Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 601   5,496  O shhopt  554256  Command line option parser - runtime  148  nobody
 602   262  O kupfer  1065381  fast and lightweight desktop summoner/launcher  147  nobody
 603   1,534  RFP new-session-manager  965068  Assists music production by grouping standalone programs in…  147  nobody
 604   853  O unhtml  1015847  Remove the markup tags from an HTML file  147  nobody
 605   2,640  O massif-visualizer  873645  Tool for visualizing memory usage recorded by Valgrind Mass…  147  nobody
 606   3,933  O tse3  738902  portable MIDI sequencer engine in C++ - development files  146  nobody
 607   2,904  O vamps  847512  Tool to recompress and modify the structure of a DVD  146  nobody
 608   5,988  O xplc  488007  Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) generator  145  nobody
 609   3,320  O dbtoepub  802360  DocBook XML to .epub converter  145  nobody
 610   645  O libapache2-mod-authz-unixgroup  673654  access control based on unix group membership for Apache  144  nobody
 611   128  O nss-updatedb  1076403  Cache name service directories in DB format  144  nobody
 612   434  O net-telnet-cisco  1050480  Additional functionality to automate Cisco management  144  nobody
 613   2,480  O libgltf  889677  Library for rendering glTF models  143  nobody
 614   1,411  RFP cri-o  979702  Lightweight container runtime for Kubernetes  143  nobody
 615   2,375  O scanbd  899268  Scanner button daemon  143  nobody
 616   5,413  O fortunes-ru  566149  Russian data files for fortune  143  nobody
 617   1,395  O gwhois  981050  generic Whois Client / Server  142  nobody
 618   2,358  RFP bluegriffon  637454  Next Generation WYSIWYG HTML editor based on Gecko  141  nobody
 619   415  O libtest-mock-guard-perl  1053386  Simple mock test library using RAII.  141  nobody
 620   2,944  O yafc  842553  yet another FTP client  141  nobody
 621   2,138  O opticalraytracer  785657  Virtual lens design workshop  140  nobody
 622   792  RFP jpilot  1020381  GUI app to view & edit your old Palm device's data  140  nobody
 623   3,105  O dhelp  824977  Read all documentation with a WWW browser.  140  nobody
 624   1,667  O libbrahe  959120  heterogeneous C library of numeric functions  139  nobody
 625   3,150  RFH pgpool2  772047  connection pool server and replication proxy for PostgreSQL  139  nobody
 626   2,859  O xshisen  852198  Shisen-sho puzzle game for X11  139  nobody
 627   2,326  RFA libjsr311-api-java  903420  JSR 311, JAX-RS, Java API for RESTful Web Services  138  nobody
 628   2,679  O xgammon  869298  Implementation of backgammon under X  138  nobody
 629   1,380  O palabos  944878  CFD solver based on the lattice Boltzmann method  138  nobody
 630   4,442  O tkdesk  688443  Tk/tcl based X11 Desktop/File manager  137  nobody
 631   810  O buzztrax  1019046  Modular music composer  137  nobody
 632   2,562  O makebootfat  881844  Utility to create a bootable FAT filesystem  137  nobody
 633   3,736  O jgraph  759731  Jim Plank's program for producing PostScript graphs  136  nobody
 634   1,596  O powerman  964586  Centralized Power Distribution Unit (PDU) management  135  nobody
 635   418  O lebiniou-data  1053232  datafiles for Le Biniou  135  nobody
 636   2,679  O xfrisk  869300  Server and X11 client for playing risk with humans or AIs  135  nobody
 637   3,931  O w3c-markup-validator  739088  W3C Markup Validator  135  nobody
 638   418  O lebiniou  1053231  user-friendly, powerful music visualization / VJing tool  134  nobody
 639   1,666  O ruli  873550  Library for easily querying DNS SRV records - development f…  134  nobody
 640   1,146  O lua-curl  995507  libcURL bindings for the Lua language  134  nobody
 641   3,411  O xdemorse  554899  GTK+ Morse Code Decoding Software  133  nobody
 642   1,112  O c-icap  907670  ICAP server implementation  133  nobody
 643   783  RFP deadbeef  576975  Ultimate Music Player  132  nobody
 644   1,661  O bwbasic  848568  Bywater BASIC Interpreter  132  nobody
 645   1,606  O omega-rpg  963928  text-based roguelike game  132  nobody
 646   3,432  O latex-mk  790477  tool for managing LaTeX projects  132  nobody
 647   1,075  O xfractint  1001579  UNIX-based fractal generator  131  nobody
 648   918  O distorm3  951161  powerful disassembler library for x86/AMD64 binary streams  131  nobody
 649   2,592  O snmptrapfmt  878721  A configurable snmp trap handler daemon for snmpd  130  nobody
 650   297  RFP k9s  1053428  Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!  130  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!