Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4651   2,107  RFP node-gulp-spawn-mocha  922716  a plugin for gulp which runs Mocha tests in a separate proc…  0  nobody
 4652   2,153  RFP node-eslump  922941  Fuzz testing JavaScript parsers and suchlike programs.  0  nobody
 4653   1,955  RFP lufi  923237  Let's Upload that FIle — File sharing software  0  nobody
 4654   737  RFP social-app-webpy  922292 component of the python-social-auth ecosystem  0  nobody
 4655   456  RFP node-karma-firefox-launcher  922419  A Karma plugin. Launcher for Firefox/Chrome  0  nobody
 4656   737  RFP social-examples  922294  collection of examples implementations of the python-social…  0  nobody
 4657   1,601  RFP magiclantern  923766  Canon EOS camera deluxe features by firmware add on  0  nobody
 4658   539  RFP isce2  923140  Interferometric SAR Scientific Computing Environment  0  nobody
 4659   1,700  RFP node-rifraf  925181  A simple requestAnimationFrame wrapper/polyfill with added …  0  nobody
 4660   2,125  O libica  924370  hardware cryptography support for IBM System z hardware  0  nobody
 4661   2,124  RFP node-watchify  925366  watch mode for browserify builds  0  nobody
 4662   2,142  RFP node-runas  923767  Run command synchronously  0  nobody
 4663   2,117  RFP node-underscore-deep-extend  924951  A deepExtend implementation for underscore, lodash and frie…  0  nobody
 4664   596  RFP dt  922628  DNS tool - display information about your domain  0  nobody
 4665   1,785  RFP transporter  922811  GUI magic-wormhole client that makes file transfer between …  0  nobody
 4666   2,130  RFP webext-uppity  924766  toolbar button to "go up" on the web  0  nobody
 4667   2,168  RFP python-srht-meta  921604 core account services  0  nobody
 4668   2,168  RFP node-gulp-prompt  921659  For gulp to utilize the Inquirer.js prompt Library  0  nobody
 4669   1,430  RFP node-eslint-plugin-react  923630  React specific linting rules for ESLint  0  nobody
 4670   2,116  RFP node-evacuated-pathwatcher  926142  path watcher nodejs module  0  nobody
 4671   926  RFP qsmtp  929339  drop-in replacement for qmail SMTP programs  0  nobody
 4672   2,116  RFP security-checker  926105  A security checker for your composer.lock  0  nobody
 4673   1,849  RFP habdec  926391  RTTY Decoder for SDR and HAB  0  nobody
 4674   2,053  RFP geomyidae  929883  gopher server for Linux/BSD  0  nobody
 4675   820  RFP python-txjsonrpc  926034  code for creating Twisted JSON-RPC servers and clients  0  nobody
 4676   2,106  RFP evacuated-property-accessors  926759  A mixin for declaring property accessors  0  nobody
 4677   2,089  RFP liclipse  928063  Lightweight editors, theming and usability improvements for…  0  nobody
 4678   2,118  RFP node-evacuated-wide-align  925949  Wide-character aware text alignment function  0  nobody
 4679   2,105  RFP btrfs-profilers  926893  btrfs-profilers is a collection of BCC based btrfs performa…  0  nobody
 4680   254  RFP webext-plasma-integration  926618  provides integration of web browsers with the Plasma desktop  0  nobody
 4681   2,112  RFP hg-evolve  926398  Mutable history for mercurial  0  nobody
 4682   926  RFP recordclass  927198  Python library for creating record-like classes  0  nobody
 4683   2,106  RFP node-evacuated-eol  926754  end of line api  0  nobody
 4684   2,108  RFP node-evacuated-elsint-config-prettier  926679  Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict …  0  nobody
 4685   2,105  RFP node-evacuated-functional-red-black-t…  926899  A purely functional red-black tree data structure (in javas…  0  nobody
 4686   2,112  RFP node-evacuated-chai-string  926340  Strings comparison matchers for chai  0  nobody
 4687   699  RFP node-evacuated-ethereum-client-binari…  928697  verifies/downloads ethereum client binaries  0  nobody
 4688   2,107  RFP golang-salsa-themusicgod1-guest-go-du…  926745  Duktape JavaScript engine bindings for Go  0  nobody
 4689   2,055  RFP node-evacuated-aok  929817  Extensible JavaScript test suite  0  nobody
 4690   2,078  RFP openocl  928670  Open Optimal Control Library  0  nobody
 4691   2,078  RFP golang-github-erroneousboat-slack-term  928669  Slack client for your terminal  0  nobody
 4692   2,073  RFP drush-launcher  928945  A small wrapper around Drush for your global $PATH  0  nobody
 4693   2,104  RFP node-evacuated-prettier-eslint-cli  926910  CLI for prettier-eslint  0  nobody
 4694   2,054  RFP node-evacuated-eslint-plugin-eslint-p…  929858  An ESLint plugin for linting ESLint plugins  0  nobody
 4695   2,116  RFP phpstan  926104  PHP Static Analysis Tool  0  nobody
 4696   1,923  RFP rtlsdr-airband  926921  RTLSDR AM demodulator, support multiple channels per dongle  0  nobody
 4697   1,090  RFP blingfire  927362  lightning fast Finite State machine and  0  nobody
 4698   1,213  RFP perl6-openssl  928683  OpenSSL bindings for Perl 6  0  nobody
 4699   2,076  RFP node-evacuated-buffered-spawn  928768  Buffered child_process  0  nobody
 4700   2,073  RFP drupal-console-launcher  928946  DrupalConsole global executable aka Launcher  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!