Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1851   101  RFP ccl  609047  Clozure CL  2  nobody
 1852   3,272  RFP freesurfer  628183  analysis and visualization of functional brain imaging data  2  nobody
 1853   3,254  RFP mathopd  742721  Very small, yet very fast HTTP server  2  nobody
 1854   3,254  RFP cursynth  735859  a curses musical synthesizer  2  nobody
 1855   280  RFP whisper.cpp  1064101  automatic speech recognition  2  nobody
 1856   132  RFP cinecred  1076341  Cinecred produces credit sequences for film, TV and animati…  2  nobody
 1857   59  RFP systemd-netlogd  1082733  forward journal messages to remote syslog  2  nobody
 1858   297  RFP clipcat  1062136  Clipcat is a clipboard manager which supports X11 and Wayla…  2  nobody
 1859   259  O modest  1065744  pure C HTML renderer  2  nobody
 1860   647  RFP audiveris  547671  Optical Music Recognition module  2  nobody
 1861   156  RFP docker-compose-v2  1073850  tool for running multi-container applications on Docker  2  nobody
 1862   320  RFP plots  1060245  graph plotting app for GNOME  2  nobody
 1863   255  RFA rust-enum-unitary  1066126  Trait and macro for unitary enums - Rust source code  2  nobody
 1864   255  RFA rust-colorsys  1066123  Module for color conversion and mutation - Rust source code  2  nobody
 1865   2,978  RFP notion-scripts  692167  Contributed scripts for the Notion window manager  2  nobody
 1866   3,254  RFP spot-on  736968  research project using a variety of unique communication pr…  2  nobody
 1867   2,834  RFP julius  506606  speech recognition engine  2  nobody
 1868   2,306  RFP robomongo  812194  Shell-centric cross-platform MongoDB management  2  nobody
 1869   1,985  RFP cr3  715470  Cool Reader 3, an e-book reader  2  nobody
 1870   1,258  RFP peepdf  989813  tool to analyze PDF documents  2  nobody
 1871   2,848  RFP samplicator  803874  sending copies of UDP datagrams to multiple receivers  2  nobody
 1872   412  RFP mps  738839  Poor Man's Spotify - Search and stream music  2  nobody
 1873   3,323  RFP ruby-bond  698744  easy custom autocompletion for arguments, methods and beyond  2  nobody
 1874   3,020  RFP lsleases  776825  list assigned ip from any device in your network  2  nobody
 1875   2,976  RFP googleplaydownloader  774863  A graphical frontend to download APKs from Google Play store  2  nobody
 1876   2,989  RFP open2300  788810  Reads data from a Lacrosse Weather Station  2  nobody
 1877   2,598  RFP privacyidea  800684  Two Factor Authentication system for OTP and other tokens  2  nobody
 1878   3,024  RFP sigmavpn  777658  light-weight VPN providing easy-to-configure and secure VPN…  2  nobody
 1879   2,433  RFP jwm-menu  848417  a menu generator for JWM  2  nobody
 1880   1,039  O lqa  1004030  LAVA QA tool  2  nobody
 1881   3,578  RFP snf-image-creator  777213  OS image creation tool  2  nobody
 1882   3,025  RFP drbdmanage  766341  DRBD distributed resource management utility  2  nobody
 1883   3,254  RFP ip2location  773331  Get IP address information from IP2Location BIN data file  2  nobody
 1884   2,456  RFP ruby-therubyracer  892013  Embed the V8 Javascript Interpreter into Ruby  2  nobody
 1885   3,453  RFP oh-my-zsh  695990  framework for managing your zsh configuration  2  nobody
 1886   2,644  RFP iroffer-dinoex  580686  IRC file distribution bot  2  nobody
 1887   1,499  O rbootd  934433  Remote Boot Daemon  2  nobody
 1888   1,895  RFA golang-github-smira-go-ftp-protocol  940423  None  2  nobody
 1889   1,895  RFA golang-github-influxdata-line-protocol  940370  None  2  nobody
 1890   1,895  RFA golang-github-spaolacci-murmur3  940425  None  2  nobody
 1891   2,484  RFP linrad  772086  Powerful SDR program intended for weak  2  nobody
 1892   3,412  RFP riemann  765398  event stream processor  2  nobody
 1893   2,805  RFP biosdevname  617820  takes a kernel device name as an argument, and returns the …  2  nobody
 1894   2,849  RFP python-sk1libs  760230  Set of python non-GUI extensions for sK1 Project  2  nobody
 1895   1,903  O golang-github-steveyen-gtreap  889202  gtreap is an immutable treap implementation in the Go Langu…  2  nobody
 1896   2,121  O golang-github-siddontang-goredis  889207  Redis client implementation in Go  2  nobody
 1897   2,121  O golang-github-ngaut-go-zookeeper  889218  Native ZooKeeper client for Go  2  nobody
 1898   4,004  RFA facile  731586  functional constraint library implemented in OCaml  2  nobody
 1899   317  RFP ppsspp  697821  portable PSP emulator  2  nobody
 1900   687  RFP fonts-source-serif-pro  750450  set of serif OpenType fonts designed to complement Source S…  2  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!