Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4401   3,325  RFP zotero-dataserver  709925  dataserver for the zotero client  0  nobody
 4402   3,558  RFP require-kernel.js  710057  Reference implementation of a CommonJS module loader for a …  0  nobody
 4403   2,644  RFP python-pygsear  711814  a Pygame Framework with Examples  0  nobody
 4404   3,041  RFP neurosynth  710302  Large-scale synthesis of functional neuroimaging data  0  nobody
 4405   2,646  RFP utmp  709229  simple utility to manage utmp-records for shell and/or term…  0  nobody
 4406   3,558  RFP maple-package  710349  utility for creating Maple Debian packages  0  nobody
 4407   2,185  RFP gmqcc  712125  Improved QuakeC compiler  0  nobody
 4408   3,558  RFP sqlworkbenchj  706068  A free, DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL tool  0  nobody
 4409   3,041  RFP stats  703614  simple filter to gather numbers in repeated text  0  nobody
 4410   3,084  RFP qtweetlib  700028  qtweetlib is a QT library for talking to twitter  0  nobody
 4411   3,041  RFP erbot  706703  A bot that can currently talk to you through InternetRelayC…  0  nobody
 4412   10  RFP python-pdoc  1023927  pdoc auto-generates API documentation that follows your pro…  0  nobody
 4413   3,558  RFP openecard  702028  lightweight eID client, integrates major international stan…  0  nobody
 4414   3,558  RFP calcelestial  706861  calcelestial calculates positions, rise & set times of cele…  0  nobody
 4415   3,558  RFP python-timbl  705129  Python bindings for the Tilburg Memory Based Learner (Timbl)  0  nobody
 4416   10  RFP fail2ban-prometheus-exporter  1064925  collect and export Prometheus metrics on Fail2Ban  0  nobody
 4417   56  RFP turtle  1064941  Turtle provides dialogs for version control operations and …  0  nobody
 4418   56  RFP bpftop  1064957  dynamic real-time view of running eBPF programs  0  nobody
 4419   39  RFP slidge-slidgnal  1066961  feature-rich Signal to XMPP puppeteering gateway  0  nobody
 4420   39  RFP tdlib  1066960  cross-platform library for building Telegram clients  0  nobody
 4421   44  RFP java-digital  1066050  A digital logic designer and circuit simulator  0  nobody
 4422   55  RFP lemonade-gtk  1065103  follow discussions on lemmy  0  nobody
 4423   3,558  RFP modassert  704710  An advanced portable C++ library of over 80 boolean-like ma…  0  nobody
 4424   43  RFP gtk-theme-qogir  1065090  Qogir GTK  0  nobody
 4425   52  RFP niri  1065355  Scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor  0  nobody
 4426   3,558  RFP scilab-financial  700390  Library of financial computations functions based on Scilab  0  nobody
 4427   2,758  RFP cloudfuse  703638  FUSE filesystem for Swift object storage.  0  nobody
 4428   3,558  RFP base91  706078  base91 encoder/decoder  0  nobody
 4429   3,432  RFP valyriatear  700402  open source J-RPG game  0  nobody
 4430   3,557  RFP scim-bridge-el  705978  SCIM client for GNU Emacs  0  nobody
 4431   121  RFP gruvbox-gtk-theme  1059433  GTK+ gruvbox theme  0  nobody
 4432   3,558  RFP pifacedigitalio  704548  control a Pi-Face interface on your Raspberry Pi  0  nobody
 4433   2,615  RFP livewallpaper  698038  completely animated OpenGL wallpaper  0  nobody
 4434   3,558  RFP hakuneko  707051  Manga Downloader based on GTK  0  nobody
 4435   3,558  RFP haskell-process  701661  Process libraries in Haskell  0  nobody
 4436   3,558  RFP libjs-jumflot  704674  plugins for the flot plotting library  0  nobody
 4437   3,558  RFP trac-migrate  704158  migrate a trac environment to another database  0  nobody
 4438   3,558  RFP gerbil  706628  novel interactive visualization and analysis framework for …  0  nobody
 4439   2,869  RFP ice4j  698412  ICE/STUN/TURN Java library used by Jitsi  0  nobody
 4440   2,604  RFP headoverheels  700903  remake of the classical game from the '80s  0  nobody
 4441   2,455  RFP addon-sdk  703949  development environment for Iceweasel add-ons  0  nobody
 4442   100  RFP estonianidcard  702162  Metapackage installing all the packages for Estonian ID car…  0  nobody
 4443   3,558  RFP lacaml  707039  Linear Algebra for OCaml  0  nobody
 4444   2,643  RFP logic-analyzer-rpi  703962  Use your Raspberry Pi as a logic analyzer  0  nobody
 4445   3,558  RFP ibus-bogo  703760  A Vietnamese input engine for IBus.  0  nobody
 4446   2,862  RFP tipcutils  699826  TIPC utilities  0  nobody
 4447   3,237  RFP caldavzap  698769  CalDAV web client with a powerful event/todo editor  0  nobody
 4448   2,767  RFP carddavmate  698767  CardDAV web client  0  nobody
 4449   3,041  RFP hogan.js  704448  compiler for the Mustache templating language  0  nobody
 4450   2,557  RFP fsthost  703115  A linux VST host using winelib, fork of FreeST  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!