Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 751   93  O gkrellm-thinkbat  1079081  ThinkPad laptops battery status indicator for GKrellM  96  nobody
 752   3,340  O dadadodo  800519  Exterminates all rational thought  96  nobody
 753   817  O ucpp  1018231  embeddable, quick and light C preprocessor  95  nobody
 754   258  O qtdbusextended  1065645  Extended DBus interface for Qt  94  nobody
 755   1,403  O dh-linktree  980413  Create symlink trees within a Debian package  94  nobody
 756   1,238  O otp  990615  Generator for One Time Pads or Passwords  93  nobody
 757   1,464  O unmass  975035  Extract game archive files  93  nobody
 758   240  RFP floorp  1067680  powerful Firefox fork with more customization and features  93  nobody
 759   1,464  RFP eduvpn-client  975043  VPN client for educational networks  93  nobody
 760   2,220  RFP k6  858353  A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript  92  nobody
 761   593  RFP wire-desktop  977849  open source secure messenger / collaboration tool  92  nobody
 762   2,550  O pidgin-nateon  882973  Pidgin plugin for NateOn instant messaging service  91  nobody
 763   1,327  O bbe  920055  sed-like editor for binary files  91  nobody
 764   106  RFA colorhug-client  953091  Tools for the Hughski Colorimeter  91  nobody
 765   91  O png23d  1079265  Converts PNG images into three dimensional representations.  90  nobody
 766   4,915  O photopc  629606  Interface to digital still cameras  90  nobody
 767   3,491  RFA xstr  784032  OCaml library for frequent string operations  89  nobody
 768   2,824  O crip  856287  terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool  89  nobody
 769   1,789  O cvm  947695  Credential Validation Modules  89  nobody
 770   131  RFP zed  1076165  High-performance multiplayer code editor  89  nobody
 771   2,967  O apsfilter  840046  Magic print filter with automatic file type recognition  87  nobody
 772   2,565  O delta  770371  heuristic minimizer of interesting files  87  nobody
 773   1,975  O 9base  800518  Plan 9 userland tools  87  nobody
 774   2,103  O jtb  922601  syntax tree builder and visitors generator for JavaCC  86  nobody
 775   2,994  O libowfat  813097  reimplementation of libdjb  86  nobody
 776   2,586  O metapixel  879648  generator for photomosaics  86  nobody
 777   159  RFP deltachat-desktop  1073037  chat client, uses any email server as a backend  86  nobody
 778   289  O pdfkit  1063348  None  85  nobody
 779   963  O pidgin-blinklight  1008879  Blinks your ThinkPad's ThinkLight upon new messages  85  nobody
 780   2,201  O storebackup  856299  fancy compressing managing checksumming deduplicating hard-…  85  nobody
 781   2,130  O procmail-lib  920126  procmail library of plug-in recipes  85  nobody
 782   257  O abr2gbr  1065693  Converts PhotoShop brushes to GIMP  85  nobody
 783   2,819  O obexpushd  856738  program for receiving files via Bluetooth or IRDA  85  nobody
 784   3,021  RFP ffmulticonverter  780041  graphical multi format converter  85  nobody
 785   2,102  O javacc-maven-plugin  922602  maven plugin which uses JavaCC to process JavaCC grammar fi…  84  nobody
 786   877  O bino  1002720  3D video player  84  nobody
 787   415  O goldencheetah  1053391  set of analysis tools for cycling performance  83  nobody
 788   2,907  O tcm  847248  Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling (TCM)  83  nobody
 789   2,026  O sysrqd  928529  small daemon intended to manage Linux SysRq over network  83  nobody
 790   2,958  O lightsquid  840965  Lite and fast log analizer for squid proxy  83  nobody
 791   2,413  O djvubind  895698  simple creation of djvu files  83  nobody
 792   1,459  O hercules  975496  System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator  83  nobody
 793   2,130  O xtitle  920096  set window title and icon name for X terminal  83  nobody
 794   2,827  RFP dvdstyler  635516  DVD authoring and burning tool  83  nobody
 795   2,918  RFP winexe  629100  execute a command on Windows  82  nobody
 796   2,901  O pugl  815336  portable API for OpenGL graphical interfaces  81  nobody
 797   463  O xless  1049880  file browsing tool for the X Window System  81  nobody
 798   2,967  O ncdt  840051  Display directory tree  81  nobody
 799   454  O code2html  1050465  Syntax highlighter  81  nobody
 800   268  O lightyears  1064871  single player real-time strategy game with steampunk sci-fi  81  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!