Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4701   2,621  RFP odt2braille  630156  Export and emboss Braille documents using Libreoffice  0  nobody
 4702   5  RFP bbcp  1069342  Parallel SSH transfer  0  nobody
 4703   2,810  RFP pytomtom  598629  TomTom GPS manager  0  nobody
 4704   442  RFP speed-dreams  599884  Open source motorsport simulation  0  nobody
 4705   3,101  RFP tellduscenter  618493  Graphical program to control NEXA and other RF remote recei…  0  nobody
 4706   2,645  RFP trac-ldapplugin  618371  LDAP support with group management in Trac  0  nobody
 4707   3,312  RFP kpassgen  610911  password generator written in Qt  0  nobody
 4708   1,013  RFP joyce  624251  Amstrad PCW Emulator  0  nobody
 4709   2,962  RFP worldvista-ehr  541245  WorldVistA EHR is a repackage and extended version of VistA…  0  nobody
 4710   2,601  RFP dypgen  586758  a GLR parser and lexer generator for OCaml  0  nobody
 4711   2,257  RFP linknx  549043  KNX automation platform  0  nobody
 4712   850  RFP lmfit  573584  Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization and curve fi…  0  nobody
 4713   946  RFP tamperdata  585594  Iceweasel/Firefox extension for tracking and modifying HTTP…  0  nobody
 4714   3,521  RFP flex-sdk  592007  Framework for building and maintaining expressive web appli…  0  nobody
 4715   897  RFP clewn  517912  gdb support for the vim editor: breakpoints, watch  0  nobody
 4716   12  RFP xserver-xorg-video-psb  533450  Xorg Graphics driver for Intel Poulsbo chipset (GMA 500)  0  nobody
 4717   3,107  RFP weaveserver  537499  Secure data sharing server for firefox/iceweasel  0  nobody
 4718   3,041  RFP fsmap  576881  Graphical description in a concept map of the free software…  0  nobody
 4719   2,812  RFP overbiteff  589060  Add-on for Iceweasel/Firefox that provides improved gopher …  0  nobody
 4720   2,292  RFP billiards  539078  Billiards is a free cue sports simulator  0  nobody
 4721   2,629  RFP openvibe  580247  software platform for BCI  0  nobody
 4722   946  RFP jidanni  576184  a natural intelligence to find many bugs  0  nobody
 4723   2,985  RFP ljcrop  521315  graphical tool for lossless JPEG cropping  0  nobody
 4724   2,727  RFP pyopenfst  579401  Python bindings for the OpenFst library  0  nobody
 4725   2,280  RFP maven-release  573393  Maven Release Plugin  0  nobody
 4726   3,237  RFP aspell-lang  536075  dictionary creation tools for aspell  0  nobody
 4727   2,147  RFP vbam  541157  Gameboy Advance emulator  0  nobody
 4728   2,666  RFP affiliatefox-fsfe  577693  iceweasel plugin for fsfe  0  nobody
 4729   2,774  RFP klee  576142  symbolic virtual machine built on top of LLVM  0  nobody
 4730   3,368  RFP pyneod  534160  pyneo mobile stack: daemon suite  0  nobody
 4731   2,644  RFP peerguardian  578192  IP blocking software  0  nobody
 4732   3,078  RFP jarifa  557757  System for grid computing on organizational resources, usin…  0  nobody
 4733   1,247  RFP levmar  546202  Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares  0  nobody
 4734   2,617  RFP scmbug  528110  Integration of Software Configuration  0  nobody
 4735   2,813  RFP makeup  537587  The anti-ageing build system  0  nobody
 4736   3,368  RFP python-pyneo  534162  pyneo mobile stack: basis libraries  0  nobody
 4737   2,765  RFP bt747  533589  GPS data logger software, allows download, convert, and con…  0  nobody
 4738   2,563  RFP selenium-ide  552099  Firefox add-on to record and playback  0  nobody
 4739   2,622  RFP mapcatcher  589254  offline map viewer  0  nobody
 4740   2,811  RFP statusnet-client-desktop  589456  Titanium-based desktop client for connecting to StatusNet  0  nobody
 4741   2,524  RFP mumps-metis  586110  Mumps library with METIS support  0  nobody
 4742   2,732  RFP historyblock  569958  browser extension for hist. control  0  nobody
 4743   59  RFP retdec  886718  retargetable machine-code decompiler  0  nobody
 4744   2,298  RFP commitizen  886697  Git command that helps format commit messages correctly  0  nobody
 4745   1,902  RFP node-sass-graph  885460  generate dependency graphs from Sass files  0  nobody
 4746   1,902  RFP node-pause-stream  885788  a Node.JS stream that can be paused into buffering mode  0  nobody
 4747   588  RFP node-gulp-match  884960  Gulp extension for checking file conditions  0  nobody
 4748   455  RFP electrum-ltc  884299  Lightweight Litecoin client  0  nobody
 4749   2,321  RFP cucumber.js  884568  test runner from Gherkin feature descriptions  0  nobody
 4750   2,336  RFP systemd-coredump-python  883255  Log Python exceptions in the journal via systemd-coredump  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!