Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4601   1,783  RFP nosh  910926  an RC, init, process manager system  0  nobody
 4602   2,110  RFP hunspell-tlh  911173  Klingon dictionary for Hunspell and Nuspell  0  nobody
 4603   2,079  RFP golang-gopkg-clog.v1-dev  911803  channel-based logging package for Go  0  nobody
 4604   2,133  RFP chromium-breakpad  909458  NSA/Microsoft GitHub clone of the breakpad used by NSA/Alph…  0  nobody
 4605   2,123  RFP libjs-getusermedia  910189  cross-browser getUserMedia shim with a node.js style error-…  0  nobody
 4606   660  RFP node-husky  910393  Git hooks made easy  0  nobody
 4607   2,126  RFP osem  909934  event management tool tailored to Free and Open Source Soft…  0  nobody
 4608   1,327  RFP gym  916514  A toolkit for developing and comparing  0  nobody
 4609   1,991  RFP node-gulp-concat-css  915486  node tool for concatenating css files  0  nobody
 4610   1,026  RFP ultimate-facebook-scraper  915373  A bot which scrapes almost everything about a facebook user…  0  nobody
 4611   2,061  RFP grab-site  915372  The archivist's web crawler: WARC output, dashboard for all…  0  nobody
 4612   527  RFP chromium-embedded-framework  915400  embeddable web browser library  0  nobody
 4613   2,056  RFP node-gulp-notify  916094  send messages based on Vinyl Files or Errors using node-not…  0  nobody
 4614   928  RFP chibitracker  916337  music tracker  0  nobody
 4615   2,036  RFP rubygems-roda  917774  routing tree web toolkit for Ruby  0  nobody
 4616   2,061  RFP shellshare  914923  Live terminal broadcast (client/server)  0  nobody
 4617   1,568  RFP domoticz-plugin-zigate  916972  Domoticz plugin for the Zigbee transceiver  0  nobody
 4618   787  RFP measurement-kit  918150  implements open network measurements for performance or cen…  0  nobody
 4619   2,078  RFP golang-notabug-makenotabuggreatagain-…  913988  API for gogs  0  nobody
 4620   2,036  RFP xrandr-invert-colors  917775  xrandr-invert-colors  0  nobody
 4621   2,067  RFP mermaid.cli  914889  Command line interface for mermaid - generation of diagram …  0  nobody
 4622   2,049  RFP node-gulp-replace  916667  A string replace plugin for gulp  0  nobody
 4623   1,973  RFP node-gulp-print  916097  gulp plugin that prints names of files  0  nobody
 4624   997  RFP talisman  914647  Checks outgoing git changeset for suspicious things  0  nobody
 4625   2,001  RFP llpc  916555  LLVM-Based Pipeline Compiler  0  nobody
 4626   2,054  RFP node-octokit-rest  916196  NSA/Microsoft GitHub REST API client for JavaScript  0  nobody
 4627   2,060  RFP node-vinyl-source-stream  915647  Bridge that makes it simple to use conventional text stream  0  nobody
 4628   1,776  RFP golang-github-influxdata-platform  914756  InfluxDB 2.0: The community version of the InfluxData Platf…  0  nobody
 4629   2,067  RFP snscrape  914908  A social networking service scraper in Python  0  nobody
 4630   2,062  RFP node-gulp-dedupe  915490  Check for duplicates in the stream and filter them  0  nobody
 4631   671  RFP backdrop  914257  A full-featured content management system  0  nobody
 4632   1,813  RFP gallium-nine-standalone  916214  A standalone version of Gallium Nine  0  nobody
 4633   2,061  RFP node-gulp-help  915498  Check for duplicates in the stream and filter them or throw…  0  nobody
 4634   2,080  RFP golang-github-makenotabuggreatagain-c…  913833  an open source project for commonly used functions for the …  0  nobody
 4635   527  RFP fonts-ambrosia  918821  An old Art Nouveau font  0  nobody
 4636   2,005  RFP node-gulp-watch  916664  File watcher that uses super-fast chokidar and emits vinyl …  0  nobody
 4637   1,776  RFP golang-github-tylerb-graceful  914214  graceful shutdown of an http.Handler server  0  nobody
 4638   2,061  RFP loncapa  915412  federated online course platform  0  nobody
 4639   2,044  RFP node-gulp-rtlcss  917033  Gulp plugin that uses RTL CSS to convert LTR CSS to RTL  0  nobody
 4640   2,062  RFP node-gulp-copy  915489  Copy source files to new destination  0  nobody
 4641   2,001  RFP amdpal  916554  Platform Abstraction Library  0  nobody
 4642   754  RFP seesaw  916391  An asynchronous toolkit for distributed web processing  0  nobody
 4643   1,757  RFP node-semantic-ui  915062  UI component framework based around useful principles from …  0  nobody
 4644   1,991  RFP node-gulp-debug  915067  Debug Vinyl file streams to see what files are run through …  0  nobody
 4645   1,783  RFP xgl  916553  translates Vulkan API commands into PAL commands  0  nobody
 4646   1,776  RFP golang-github-nats-io-nats-streaming-…  914290  NATS Streaming System Server  0  nobody
 4647   2,059  RFP node-better-console  915814  drop-in replacement for node's default console  0  nobody
 4648   648  RFP python-srht-git  921485 git services  0  nobody
 4649   424  RFP golang-github-cjbassi-drawille-go  921285  Pixel graphics in terminal with unicode braille characters …  0  nobody
 4650   1,999  RFP node-xo  920871  JavaScript happiness style linter  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!