Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2101   1,048  RFP fiji  1003189  "batteries-included" distribution of ImageJ2  1  nobody
 2102   1,243  RFP yabridge  990448  A modern and transparent way to use Windows VST2 and VST3 p…  1  nobody
 2103   1,268  RFP docker-credential-helpers  989459  A suite of programs to use native stores to keep Docker cre…  1  nobody
 2104   1,409  RFP amazfish  980123  Companion application for the Huami Amazfit Bip, Cor, MiBan…  1  nobody
 2105   2,454  RFP ghost  892150  platform for building and running online publications  1  nobody
 2106   1,428  RFP cygwin  978393  library and headers providing POSIX functionality on Windows  1  nobody
 2107   647  RFP acpilight  978937  backward-compatible replacement for xbacklight that uses th…  1  nobody
 2108   1,383  RFP marker  974951  gtk3 markdown editor  1  nobody
 2109   1,268  RFP x2gohtmlclient  989461  html client for x2goserver  1  nobody
 2110   1,038  RFP ncnn  971650  high-performance neural network inference framework optimiz…  1  nobody
 2111   657  RFP libstrangle  962905  Frame rate limiter for Linux  1  nobody
 2112   1,544  RFP openpbs  968219  An HPC workload manager and job scheduler for desktops, clu…  1  nobody
 2113   1,094  RFP piskel  970886  an easy-to-use sprite editor  1  nobody
 2114   1,551  RFP xmppipe  969007  pipe stdio over XMPP  1  nobody
 2115   2,114  RFP android  459219  Android SDK (mobile phone platform)  1  nobody
 2116   1,537  RFP pulseaudio-module-xrdp  969332  module for audio support through xrdp  1  nobody
 2117   3,743  RFP wallch  751914  A powerful cross-desktop wallpaper changer  1  nobody
 2118   1,596  O kytos-utils  964896  command line utilities to use with Kytos  1  nobody
 2119   1,457  RFP pcnfsd  975595  RPC Server That Supports ONC Clients  1  nobody
 2120   139  RFP skim  956078  fuzzy finder in Rust  1  nobody
 2121   1,744  RFP offroad  951350  offline vector map display ported from OsmAnd  1  nobody
 2122   1,876  RFP sblg  941766  static blog utility  1  nobody
 2123   1,502  RFP volatility3  942754  advanced memory forensics framework  1  nobody
 2124   452  RFP bonzomatic  950178  Live shader coding tool  1  nobody
 2125   1,847  RFP moar  944035  Easy text file viewer / pager similar to less  1  nobody
 2126   1,681  RFP dynsim  945897  DynamicSimulator is an open source  1  nobody
 2127   1,077  RFP breseq  942845  Find mutations relative to reference sequences  1  nobody
 2128   1,318  RFP smoldyn  942842  spatial stochastic simulator for chemical reaction networks  1  nobody
 2129   1,038  RFP sk1  947160  vector graphics editor  1  nobody
 2130   1,798  RFP container-diff  930385  Diff your Docker containers  1  nobody
 2131   2,627  RFP libhash-inflator-perl  875782  Access hash entries through methods  1  nobody
 2132   1,968  RFP asciiflowqt  931080  draw and edit any ascii art diagram  1  nobody
 2133   200  RFP karma  925623  A simple tool that allows you to execute JavaScript code in…  1  nobody
 2134   2,119  RFP node-taffydb  921388  JavaScript Database for your browser  1  nobody
 2135   1,470  RFP tmsu  753653  command-line file tagging tooI and tag-based virtual filesy…  1  nobody
 2136   1,535  RFP iceweasel-uxp  923801  Firefox XUL (pre-Quantum) fork from Hyperbola  1  nobody
 2137   2,044  RFP mxisd  910999  Federated Matrix Identity Server  1  nobody
 2138   2,120  RFP scenarist  921203  KIT Scenarist – screenplay editor  1  nobody
 2139   3,771  RFP replicatorg  613210  Simple 3D printing program  1  nobody
 2140   1,181  RFP qml-box2d  921118  The goal of the qml-box2d plugin is to expose the functiona…  1  nobody
 2141   319  RFP mlv-app  923303  Magic Lantern Video processing  1  nobody
 2142   1,429  RFP domoticz  899058  Home automation system  1  nobody
 2143   1,187  RFP loop  909228  "UNIX's missing loop command!"  1  nobody
 2144   1,871  RFP fermat  906162  Computer Algebra System for Polynomial and Matrix Computati…  1  nobody
 2145   2,380  RFP chrono  899149  An Open Source Multi-physics Simulation Engine  1  nobody
 2146   1,646  RFP git-bug  910108  Distributed bug tracker embedded in Git  1  nobody
 2147   2,463  RFP movim-desktop  891462  Desktop app for the Movim social network  1  nobody
 2148   2,503  RFP textadept  887416  fast, minimalist, extensible, cross-platform text editor  1  nobody
 2149   647  RFP opendcp  655338  Open Digital Cinema Package software  1  nobody
 2150   2,316  RFP docklight  850429  dock launcher for GNOME 3 desktops  1  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!