Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4601   222  RFP node-has-symbols  911124  Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support  0  nobody
 4602   1,996  RFP golang-notabug-themusicgod1-cookiejar  910958  A contestant's algorithm toolbox  0  nobody
 4603   425  RFP petardfs  909072  FUSE filesystem for injecting intentional errors (e.g. for …  0  nobody
 4604   2,009  RFP node-faucet  911129  human-readable TAP summarizer  0  nobody
 4605   1,857  RFP node-is-generator  910949  Check whether a given value is a generator function  0  nobody
 4606   2,021  RFP libjs-getscreenmedia  910191  browser module for attempting to get access to a MediaStrea…  0  nobody
 4607   1,850  RFP node-beefy  910824  a local development server designed to work with browserify  0  nobody
 4608   2,025  RFP node-googleapis  909931  client library for accessing Google APIs  0  nobody
 4609   2,037  RFP dsocks  909083  SOCKS client wrapper for *BSD / MacOS X  0  nobody
 4610   2,019  RFP golang-github-openconfig-gnmi  910385  gRPC Network Management Interface  0  nobody
 4611   2,018  RFP faircoin  910109  a digital currency that is powered by a cooperative grassro…  0  nobody
 4612   1,982  RFP i3-py  913543  tools for i3 users and developers  0  nobody
 4613   1,979  RFP libassimp  913738  libassimp -- Open Asset Import Library is a portable Open S…  0  nobody
 4614   1,925  RFP webext-ghosttext  910289  Use your text editor to write in your browser  0  nobody
 4615   2,032  RFP node-sqlstring  909405  Simple SQL escape and format for MySQL  0  nobody
 4616   1,903  RFP node-pretty-quick  910828  Runs Prettier on your changed files  0  nobody
 4617   2,014  RFP cado-nfs  910774  implementation of the Number Field Sieve algorithm  0  nobody
 4618   2,011  RFP libjs-epub.js  910933  JavaScript library for rendering ePub documents in the brow…  0  nobody
 4619   1,333  RFP ring-kde  908885  Qt based client for the Ring daemon.  0  nobody
 4620   2,033  RFP crux-el  909337  A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions for Emacs  0  nobody
 4621   2,039  RFP node-eslint-restricted-globals  908895  A list of confusing globals that should be restricted to be…  0  nobody
 4622   1,947  RFP rtl-entropy  909029  Entropy generator using SDR peripherals, including rtl-sdr …  0  nobody
 4623   1,993  RFP golang-notabug-makenotabuggreatagain-…  911895  A barcode creation lib for golang  0  nobody
 4624   1,985  RFP elpa-evil-numbers  913245  increment and decrement numerical literals  0  nobody
 4625   1,156  RFP golang-notabug-hp-gogs  911419  A painless, self-hosted git service  0  nobody
 4626   1,392  RFP helm-kubernetes  910799  Kubernetes Package Manager  0  nobody
 4627   1,781  RFP node-ecstatic  910614  A nodejs simple static file server  0  nobody
 4628   2,008  RFP wklingon  911172  Klingon dictionary words for /usr/share/dict  0  nobody
 4629   1,339  RFP ryzomcore  909798  science-fantasy MMORPG engine  0  nobody
 4630   2,031  RFP crashpad  909459  a crash-reporting system  0  nobody
 4631   1,959  RFP golang-notabug-makenotabuggreatagain-…  912065  Package git-module is a Go module for Git access through sh…  0  nobody
 4632   2,008  RFP node-cross-env  911192  Cross platform setting of environment scripts  0  nobody
 4633   2,025  RFP node-httpolyglot  909930  serve http and https over the same port  0  nobody
 4634   2,026  RFP gtk-ppp  909556  GTK front-end to wvDial  0  nobody
 4635   2,037  RFP charybdefs  909069  fuse based fault injection filesystem with a Thrift RPC int…  0  nobody
 4636   1,846  RFP node-co-mocha  910602  Enable support for generators in Mocha tests  0  nobody
 4637   1,682  RFP nosh  910926  an RC, init, process manager system  0  nobody
 4638   2,008  RFP hunspell-tlh  911173  Klingon dictionary for Hunspell and Nuspell  0  nobody
 4639   1,977  RFP golang-gopkg-clog.v1-dev  911803  channel-based logging package for Go  0  nobody
 4640   2,031  RFP chromium-breakpad  909458  NSA/Microsoft GitHub clone of the breakpad used by NSA/Alph…  0  nobody
 4641   2,021  RFP libjs-getusermedia  910189  cross-browser getUserMedia shim with a node.js style error-…  0  nobody
 4642   558  RFP node-husky  910393  Git hooks made easy  0  nobody
 4643   2,024  RFP osem  909934  event management tool tailored to Free and Open Source Soft…  0  nobody
 4644   1,225  RFP gym  916514  A toolkit for developing and comparing  0  nobody
 4645   1,889  RFP node-gulp-concat-css  915486  node tool for concatenating css files  0  nobody
 4646   924  RFP ultimate-facebook-scraper  915373  A bot which scrapes almost everything about a facebook user…  0  nobody
 4647   1,959  RFP grab-site  915372  The archivist's web crawler: WARC output, dashboard for all…  0  nobody
 4648   425  RFP chromium-embedded-framework  915400  embeddable web browser library  0  nobody
 4649   1,954  RFP node-gulp-notify  916094  send messages based on Vinyl Files or Errors using node-not…  0  nobody
 4650   826  RFP chibitracker  916337  music tracker  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!