Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1001   4,567  O stymulator  673964  Curses based player and converter for the YM chiptune format  46  nobody
 1002   383  RFP gcc-xtensa  868895  toolchain for xtensa  46  nobody
 1003   2,072  O libbitmask  925030  support for multi-word bitmask operations  45  nobody
 1004   446  O spectools  1051135  Utilities for using the Wi-Spy USB spectrum analyzer hardwa…  45  nobody
 1005   2,577  RFP burpsuite  832943  platform for security testing of web applications  45  nobody
 1006   458  O zemberek  1050235  Spell checker library for Turkic languages  44  nobody
 1007   3,002  O ptex-base  836478  basic ASCII pTeX library files  44  nobody
 1008   267  O ima-evm-utils  1064994  Linux IMA Extended Verification Module signing tools  44  nobody
 1009   3,113  O libwibble  813208  library of various useful C++ code  44  nobody
 1010   2,642  O achilles  873552  An artificial life and evolution simulator  44  nobody
 1011   881  O spout  1013764  Tiny abstract black and white 2D cave-shooter  43  nobody
 1012   1,388  O hunt  981676  Advanced packet sniffer and connection intrusion  43  nobody
 1013   2,131  O tinyirc  920130  tiny IRC client  43  nobody
 1014   3,047  O python-ofxhome  828736 financial institution lookup REST client  43  nobody
 1015   2,131  O wiggle  920082  apply patches with conflicting changes  43  nobody
 1016   2,464  RFP xed  830598  GTK Text editor for the XApps project  43  nobody
 1017   2,131  O cfourcc  920122  command line tool for changing FourCC in Microsoft RIFF AVI…  43  nobody
 1018   1,623  RFH dh-make-elpa  942642  helper for creating Debian packages from ELPA packages  43  nobody
 1019   421  RFP gcstar  1024613  Desktop application to manage of various types of collectio…  43  nobody
 1020   421  RFP gnome-schedule  825148  GUI for vixie-cron, dcron and at to manage your crontab file  43  nobody
 1021   437  RFH ecere-sdk  1051593  Ecere cross-platform SDK  42  nobody
 1022   2,375  O frame  899330  Touch Frame Library  42  nobody
 1023   3,846  O trueprint  747965  pretty printing of source code  42  nobody
 1024   4,708  O cal3d  653951  Skeletal based 3d character animation library - API documen…  42  nobody
 1025   2,131  O copyright-update  920063  update copyright information in files  42  nobody
 1026   1,147  O lua-lpty  995511  PTY library for the Lua language  42  nobody
 1027   464  O 4g8  1049875  Packet Capture and Interception for Switched Networks  42  nobody
 1028   2,394  O statcvs  897311  CVS Repository statistic analysis tool, written in Java  42  nobody
 1029   2,062  O ftpcopy  907096  FTP clients collection  42  nobody
 1030   1,147  O syncmaildir  995531  mailbox synchronization tools  41  nobody
 1031   437  RFP mintupdate  1038403  Linux Mint update manager  41  nobody
 1032   615  RFP obs-backgroundremoval  1022161  OBS Studio Plugin: Background Removal  41  nobody
 1033   1,786  RFP kali-undercover  947938  Windows 10 like theme for Gnome  41  nobody
 1034   232  RFP keydb  1067413  persistent key-value database with network interface  41  nobody
 1035   253  O python-hpilo  888079  HP iLO XML interface access from Python  41  nobody
 1036   947  O dropwatch  1009898  tool for detecting and diagnosing dropped network packets  40  nobody
 1037   1,578  O mp3roaster  966380  Perl hack for burning audio CDs out of MP3/OGG/FLAC/WAV fil…  40  nobody
 1038   2,258  RFP cid  847632  Scripts to automate and optimize the configuration of a Lin…  40  nobody
 1039   2,489  O guilt  834848  quilt for git; similar to Mercurial queues  40  nobody
 1040   4,587  O mpc123  671206  Command-line Musepack audio player  40  nobody
 1041   3,913  O ffe  740921  Tool for parsing flat and CSV files and converting them to …  40  nobody
 1042   1,147  O lua-svn  995523  Subversion library for the Lua language  40  nobody
 1043   2,075  O libcpuset  925032  header files and docs for libcpuset  39  nobody
 1044   4,634  O xarclock  664099  reversed xclock  39  nobody
 1045   2,131  O pekwm-themes  920112  themes for the pekwm window manager  39  nobody
 1046   4,406  O adplay  691817  console-based OPL2 audio player  39  nobody
 1047   3,002  O cdbackup  836484  CD-R(W) backup utility  39  nobody
 1048   1,315  O apt-venv  987087  apt virtual environment  39  nobody
 1049   1,131  RFP mediawiki-extensions  878147  Extensions for mediawiki like additional authentication plu…  39  nobody
 1050   1,549  RFP qcad  871733  computer-aided design (CAD) application for 2D design and d…  39  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!