Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 701   293  RFP naps2  1062070  not another pdf scanner  111  nobody
 702   3,048  O gpsmanshp  831681  Tcl interface to shapelib  111  nobody
 703   3,896  O partimage-doc  610031  documentation for partimage  110  nobody
 704   906  O biabam  1012132  bash attachment mailer  110  nobody
 705   2,663  O efax  871240  programs to send and receive fax messages  109  nobody
 706   1,638  O xscavenger  785658  A lode-runner-like platform game for X  109  nobody
 707   3,321  O docbook-xsl-saxon  802373  Java extensions for use with DocBook XML stylesheets (Saxon)  109  nobody
 708   2,851  O jaula  853209  JSON parser/writer library for C++  109  nobody
 709   2,100  O kcheckers  922893  Checkers boardgame  108  nobody
 710   270  RFP openmodelica  1064630  Modelica-based modeling and simulation environment  108  nobody
 711   1,321  O e3  840049  A very small editor  108  nobody
 712   4,859  O autoclass  636406  automatic classification or clustering  107  nobody
 713   94  O librepfunc  1072194  set of C++ classes and utilities for building multimedia to…  107  nobody
 714   876  O linux-ftpd-ssl  1014047  BSD-derived ftpd with SSL patches  107  nobody
 715   374  O sitecopy  1055868  program for managing a WWW site via FTP, SFTP, DAV or HTTP  107  nobody
 716   1,013  RFP usbimager  1005378  very minimal GUI app that can write compressed disk images …  106  nobody
 717   2,302  RFP mythtv  570611  A personal video recorder application  105  nobody
 718   4,630  O glhack  607323  Fullscreen SDL/OpenGL version of NetHack  105  nobody
 719   1,877  O tstools  941602  set of tools for reporting on and manipulating MPEG data  105  nobody
 720   2,217  O openvpn-auth-radius  912064  OpenVPN RADIUS authentication module  105  nobody
 721   2,571  O faifa  881004  manage HomePlug 1.0/AV devices via ethernet frames  105  nobody
 722   1,901  O libapache2-mod-qos  931973  quality of service module for the apache2  105  nobody
 723   3,433  O visual-regexp  790479  Interactively debug regular expressions  105  nobody
 724   508  O markdown-toc-el  1040073  Emacs TOC (table of contents) generator for markdown files  104  nobody
 725   586  O simulavr  739228  Atmel AVR simulator  104  nobody
 726   109  O irony-mode  1077884  Emacs C/C++ minor mode powered by libclang  104  nobody
 727   3,771  O libapache2-mod-auth-plain  756106  Module for Apache2 which provides plaintext authentication  103  nobody
 728   976  O flx  1007865  sorting algorithm for fuzzy matching in Emacs  103  nobody
 729   353  O lifelines  1057380  text-based genealogy software  103  nobody
 730   1,987  RFP franz  928708  Franz is your messaging app for WhatsApp, Facebook Messenge…  102  nobody
 731   2,747  O ftp-upload  862641  put files with FTP from a script  101  nobody
 732   1,945  O docdiff  918886  Compares two files word by word / char by char  101  nobody
 733   39  O phabricator  1085027  Software engineering platform  101  nobody
 734   2,971  O ncap  839610  network capture tool, library and Python bindings  101  nobody
 735   1,073  O mp3burn  1001678  burn audio CDs directly from MP3, Ogg Vorbis, or FLAC files  101  nobody
 736   2,826  O vbrfix  646384  corrects MP3 files that have incorrect VBR information  100  nobody
 737   749  RFP hypnotix  1023154  IPTV player  100  nobody
 738   463  O xvier  1049878  a "Four in a row" game  100  nobody
 739   3,113  O hashalot  809257  read and hash a passphrase  100  nobody
 740   1,533  RFP stremio  943703  one-stop hub for video content aggregation  100  nobody
 741   1,027  RFP openwebstart  1004515  Run JNLP files with the latest Java version  99  nobody
 742   4,541  O tdfsb  677783  3D filesystem browser  99  nobody
 743   4,863  RFA pxp  636021  OCaml library that implements an XML-1.0 validating parser  99  nobody
 744   48  RFH resvg  1056068  SVG rendering library (command-line utility)  98  nobody
 745   1,146  O lua-wsapi  995524  Web server API abstraction layer for the Lua language  98  nobody
 746   79  RFP lact  1080425  Linux AMDGPU Configuration Tool  97  nobody
 747   1,648  O emacs-jedi  960922  Python auto-completion for Emacs  97  nobody
 748   2,130  O jpegjudge  920074  determine which of two given jpegs (same size) is the origi…  97  nobody
 749   3,340  O dadadodo  800519  Exterminates all rational thought  96  nobody
 750   911  O elk  1011569  scheme interpreter  96  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!