Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4001   2,475  RFP nfstash  836217  CLI tools suite implementing NFS client procedures  0  nobody
 4002   2,577  RFP openhft-chronicle-values  832946  Poor man's value types for Java 8+  0  nobody
 4003   2,960  RFP ruby-middleman  840822  Build static websites with an easy-to-use framework  0  nobody
 4004   2,298  RFP libvchan-xen-qubes  837905  Qubes vchan libraries  0  nobody
 4005   2,977  RFP libjs-slickgrid  838985  advanced JavaScript grid/spreadsheet component  0  nobody
 4006   1,902  RFP cubism  838700  D3 plugin for visualizing time series  0  nobody
 4007   1,718  RFP homer-ui  837662  HOMER / SIPCapture node web UI  0  nobody
 4008   2,530  RFP qubes-core-admin  837896  The Qubes core files (Dom0-side)  0  nobody
 4009   2,525  RFP libalien-autotools-perl  838333  Perl module for locating binaries for the, GNU build system  0  nobody
 4010   2,503  RFP git-repo  840371  CLI utility to manage git services from your workspace  0  nobody
 4011   2,506  RFP qpid-java  840131  message-oriented middleware AMQP message broker written in …  0  nobody
 4012   2,968  RFP hwgen  839918  A Handwriting Generator For Presentation Design  0  nobody
 4013   348  RFP mullvad-client  840160  client for VPN service Mullvad  0  nobody
 4014   2,976  RFP freehearingtest  839092  Free Hearing Test Software  0  nobody
 4015   1,685  RFP pyflame  840597  CPU profiler and flame graph tool for  0  nobody
 4016   1,392  RFP roughtime  838416  Secure time synchronisation  0  nobody
 4017   2,497  RFP  840915  comprehensive, actively developed and extraordinarily stabl…  0  nobody
 4018   2,964  RFP mdm-display-manager  840381  MDM Display Manager  0  nobody
 4019   2,531  RFP node-cropper  837691  A simple jQuery image cropping plugin  0  nobody
 4020   1,902  RFP protovis  838698  composes custom views of data with simple marks such as bar…  0  nobody
 4021   2,977  RFP libjs-jqrangeslider  838983  powerful slider for selecting value ranges  0  nobody
 4022   131  RFP libpgjdbcng-java  841011  A new JDBC driver for PostgreSQL aimed at supporting the ad…  0  nobody
 4023   2,526  RFP sejda  838209  command line tool to manipulate PDF documents  0  nobody
 4024   106  RFP gmat  841433  spacecraft mission analysis, design and simulation  0  nobody
 4025   2,974  RFP python-googleplayapi  839223  Google Play Unofficial Python API  0  nobody
 4026   131  RFP libciteproc-java  841020  A Citation Style Language (CSL) processor for Java  0  nobody
 4027   2,527  RFP itktools  838150  command line tools based on the ITK, intended for image pro…  0  nobody
 4028   1,495  RFP quiche  841848  implementation of QUIC and related protocols  0  nobody
 4029   2,529  RFP qubes-core-admin-linux  837900  Linux-specific files for Qubes dom0  0  nobody
 4030   467  RFP hotdoc  840777  documentation tool using CommonMark  0  nobody
 4031   385  RFP courier-zdkimfilter  840955  DKIM filter for Courier-MTA  0  nobody
 4032   2,362  RFP obs-signd  842140  open build service signer client and daemon  0  nobody
 4033   2,958  RFP python-fauxquests  840977  mock HTTP requests sent with the requests package  0  nobody
 4034   2,525  RFP python-parquet  838338  pure-python implementation parquet reader  0  nobody
 4035   2,085  RFP libjs-epoch  840619  general purpose real-time charting library  0  nobody
 4036   2,966  RFP mongodb-mtools  840172  parse and visualize MongoDB log files / automate the setup …  0  nobody
 4037   2,495  RFP dcl-c  841402  Dennou Club Library - C version  0  nobody
 4038   2,531  RFP python-pifpaf  837676  Python fixtures and daemon managing tools for functional te…  0  nobody
 4039   2,958  RFP rx-tools  841022  rtl-sdr like tools for RTL-SDR, HackRF One, bladeRF x40 and…  0  nobody
 4040   2,449  RFP picocoin  840631  A C library for implementing Bitcoin applications  0  nobody
 4041   1,207  RFP cspice  841104  C implementation of The SPICE Toolkit  0  nobody
 4042   2,447  RFP opcua-client-gui  841978  simple OPC-UA GUI client  0  nobody
 4043   2,604  RFP cask  837922  project management tool for Emacs  0  nobody
 4044   2,489  RFP dynomite  842113  A generic dynamo implementation for different k-v storage e…  0  nobody
 4045   2,974  RFP lxde-gtk3  839013  gtk3 port of lxde  0  nobody
 4046   2,962  RFP ublock-origin-websocket  840476  companion to uBlock Origin to expose websocket connections  0  nobody
 4047   2,529  RFP qubes-db  837903  Qubes OS database and tools  0  nobody
 4048   2,463  RFP snap-telemetry-plugins  845131  Plugins for snap-telemetry to enhance and extend its capabi…  0  nobody
 4049   2,464  RFP python-ramlfications  843882  Python parser for RAML  0  nobody
 4050   2,475  RFP openha  843708  Easy high availability clustering  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!