Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1951   47  RFP libfm-qt5  1084514  Build tools for the LXQt desktop environment (QT5-based)  1  nobody
 1952   233  RFP deepin-metacity  872064  Default 2D window manager for DDE (deepin desktop environme…  1  nobody
 1953   2,922  RFP stream2chromecast  845431  A Chromecast media streamer for Linux  1  nobody
 1954   3,113  RFP cyberduck  758066  Libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3 & OpenStack Swift browser  1  nobody
 1955   1,828  RFP darkhttpd  775096  A small and secure static webserver  1  nobody
 1956   2,359  RFP vbam  541157  Gameboy Advance emulator  1  nobody
 1957   3,254  RFP lightmdeditor  769317  An editor for markdown files  1  nobody
 1958   2,475  RFP waf  843325  Tool for configuring, building, and installing projects  1  nobody
 1959   3,774  RFP screencloud  755406  easy to use screenshot tool  1  nobody
 1960   2,698  RFP resetmsmice  867096  fix vertical scroll wheel issues with certain Microsoft wir…  1  nobody
 1961   2,186  RFP ruby-em-proxy  865352  EventMachine Proxy DSL for writing  1  nobody
 1962   647  RFP beaver  728999  lightweight log shipper to logstash  1  nobody
 1963   2,186  RFP ruby-network-interface  865440  Cross platform gem to help get network interface information  1  nobody
 1964   3,254  RFP github-backup-utils  766586  Backup and recovery utilities for GitHub Enterprise  1  nobody
 1965   3,773  RFP mp3cat  696690  reads, writes, splits and combines MP3 files  1  nobody
 1966   3,025  RFP egd  592295  Entropy Gathering Daemon  1  nobody
 1967   1,598  RFP qsyncthingtray  833879  Qt frontend and tray icon for syncthing  1  nobody
 1968   44  RFP libalt-crypt-rsa-bigint-perl  1084858  Alt::Crypt::RSA::BigInt pure perl implementation of RSA asy…  1  nobody
 1969   2,849  RFP wavegain  690738  replaygain for WAV files  1  nobody
 1970   3,025  RFP folly  734188  library of C++11 components designed with practicality and …  1  nobody
 1971   2,384  RFP libnfc-nci  854606  NFC stack for NCI based NFC Controllers by NXP  1  nobody
 1972   442  RFP ultrastardx  487216  A singing competition game  1  nobody
 1973   2,801  RFP keepass2-plugin-application-indicator  734906  Provides an application indicator tray icon for KeePass.  1  nobody
 1974   1,652  RFP basenji  838224  A cross-platform media indexing/search tool  1  nobody
 1975   2,863  RFP ndt  728809  A network diagnostic tool.  1  nobody
 1976   2,572  RFP rpyutils  833534  Flash and communicate with an RP6 robot  1  nobody
 1977   3,254  RFP thinkpad-scripts  731035  Rotation scripts for ThinkPad  1  nobody
 1978   70  RFA rust-enum-to-u8-slice-derive  1081720  convert enum to u8 slice ref  1  nobody
 1979   417  RFP elpa-gdscript-mode  1053384  Emacs mode for editing GDScript program code  1  nobody
 1980   3,254  RFP python-lda  769288  Topic modeling with latent Dirichlet allocation  1  nobody
 1981   1,678  RFP gx  850862  A package management tool  1  nobody
 1982   3,052  RFP pology  831441  in-depth processing of PO files  1  nobody
 1983   2,767  RFP goldbug  728669  secure fully decentralized instant messaging, chat and emai…  1  nobody
 1984   3,254  RFP libgit-cpan-patch-perl  733922  Git commands for CPAN distributions  1  nobody
 1985   132  RFP pingpath  1076330  ping wrapper to display path, stats, graphs, and 3d plots  1  nobody
 1986   3,024  RFP libalien-ffi-perl  778547  Perl interface to libffi  1  nobody
 1987   2,907  RFP zuki-themes  834278  Zuki themes for GNOME, Xfce, and more  1  nobody
 1988   3,254  RFP libbackpan-index-perl  734201  Perl interface to the BackPAN index  1  nobody
 1989   1,903  RFP umtskeeper  831893  keep your UMTS/GPRS/GSM connection alive automatically  1  nobody
 1990   2,857  RFP spro  664803  Speech signal processing toolkit for feature extraction  1  nobody
 1991   3,152  RFP pdftable  820171  extract tables from PDF files  1  nobody
 1992   2,531  RFP qubes-gui-agent  837906  Qubes GUI Agent for VMs  1  nobody
 1993   2,531  RFP qubes-gui-common  837908  Common files for Qubes GUI - protocol headers  1  nobody
 1994   3,254  RFP yle-dl  746645  downloader of media files from YLE  1  nobody
 1995   3,020  RFP pkg-create-dbgsym  749094  automatically build debug symbol ddeb packages  1  nobody
 1996   2,411  RFP how2  817175  stackoverflow from the terminal  1  nobody
 1997   2,541  RFP racktables  629531  Datacenter asset management system  1  nobody
 1998   2,715  RFP kawa  818130  general-purpose programming language of the lisp family, th…  1  nobody
 1999   2,817  RFP sigrok-firmware  669074  firmware files for various logic analyzers  1  nobody
 2000   2,500  RFP pulledpork  846235  Suricata & Snort Rule Management  1  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!