Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4151   2,373  RFP node-onetime  850129  Ensure a function is only called once  0  nobody
 4152   760  RFP python-pytest-flakes  851851  pytest plugin to check source code with pyflakes  0  nobody
 4153   2,313  RFP easel  860746  a library of C functions for biological sequence analysis  0  nobody
 4154   2,345  RFP  858093  genealogy data from US Census 1990  0  nobody
 4155   2,365  RFP python-django-progressbarupload  856230  Progress bar for Django (Python 2)  0  nobody
 4156   2,803  RFP cilium  858303  BPF & XDP for containers  0  nobody
 4157   2,298  RFP evm-jit  859371  The Ethereum EVM JIT  0  nobody
 4158   2,383  RFP node-convert-to-spaces  854569  Convert tabs to spaces in a string  0  nobody
 4159   2,320  RFP smith  860155  fonts and keyboards build and test framework  0  nobody
 4160   2,655  RFP html-minifier  857108  HTML compressor/minifier  0  nobody
 4161   2,321  RFP minijail  860067  Utility to run a program inside a sandbox  0  nobody
 4162   743  RFP mastodon  859741  A GNU Social-compatible microblogging server  0  nobody
 4163   2,058  RFP golang-notabug-themusicgod1-cp-dev  860431  File Copying  0  nobody
 4164   2,765  RFP libgdamm  861331  C++ binding for libgda, which is already in the repository.  0  nobody
 4165   2,790  RFP network-simple-dev  859369  Haskell library abstracting common network sockets usage pa…  0  nobody
 4166   2,359  RFP libjpcre2-dev  856780  C++ wrapper for PCRE2 library  0  nobody
 4167   2,319  RFP animeeffects  860252  2D keyframe animation tool based on deformation of polygon …  0  nobody
 4168   2,343  RFP passh  858229  passh: a pass fork - stores, retrieves, generates, and sync…  0  nobody
 4169   2,308  RFP python-perf  854024  Toolkit to run Python benchmarks  0  nobody
 4170   2,833  RFP node-grunt-contrib-compass  855466  Compile Sass to CSS using Compass  0  nobody
 4171   659  RFP fonts-selawik  858758  font family metrics-compatible with Microsoft Segoe UI  0  nobody
 4172   2,357  RFP tendermint-go-data  856972  JSON and binary serialization library for data structures  0  nobody
 4173   2,185  RFP usbwall  860315  centralized USB devices filtering tool to associate locally…  0  nobody
 4174   730  RFP asar  859361  Simple extensive tar-like archive format with indexing  0  nobody
 4175   2,106  RFP r-cran-mplusautomation  859000  GNU R package automating Mplus Model Estimation and Interpr…  0  nobody
 4176   2,808  RFP lsmedia  856157  List audio/video files with their details  0  nobody
 4177   2,845  RFP fgsl  854323  A Fortran interface to the GNU Scientific Library  0  nobody
 4178   2,106  RFP libreply-clojure  855963  A fitter, happier, more productive REPL for Clojure  0  nobody
 4179   2,821  RFP rein  856621  Rein client integration/staging tree  0  nobody
 4180   2,775  RFP libjs-mootools-autocompleter  860499  provides the functionality for text suggestion and completi…  0  nobody
 4181   2,364  RFP afaq-dl  856256  Download/update the sources of anarchism book  0  nobody
 4182   2,108  RFP libfastparse-scala  858810  writing fast parsers fast in scala  0  nobody
 4183   2,386  RFP node-write-pkg  854119  Write a package.json  0  nobody
 4184   2,573  RFP node-bin-version-check  855471  Check whether a version satisfies a semver range  0  nobody
 4185   2,355  RFP httplab  857113  An interactive web server  0  nobody
 4186   2,379  RFP python-django-dynamic-scraper  854975  Manage Scrapy spiders through Django  0  nobody
 4187   131  RFP liblatex2unicode-java  858809  translate latex markup to human readable unicode  0  nobody
 4188   2,119  RFP genmkfile  859121  Generic Makefile  0  nobody
 4189   2,838  RFP github-release  855006  Command line app to create and edit releases on Github (and…  0  nobody
 4190   330  RFP python-face-recognition  858327  Recognize and manipulate faces from Python  0  nobody
 4191   2,334  RFP kytos  858916  conceived to ease SDN controllers development and deployment  0  nobody
 4192   1,651  RFP metrix++  854547  calculate code complexity for C, C++, C# and Java  0  nobody
 4193   2,383  RFP node-max-timeout  854560  Max amount of milliseconds that can be passed to `setTimeou…  0  nobody
 4194   2,767  RFP elpa-multiple-cursors  861127  Multiple cursors for emacs.  0  nobody
 4195   2,328  RFP libqtaccountsservice  859497  Qt-style API for AccountsService DBus interface  0  nobody
 4196   2,816  RFP jsonpb-go  857061  Modified Protobuf to JSON serializer in Go  0  nobody
 4197   1,901  RFP node-time-out  854183  Simple setTimeout cancellation  0  nobody
 4198   2,775  RFP libjs-respond  860500  fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Qu…  0  nobody
 4199   2,379  RFP python-verboselogs  853810  Verbose logging level for Python's logging module  0  nobody
 4200   2,352  RFP owo-cli  857493  A URL shortener, file uploader, and screenshotter for the s…  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!