Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 651   297  RFP k9s  1053428  Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!  130  nobody
 652   2,592  O snmptrapfmt  878721  A configurable snmp trap handler daemon for snmpd  130  nobody
 653   1,936  O smb2www  933869  SMB/CIFS network client with a web interface  129  nobody
 654   2,142  O garmin-forerunner-tools  918907  retrieve data from Garmin Forerunner/Edge GPS devices  129  nobody
 655   5,023  O apt-move  547348  Maintain Debian packages in a package  129  nobody
 656   1,579  O ident2  966274  An advanced ident daemon  128  nobody
 657   1,698  O python-svg.path  816512  SVG path objects and parser for Python  128  nobody
 658   2,163  RFP oomox  865621  Graphical application for generating different  127  nobody
 659   158  O dvtm  947627  Tiling window management for the console  127  nobody
 660   169  O xmacro  832150  Record / Play keystrokes and mouse movements in  127  nobody
 661   2,887  RFP weewx  846483  open source software for weather stations  127  nobody
 662   3,113  O cutils  790728  C source code utilities  126  nobody
 663   414  O emacs-calfw  1053453  calendar framework for Emacs  126  nobody
 664   2,846  O epm  854221  Cross-platform package builder by Easy Software Products  125  nobody
 665   71  O ddcci-driver-linux  1076575  DDC/CI driver  125  nobody
 666   422  O easyssh  1052979  Complete, efficient and easy-to-use SSH manager  124  nobody
 667   1,776  RFA approx  948603  caching proxy server for Debian archive files  124  nobody
 668   1,328  O ladvd  986334  LLDP/CDP sender  123  nobody
 669   2,937  O autodia  843364  generates UML diagrams from perl or C++ code  123  nobody
 670   2,396  O ruby-tioga  897309  Ruby library for scientific graphs  123  nobody
 671   1,238  O ploticus  990612  script driven business graphics package  123  nobody
 672   963  O local-apt-repository  1008878  Ready to use local apt repository  123  nobody
 673   267  O nixnote2  1064912  Open Source Evernote client  122  nobody
 674   800  RFP boot-repair  636977  Simple tool to repair boot problems  122  nobody
 675   281  O xsecurelock  1063868  X11 screen lock utility with the primary goal of security  122  nobody
 676   1,396  O renrot  980958  Rename and rotate files according to EXIF tags  121  nobody
 677   1,141  O gdigi  995878  utility to control DigiTech effect pedals  121  nobody
 678   257  RFP bisq  772886  The P2P exchange network  119  nobody
 679   1,192  O mysqltcl  992337  interface to the MySQL database for the Tcl language  119  nobody
 680   2,621  O bandwidthd  876073  Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs  118  nobody
 681   3,938  O giftrans  738293  Convert any GIF file into a GIF89a  118  nobody
 682   428  RFP gpxsee  884253  GPS log file viewer and analyzer that supports GPX, TCX, KM…  117  nobody
 683   1,915  RFA policyd-weight  935388  Perl policy daemon for the Postfix MTA  117  nobody
 684   164  O idesk  694605  Program to show icons on the desktop  117  nobody
 685   3,666  O ticker  768528  configurable text scroller  116  nobody
 686   2,393  O ctioga2  897286  polymorphic plotting program  116  nobody
 687   381  O fbpanel  1055423  lightweight X11 desktop panel  116  nobody
 688   2,004  O mrename  929540  tool for easy and automatic renaming of many files  116  nobody
 689   202  O gnunet-gtk  1070307  peer-to-peer networking (GTK+ client)  116  nobody
 690   888  O purity  564018  Automated purity testing software  115  nobody
 691   3,113  O naspro-bridges  814899  collection of bridges to LV2  115  nobody
 692   2,006  O jpegpixi  929538  Remove hot spots from JPEG images with minimal quality loss  115  nobody
 693   4,699  O gnomint  655257  x509 Certification Authority management tool for GNOME  114  nobody
 694   570  RFP trivy  929458  A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Contai…  113  nobody
 695   187  RFP tsmuxer  761820  mux video to TS/M2TS files or create BD disks  113  nobody
 696   886  O farmhash  1013209  FarmHash, a family of hash functions  112  nobody
 697   85  O opentk  1051044  Open Toolkit wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL and OpenCL  112  nobody
 698   1,146  O lua-doc  995509  Documentation generation library for the Lua language  112  nobody
 699   293  RFP naps2  1062070  not another pdf scanner  111  nobody
 700   3,048  O gpsmanshp  831681  Tcl interface to shapelib  111  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!