Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 901   1,327  RFP tuxedo-keyboard  986560  TUXEDO Computers kernel module drivers for keyboard, keyboa…  61  nobody
 902   2,397  O ruby-maruku  897306  Markdown-superset interpreter written in Ruby  61  nobody
 903   821  O evil-el  981120  extensible vi layer for Emacs  61  nobody
 904   983  O propellor  990802  None  61  nobody
 905   2,064  O fastforward  907091  handles qmail forwarding according to a cdb database  60  nobody
 906   2,694  RFP vobsub2srt  867971  converts vobsub (.idx/.sub) into .srt subtitles  60  nobody
 907   476  O gpsim-doc  1043166  Documentation for gpsim  60  nobody
 908   2,715  O hovercraft  816511  generator for impress.js presentations from reStructuredText  60  nobody
 909   2,702  O osdclock  866940  Clock using the XOSD library  60  nobody
 910   817  RFP cri-dockerd  1010943  a shim for Docker Engine that lets you control Docker via t…  60  nobody
 911   2,566  O coinor-vol  645082  Coin-or linear programming solver  60  nobody
 912   646  RFP ttm  1031507  Tiny task manager for Linux, MacOS and Unix-like systems  59  nobody
 913   181  RFP xfce4-docklike-plugin  1072051  Docklike Taskbar for Xfce  59  nobody
 914   249  RFP incus-ui-canonical  1067132  Incus-UI-Canonical is a browser frontend for Incus (patched…  59  nobody
 915   3,874  O getstream  744999  DVB streaming application  59  nobody
 916   417  O emacs-window-layout  1053455  window layout manager for emacs  59  nobody
 917   1,442  O fmtools  977317  FM radio tuner  59  nobody
 918   50  O signify  738884  Automatic, semi-random ".signature" rotator/generator  59  nobody
 919   559  O fapg  1036132  Fast Audio Playlist Generator  59  nobody
 920   3,681  RFP gccgo-go  765841  Go tool for use with gccgo  59  nobody
 921   162  O gobi-loader  1073257  Firmware loader for Qualcomm Gobi USB chipsets.  58  nobody
 922   2,751  O makepatch  862648  generate/apply patch files with more functionality than pla…  58  nobody
 923   4,303  O ale  700405  synthetic capture engine and renderer  58  nobody
 924   4,537  RFH openvanilla-modules  678401  libraries of openvanilla input method  58  nobody
 925   231  O libjdns  1005647  command-line tool to test functionality  58  nobody
 926   1,937  RFA oasis  934044  Build-system generation for OCaml projects  58  nobody
 927   2,134  O wcd  920080  saves time typing when you want to change directories  57  nobody
 928   3,027  O freewnn  714683  network-extensible  57  nobody
 929   1,342  O git-remote-hg  985817  bidirectional bridge between Git and Mercurial  57  nobody
 930   804  O java2html  741278  Highlight Java and C++ sources for WWW presentation  57  nobody
 931   162  O ceni  947643  Curses interface to /etc/network/interfaces  57  nobody
 932   1,949  RFP gotop  921276  A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gto…  57  nobody
 933   3,268  RFP packetbeat  806484  real-time network packet analyzer and logger  57  nobody
 934   2,033  RFP tarsnap  799214  encrypted snapshotting remote backups  56  nobody
 935   3,578  O e2ps  773952  Convert plain text into PostScript  56  nobody
 936   4,924  O buddy  628923  Binary Decision Diagram library  56  nobody
 937   269  O pdm-pep517  1065095  Yet another PEP 517 backend for PDM projects  56  nobody
 938   2,134  O fspanel  920089  minimalist panel for X  56  nobody
 939   1,027  RFP opl3bankeditor  948487  small editor of the OPL3 FM banks of different formats  56  nobody
 940   3,014  O crafty-books-medium  835318  Medium size opening books for the crafty chess engine  55  nobody
 941   1,801  RFP vcvrack  942211  Virtual Eurorack DAW  55  nobody
 942   2,416  O easygit  856288  git for mere mortals  55  nobody
 943   1,329  O parser  986413  Parser 3, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage)  55  nobody
 944   2,929  O debian-installer-launcher  844611  Debian Installer desktop launcher  54  nobody
 945   3,233  O liwc  768832  Tools for manipulating C source code  54  nobody
 946   1,695  O fbless  915355  terminal fiction book reader  54  nobody
 947   439  RFP pdf2htmlex  1051748  convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format  54  nobody
 948   233  O gtksheet  1068469  Gtk spreadsheet widget  54  nobody
 949   1,490  O toxic  972987  curses Tox based instant messenging client  54  nobody
 950   1,904  RFP php-openid  864808  OpenID library for PHP  54  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!