Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4351   2,494  RFP python-pyfcm  877037  Python client library for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging (A…  0  nobody
 4352   2,438  RFP ruby-av  882448  Programmable Ruby interface for FFMPEG/Libav  0  nobody
 4353   2,021  RFP node-protoduck  878155  Create new error instances with a code and additional prope…  0  nobody
 4354   1,713  RFP moinmoin-mode  877755  emacs major mode to edit MoinMoin wiki pages  0  nobody
 4355   2,018  RFP ruby-sass-listen  878419  Ruby library listening to file modifications - Sass fork  0  nobody
 4356   2,328  RFP sharelatex  879198  online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor  0  nobody
 4357   1,606  RFP twemoji-mozilla  881475  Twitter Emoji font in  0  nobody
 4358   2,439  RFP ruby-rails-hamlit  882275  Hamlit (haml) generators for Rails 4  0  nobody
 4359   754  RFP setuptools-markdown  882704  Use Markdown for your project description  0  nobody
 4360   1,980  RFP php-emoji  878873  Emoji images from unicode characters and names  0  nobody
 4361   2,440  RFP reactjs-textarea-autosize  882290  textarea component for React which grows with content  0  nobody
 4362   1,980  RFP php-buzz-react  878884  Simple, async PSR-7 HTTP client  0  nobody
 4363   2,402  RFP lz4m  885662  multi-threaded lz4 implementation  0  nobody
 4364   1,012  RFP intel-me-cleaner  885152  deblobs Intel ME/TXE  0  nobody
 4365   1,995  RFP node-ternary-stream  884961  Node.JS streams that are controlled by a condition  0  nobody
 4366   1,577  RFP cuba  886254  library for multidimensional numerical  0  nobody
 4367   332  RFP pytest-logging  887319  Configures logging and allows tweaking the log level with a…  0  nobody
 4368   1,995  RFP node-event-stream  885722  a toolkit for easy creation and use of Node.JS streams  0  nobody
 4369   1,995  RFP node-gulp-closure-compiler  884840  Gulp extension for the Google Closure Compiler  0  nobody
 4370   1,995  RFP node-async-foreach  885543  JavaScript sync/async forEach  0  nobody
 4371   1,995  RFP node-accord  886640  An interface for compiled languages, templates in JavaScript  0  nobody
 4372   2,422  RFP robobrowser  883903  Your friendly neighborhood web scraper  0  nobody
 4373   2,398  RFP gitlab-webhook-xmpp  886030  multi-user chat notifications about GitLab events  0  nobody
 4374   754  RFP python-epub  886900  open and read epub version 2 files  0  nobody
 4375   2,414  RFP cucumber.js  884568  test runner from Gherkin feature descriptions  0  nobody
 4376   681  RFP node-gulp-match  884960  Gulp extension for checking file conditions  0  nobody
 4377   152  RFP retdec  886718  retargetable machine-code decompiler  0  nobody
 4378   2,391  RFP commitizen  886697  Git command that helps format commit messages correctly  0  nobody
 4379   1,995  RFP node-sass-graph  885460  generate dependency graphs from Sass files  0  nobody
 4380   1,995  RFP node-pause-stream  885788  a Node.JS stream that can be paused into buffering mode  0  nobody
 4381   548  RFP electrum-ltc  884299  Lightweight Litecoin client  0  nobody
 4382   2,429  RFP systemd-coredump-python  883255  Log Python exceptions in the journal via systemd-coredump  0  nobody
 4383   1,995  RFP node-gulp-angular-templatecache  884839  Gulp extension for dealing with AngularJS templates  0  nobody
 4384   1,995  RFP node-fork-stream  886646  Fork a stream in multiple directions  0  nobody
 4385   1,067  RFP sword-comm-mhc  883932  Matthew Henry Commentary for SWORD  0  nobody
 4386   1,993  RFP node-gulp-less  884834  Gulp extension for using the LESS CSS compiler  0  nobody
 4387   754  RFP py-evm  884796  A Python implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine  0  nobody
 4388   2,402  RFP mrustc  885627  alternative Rust compiler  0  nobody
 4389   1,995  RFP node-from  885779  Create a Node.JS stream from arrays or functions  0  nobody
 4390   152  RFP node-gulp-if  884842  Gulp extension for controlling the flow of vinyl objects.  0  nobody
 4391   1,995  RFP node-scss-tokenizer  885456  SCSS syntax tokenizer  0  nobody
 4392   754  RFP eth-bloom  887341  An implementation of the Ethereum bloom filter  0  nobody
 4393   1,995  RFP node-stdout-stream  885554  non-blocking standard output stream  0  nobody
 4394   309  RFP electron-cash  885426  Lightweight Bitcoin Cash client  0  nobody
 4395   332  RFP herbie  886481  Synthesis for floating-point expressions  0  nobody
 4396   2,112  RFP lnd  886577  Lightning Network Daemon  0  nobody
 4397   2,428  RFP arasuite  883335  set of tools useful for working with people with communicat…  0  nobody
 4398   1,995  RFP node-gulp-insert  884843  String manipulation library for Gulp  0  nobody
 4399   2,362  RFP cider-nrepl  885409  nREPL middleware for CIDER  0  nobody
 4400   2,001  RFP reqrypt  885705  a HTTP request tunneling tool  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!