An implementation of the OSGi metatype specification  0  nobody
 2186   1,741  RFP fonts-parmaite  780681  Tengwar TrueType font  0  nobody
 2187   2,477  RFP libpax-logging  890182  OSGi logging support  0  nobody
 2188   2,783  RFP wallpaperd  777743  X wallpaper changing daemon  0  nobody
 2189   1,383  RFP atomtopubsub  887799  parse Atom feeds and send them to XMPP PubSub nodes  0  nobody
 2190   2,473  RFP dat  890565  Distributed Dataset Synchronization And Versioning  0  nobody
 2191   3,024  RFP libmodule-install-repository-perl  779000  Automatically sets repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkout  0  nobody
 2192   3,255  RFP mwlib.rl  719347  A library for creating pdf from MediaWiki  0  nobody
 2193   2,828  RFP dbvisualizer  678190  multi-database management tool  0  nobody
 2194   859  RFP nltk-book  887650  Natural Language Processing with Python (book)  0  nobody
 2195   2,887  RFP flwkey  774922  Interface to the Winkeyer series of CW code generators  0  nobody
 2196   2,477  RFP libpax-url  890181  URL stream handlers for OSGi  0  nobody
 2197   647  RFP raet  781993  secure reliable scalable asynchronous message/event transpo…  0  nobody
 2198   3,771  RFP su2  715509  Software for PDE based analysis and optimization  0  nobody
 2199   794  RFP golang-github-go-ethereum  890541  Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol  0  nobody
 2200   2,643  RFP libphpcpp  781154  a C++ library for developing PHP extensions  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!