Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4051   2,476  RFP json5-parser  843570  C++ library to parse JSON5  0  nobody
 4052   2,945  RFP moneymanagerex  842412  easy to use money management application  0  nobody
 4053   2,481  RFP casacore-data-predict  842934  Earth orientation parameter prediction tables for casacore  0  nobody
 4054   2,930  RFP glsof  844253  Two graphical frontends to lsof (Filemonitor and Queries)  0  nobody
 4055   2,443  RFP anglerfish  847662  helper library for Python applications  0  nobody
 4056   2,467  RFP teiler  842977  Little script for screenshots and screencasts utilizing rof…  0  nobody
 4057   2,932  RFP laika-boss  843958  object scanner and intrusion detection system  0  nobody
 4058   2,537  RFP california  842298  calendar application for GNOME 3  0  nobody
 4059   2,450  RFP fonts-genericons  844624  vector icons embedded in a webfont  0  nobody
 4060   2,454  RFP python-jsonref  844986  JSON Reference implementation for Python  0  nobody
 4061   2,480  RFP pd-vasp  843044  VASP modular - Vector assembling signal processor for PD  0  nobody
 4062   2,479  RFP remglk  843174  Remote-procedure-call Glk library  0  nobody
 4063   1,999  RFP meteor  842425  Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform  0  nobody
 4064   2,909  RFP gnome-shell-extension-lock-keys  846926  Display Capslock/NumLock status in Gnome Shell top panel  0  nobody
 4065   2,942  RFP ecukes  842785  Cucumber for Emacs  0  nobody
 4066   2,463  RFP fonts-churchslavonic  844985  This package provides OpenType and TrueType fonts for Churc…  0  nobody
 4067   2,930  RFP silvius  844278  an open source system for controlling Linux by voice.  0  nobody
 4068   2,460  RFP snap-telemetry  844786  The open telemetry framework  0  nobody
 4069   2,477  RFP glue-vispy-viewers  843488  Glue VisPy plugin  0  nobody
 4070   2,475  RFP tablator  843717  Universal table translator for astronomy  0  nobody
 4071   2,727  RFP python-robotframework-selenium2library  845766  web testing library for Robot Framework  0  nobody
 4072   2,477  RFP fizmo-remglk  843468  Remglk-Frontend to the fizmo Z-Machine interpreter  0  nobody
 4073   2,481  RFP casacore-data-eop  842933  Earth Orientation Parameters database for casacore  0  nobody
 4074   2,930  RFP mylg  844207  Combines the functions of the different network probes in o…  0  nobody
 4075   1,651  RFP smallbasic  844314  fast and easy to learn BASIC language interpreter.  0  nobody
 4076   2,486  RFP ruby-jquery-datatables-rails1.12.2  842340  jquery datatables for rails  0  nobody
 4077   2,727  RFP robotframework  845794  A generic test automation framework  0  nobody
 4078   2,486  RFP pd-bandlimited  842398  bandlimited (non-aliasing) waveform generators for Pure Data  0  nobody
 4079   1,651  RFP ribosome  842647  Simple code generator  0  nobody
 4080   2,448  RFP overcommit  847063  Git hook manager  0  nobody
 4081   2,192  RFP connid  847003  framework for provisioning identities to repositories  0  nobody
 4082   1,901  RFP vv  847376  visual versioning  0  nobody
 4083   2,945  RFP freap  842415  audio converter and CD ripper  0  nobody
 4084   2,443  RFP gnome-shell-extension-apt-update-indi…  847667  GNOME Shell update indicator for apt-based distributions  0  nobody
 4085   2,860  RFP chromium-chromevox  844787  chromevox extension  0  nobody
 4086   2,477  RFP libglkif  843460  Interface for fizmo-to-Glk connectivity  0  nobody
 4087   2,645  RFP amazon-chalice  846478  Python microframework for AWS Lambda  0  nobody
 4088   2,443  RFP css-html-js-minify  847661  obfuscator/minimiser for CSS, HTML, JavaScript  0  nobody
 4089   2,461  RFP afl-utils  845133  collection of utilities for American Fuzzy Lop  0  nobody
 4090   2,747  RFP lesspass  843779  password manager and generator  0  nobody
 4091   2,441  RFP gnome-shell-extension-proxy-switcher  842694  gnome-shell-extension-proxy-switcher  0  nobody
 4092   2,408  RFP python-futures  851418  backport of concurrent.futures from Python 3.2 to Python 2  0  nobody
 4093   2,417  RFP node-capture-stack-trace  850271  Error.captureStackTrace ponyfill  0  nobody
 4094   2,393  RFP node-home-path  852816  Cross-platform home directory retriever  0  nobody
 4095   2,885  RFA couriergrey  849562  Mail filter interface of Courier-MTA to support greylisting  0  nobody
 4096   2,418  RFP node-common-path-prefix  850117  Computes the longest prefix string that is common to each p…  0  nobody
 4097   2,430  RFP xattrvi  849154  easily view and edit extended filesystem attributes in user…  0  nobody
 4098   2,417  RFP node-unzip-response  850264  Unzip a HTTP response if needed  0  nobody
 4099   1,992  RFP node-speedometer  850249  simple speed measurement in javascript  0  nobody
 4100   1,901  RFP angular-local-storage  848536  AngularJS module that gives you access to the browsers loca…  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!