Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1051   2,075  O libcpuset  925032  header files and docs for libcpuset  39  nobody
 1052   1,558  O tolua++  968537  Tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua - development files  38  nobody
 1053   3,012  O crafty-bitmaps  835317  bitmap images for crafty chess game annotation mode  38  nobody
 1054   159  O cdist  947641  Usable Configuration Management System  38  nobody
 1055   1,651  RFP lantern  828932  A popular Internet censorship circumvention tool  38  nobody
 1056   2,131  O pwget  920062  downloader utility which resembles wget (implemented in Per…  38  nobody
 1057   2,395  O file-kanji  897562  kanji code checker  38  nobody
 1058   2,599  O airport-utils  688537  configuration and management utilities for Apple AirPort ba…  38  nobody
 1059   1,327  O tardy  920110  post-processor for tar command  38  nobody
 1060   1,050  O icecream  1003230  lightweight stream download utility  38  nobody
 1061   2,087  O utfcheck  923916  check validity of UTF-8 in text files  37  nobody
 1062   897  O node-mermaid  1012551  Markdownish syntax for generating flowcharts,  37  nobody
 1063   980  O helm-projectile  904235  None  37  nobody
 1064   977  O key-chord-el  1007866  map pairs of simultaneously pressed keys to commands  37  nobody
 1065   2,101  O binclock  842557  binary clock for console with color support  37  nobody
 1066   5,584  O docbook-website  540561  XML Website DTD and XSL Stylesheets  37  nobody
 1067   318  RFP publii  1037456  Static CMS for privacy-focused, SEO-optimized websites  37  nobody
 1068   78  O aggressive-indent-mode  1080520  Emacs minor mode that reindents code after every change  37  nobody
 1069   1,397  O maildirsync  980959  simple and efficient Maildir synchronisation utility  37  nobody
 1070   416  O libclass-std-storable-perl  1053385  Support for creating serializable "inside-out" classes  37  nobody
 1071   887  O highwayhash  1013208  Fast strong hash functions: SipHash/HighwayHash  37  nobody
 1072   912  RFP subsurface  824520  scuba diving logbook  36  nobody
 1073   1,529  O powerline-taskwarrior  970366  Powerline segment for showing Taskwarrior information  36  nobody
 1074   444  RFP conan  845463  dependency manager for C/C++/golang  36  nobody
 1075   68  RFP mintlocale  1081776  Linux Mint locales and languages configuration tool  36  nobody
 1076   1,396  RFP cudatext  981099  Cross-platform GUI code editor  36  nobody
 1077   899  RFP glpi  1012423  GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software  36  nobody
 1078   2,007  O mailcheck  929539  Check multiple mailboxes/maildirs for mail  36  nobody
 1079   1,397  O wsl  980960  Wsman Shell Command Line "whistle"  36  nobody
 1080   2,793  RFP zcash  842388  an implementation of the "Zerocash" protocol  36  nobody
 1081   2,512  RFP purple-facebook  803473  Plugin for pidgin to support new facebook chat  36  nobody
 1082   898  O emacs-neotree  1012472  directory tree sidebar for Emacs that is like NERDTree for …  35  nobody
 1083   2,978  RFP cutmp3  619703  small and fast command line MP3 editor  35  nobody
 1084   980  O debpaste-el  904242  None  35  nobody
 1085   2,087  O utf8gen  923915  generate well-formed UTF-8 characters  35  nobody
 1086   2,356  O doschk  901281  SYSV and DOS filename conflicts check  35  nobody
 1087   2,825  O mergelog  856295  utility that merges httpd log files by date  35  nobody
 1088   4,656  RFA knews  140577  Graphical threaded news reader  35  nobody
 1089   909  RFP pwnat  930966  allows clients behind NATs to communicate  35  nobody
 1090   5,349  O perl-byacc  576170  The Berkeley LALR parser generator, Perl version  35  nobody
 1091   85  RFP icecat  637348  GNU version of the Firefox browser  35  nobody
 1092   2,911  O clex  846796  command line file manager which uses the ncurses library  35  nobody
 1093   889  O fspy  866825  filesystem activity monitoring tool  35  nobody
 1094   2,502  RFP php-oci8  774765  Extension for Oracle Database  35  nobody
 1095   1,844  RFP emacs-snapshot  429577  The GNU Emacs editor (development snapshot)  34  nobody
 1096   2,464  RFP xviewer  830615  GTK Image viewer program for the XApps project  34  nobody
 1097   2,439  O o3dgc  893593  Open 3D Graphics Compression library  34  nobody
 1098   1,407  RFA restrictedpython  980149  Restricted execution environment for Python 3  34  nobody
 1099   2,275  O c-icap-modules  907669  Antivirus Service for c-icap  34  nobody
 1100   186  RFA sniproxy  1035759  Transparent TLS and HTTP layer 4 proxy with SNI support  34  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!