Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4501   2,219  RFP cinnamon-applet-gpaste-reloaded  894274  GPaste support for Cinnamon  0  nobody
 4502   539  RFP pleroma  895050  an ostatus/activitypub-compatible microblogging server  0  nobody
 4503   2,226  RFP pubs  893671  command line bibliography management tool  0  nobody
 4504   2,234  RFP libjs-strophe.vcard  892777  strophe.js plugin which implements XEP-0054 VCard-temp  0  nobody
 4505   2,226  RFP node-array-includes  893654  Array.prototype.includes shim/polyfill/replacement  0  nobody
 4506   623  RFP siji  894413  iconic bitmap font to use on status bars  0  nobody
 4507   653  RFP gcc-riscv32-none  896063  GCC cross compiler for 32-bit RISC-V processors  0  nobody
 4508   919  RFP pew  891487  python env wrapper  0  nobody
 4509   2,234  RFP libjs-awesomplete-avoid-xss  892813  widget for auto-completion  0  nobody
 4510   2,234  RFP libjs-wait-until-promise  892838  test utility to simplify waiting for a condition  0  nobody
 4511   2,066  RFP node-is-in-subnet  898558  Node.js library to check if an IP is in a subnet  0  nobody
 4512   2,171  RFP webext-jsonview  898681  web extension that helps you view JSON documents in the bro…  0  nobody
 4513   2,072  RFP scrapbookq  898545  Firefox extension to save and manage Web pages  0  nobody
 4514   2,158  RFP gismo  900278  Geometry plus Simulation modules  0  nobody
 4515   2,165  RFP crelay  899257  Controlling different relay cards for home automation with …  0  nobody
 4516   2,156  RFP xamarin-android  900406  Provides open-source bindings of the Android SDK for use wi…  0  nobody
 4517   2,165  RFP  899237  Error-recovering streaming HTML5 and XML parsers  0  nobody
 4518   694  RFP octave-scicosim  898967  exchanges variables between Octave and Scilab workspaces  0  nobody
 4519   2,112  RFP python-fibra  898736  Fibra provides advanced cooperative concurrency using Pytho…  0  nobody
 4520   239  RFP pijul  896641  Distributed version control system based on a sound theory …  0  nobody
 4521   2,173  RFP open-broadcast-encoder  898569  Video stream transcoder  0  nobody
 4522   2,190  RFP node-memoizee  896955  Complete memoize/cache solution for JavaScript  0  nobody
 4523   239  RFP wemux  897190  multi-user Tmux made easy  0  nobody
 4524   239  RFP sudo-pair  900348  Plugin for sudo that requires another human to approve and …  0  nobody
 4525   331  RFP vscode  898259  Microsoft Visual Studio Code  0  nobody
 4526   1,850  RFP cagou  897232  Desktop frontend for Salut à Toi XMPP client  0  nobody
 4527   345  RFP dns-over-https  896807  Client and server software to query DNS over HTTPS  0  nobody
 4528   2,180  RFP python-flask-assets  898028  Flask webassets integration.  0  nobody
 4529   2,164  RFP e-foto  899283  Educational Digital Photogrammetry Workstation  0  nobody
 4530   1,955  RFP disperse  898834  Automatic feature identification in 2D and 3D  0  nobody
 4531   2,039  RFP node-compressjs  896846  fast pure-JavaScript compression/decompression algorithms  0  nobody
 4532   2,149  RFP meteor-promise  900860  ES6 Promise polyfill with Fiber support  0  nobody
 4533   2,120  RFP firefox-syncserver  900867  Firefox Sync storage and token server  0  nobody
 4534   2,157  RFP django-campaign  900362  Newsletter management for the Django webframework  0  nobody
 4535   239  RFP foundationdb  898071  distributed, transactional, key-value store  0  nobody
 4536   2,177  RFP octotree  898241  browser sidebar listing files in remote VCS repository serv…  0  nobody
 4537   909  RFP node-fibers  901086  Fiber/coroutine support for v8 and node  0  nobody
 4538   2,114  O safelease  903570  Locking utility for Vdsm  0  nobody
 4539   1,361  RFP elpa-rfcview  903703  rfcview  0  nobody
 4540   2,117  RFP updatescanner  903229  Firefox addon to monitors web pages for updates.  0  nobody
 4541   2,114  RFP libjs-jquery-imgcheckbox  903584  jQuery plugin that makes img tags checkable  0  nobody
 4542   2,129  RFP jackson-modules-base  901354  JAVA XML libraries  0  nobody
 4543   2,139  RFP machinekit  901690  Machinekit is a platform for machine control applications.  0  nobody
 4544   904  RFP tile-tabs-we  903230  firefox plugin to arrange tabs in tiled views  0  nobody
 4545   2,117  RFP tosdr  903231  Get information instantly about websites' terms of service …  0  nobody
 4546   2,125  RFP chromium-doc  902395  documentation of command line switches  0  nobody
 4547   1,705  RFP heketi  903384  RESTful based volume management framework for GlusterFS  0  nobody
 4548   2,144  RFP django-rest-framework-httpsignature  901350  HTTP Signature support for Django REST framework  0  nobody
 4549   1,690  RFP elpa-xrdb-mode  902749  xrdb from elpa  0  nobody
 4550   2,059  RFP elpa-home-end  903282  emacs functions home-end-end and home-end  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!