Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1101   2,345  O topgit  777667  a Git patch queue manager  34  nobody
 1102   2,907  O search-citeseer  847243  BibTeX search tool  34  nobody
 1103   2,463  RFP xidel  826763  Command line tool to download and query HTML/XML/JSON with …  34  nobody
 1104   981  O deft  904239  None  34  nobody
 1105   110  O puppet-mode  1077879  Emacs major mode for Puppet manifests  33  nobody
 1106   4,092  O libbash  673653  a tool that enables bash dynamic-like shared libraries  33  nobody
 1107   435  O libperlmenu-perl  1050476  Insomnia's Basic ToolKit  33  nobody
 1108   1,147  O lua-markdown  995513  Pure Lua 5.1 implementation of the Markdown text-to-html ma…  33  nobody
 1109   2,131  O fsviewer-icons  920061  icons for fsviewer to make it look more like the NeXT FileV…  33  nobody
 1110   2,597  RFP xviewer-plugins  830625  Set of plugins for xviewer.  33  nobody
 1111   2,226  RFA vilistextum  826464  a HTML to text converter  33  nobody
 1112   4,196  O acheck-rules  710152  Basic rules for acheck  33  nobody
 1113   1,244  RFA tetradraw  569076  ANSI drawing and viewing utility  33  nobody
 1114   2,131  O hpanel  920056  minimalist panel for X  33  nobody
 1115   60  RFP signald  980286  A daemon that facilitates communication via Signal Private …  33  nobody
 1116   203  O doodle  1070303  Desktop Search Engine  33  nobody
 1117   3,728  O diffmon  741093  Tool for reporting changes in system configuration  33  nobody
 1118   522  O tudu  1038634  Command line hierarchical ToDo list  33  nobody
 1119   2,972  O enscribe  839652  convert images into sounds  33  nobody
 1120   2,622  RFP plugn  812533  hook system for shell programs  33  nobody
 1121   3,012  O scid-spell-data  835313  contains spelling corrections for scid chess databases  33  nobody
 1122   1,033  O esnacc  1004270  ASN.1 to C or C++ or IDL compiler  33  nobody
 1123   435  O libxml-rss-feed-perl  1050479  Perl module for Persistent XML RSS Encapsulation  32  nobody
 1124   1,117  O python-sshoot  998227  manage multiple sshuttle VPN sessions  32  nobody
 1125   1,173  O simple-tpm-pk11  993777  simple library for using the TPM chip to secure SSH keys  32  nobody
 1126   1,398  O wbox  980949  HTTP testing tool and configuration-less HTTP server  32  nobody
 1127   1,641  O herculesstudio  961608  Hercules GUI front-end  32  nobody
 1128   3,253  RFP gns3-server  766166  GNS3 server to asynchronously manage emulators  32  nobody
 1129   3,139  O efte  632998  Advanced lightweight configurable editor  32  nobody
 1130   796  RFP qrcp  1015802  transfer files by qrcode  32  nobody
 1131   3,022  O wav2cdr  834310  Converts wav files into CD-ROM audio file format  32  nobody
 1132   4,878  O pasmo  634068  An easy to use Z80 cross-assembler  32  nobody
 1133   134  O sphinx-panels  1065029  documentation for the sphinx-panels Python library  32  nobody
 1134   981  O perspective-el  901374  None  32  nobody
 1135   252  O nsync  1013210  C library that exports various synchronization primitives  32  nobody
 1136   907  O libpgf  1012131  Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library  32  nobody
 1137   981  O emacs-openwith  1007863  seamlessly open files in external programs with Emacs  32  nobody
 1138   2,394  O jclassinfo  897296  extracts information from Java class files  31  nobody
 1139   455  O dt-utils  1050494  Device tree and barebox related tools  31  nobody
 1140   662  O xininfo  1030003  small helper program for monitor layouts  31  nobody
 1141   458  O xmotd  1050255  message of the day browser for X  31  nobody
 1142   1,327  RFA python-expiringdict  943747  Python3 caching library  31  nobody
 1143   1,791  O lgrind  947623  A LaTeX pretty printer for various programming languages  31  nobody
 1144   2,026  O libapache2-mod-defensible  928535  module for Apache2 which provides DNSBL usage  31  nobody
 1145   846  O gsutil  928528  configure and manage Grandstream BudgeTone 100 VOIP and GX2…  31  nobody
 1146   981  O paredit-everywhere  904243  None  31  nobody
 1147   2,394  O statsvn  897312  SVN repository statistics  31  nobody
 1148   2,960  O yatm  840875  Command line audio file player with time stretching capabil…  31  nobody
 1149   1,147  O lua-cosmo  995505  Template library for the Lua language  31  nobody
 1150   3,760  RFP ruby-rkerberos  718034  A Ruby interface for Kerberos  31  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!