Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2451   58  RFP dispersy  1019895  A database designed for P2P-like scenarios  0  nobody
 2452   749  RFP pafish  1023375  Virtual machines detection tool  0  nobody
 2453   786  RFP gcadapter-oc-kmod  1020957  Kernel module for overclocking the Nintendo Wii U/Mayflash …  0  nobody
 2454   754  RFP node-evacuated-tslint-config-prettier  1023199  Use TSLint with Prettier without any conflict  0  nobody
 2455   767  RFP lith  1020958  WeeChat relay client  0  nobody
 2456   270  RFP elixir-evacuated-phoenix  1023300  Peace of mind from prototype to production (evacuated from …  0  nobody
 2457   775  RFP antu-icon-theme  1021570  smooth theme designed for Plasma and KDE  0  nobody
 2458   787  RFP libcommons-imaging-java  1020916  Apache Commons Imaging - Pure-Java Image Library  0  nobody
 2459   775  RFP la-capitaine-icon-theme  1021572  icon theme inspired by macOS and Google's material design  0  nobody
 2460   792  RFP warewulf4  1020577  operating system provisioning platform for Linux  0  nobody
 2461   763  RFP pysocks  1022207  Lets you send traffic through SOCKS proxy servers  0  nobody
 2462   229  RFP fawkes  1023309  privacy-preserving tool against facial recognition systems  0  nobody
 2463   784  RFP crontab-ui  1020961  web interface for managing scheduled jobs (crontab)  0  nobody
 2464   775  RFP gnome-shell-extension-unite  1021568  makes GNOME Shell look like Ubuntu's Unity Shell  0  nobody
 2465   74  RFP fw-ectool  1021409  Framework laptop embedded controller tool  0  nobody
 2466   186  RFP golang-github-mattn-go-localereader  1023099  CodePage decoder for Windows  0  nobody
 2467   363  RFP qr-backup  1021089  paper backups of files using QR codes  0  nobody
 2468   363  RFP php-javiereguiluz-easyslugger  1020897  fast and easy to use slugger with full UTF-8 support  0  nobody
 2469   723  RFP flycheck-grammalecte  1020710  Adds support for Grammalecte (a french grammar checker) to …  0  nobody
 2470   58  RFP python-ipv8  1019898  Python implementation of Tribler's IPv8 p2p-networking layer  0  nobody
 2471   728  RFP amdgpu-opencl  1024863  Open-source OpenCL support for AMD GPUs  0  nobody
 2472   690  RFP limine  1027786  Modern, advanced, portable, multiprotocol bootloader.  0  nobody
 2473   732  RFP chromium-pickle-js  1024634  facilities for basic binary value packing and unpacking  0  nobody
 2474   683  RFP clipboard  1028422  unified terminal clipboard tool  0  nobody
 2475   689  RFP pguint  1027924  unsigned and other extra integer types for PostgreSQL  0  nobody
 2476   361  RFP nginx-unit  1024594  polyglot app server, a reverse proxy, and a static file ser…  0  nobody
 2477   744  RFP desync  1023802  Data Synchronization Tool  0  nobody
 2478   727  RFP etesync-dav  1024885  DAV-bridge for etesync, a secure, end-to-end encrypted, and…  0  nobody
 2479   704  RFP hid4java  1026774  A cross-platform Java Native Access wrapper for the hidapi …  0  nobody
 2480   719  RFP terminal-markdown-viewer  1025484  Styled Terminal Markdown Viewer  0  nobody
 2481   679  RFP duelyst  1028923  digital collectible card and turn-based strategy hybrid game  0  nobody
 2482   182  RFP libsuccinct  1025499  succinct C++ data structures  0  nobody
 2483   729  RFP cld3  1024816  Compact Language Detector v3  0  nobody
 2484   474  RFP depix  1029078  recovers passwords from pixelized screenshots  0  nobody
 2485   692  RFP jworldwindearth  1027669  Java visual interface for NASA WorldWind SDK  0  nobody
 2486   708  RFP label-studio  1026232  multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardi…  0  nobody
 2487   740  RFP weggli  1024068  fast and robust semantic search tool for C and C++ codebases  0  nobody
 2488   701  RFP gdbgui  1026902  A browser-based frontend to gdb (gnu debugger)  0  nobody
 2489   728  RFP prometheus-pint  1024832  Prometheus rule linter/validator  0  nobody
 2490   738  RFP eclipse-jdt-ls  1024246  Java language server  0  nobody
 2491   629  RFP fonts-overpass  1028019  Font family inspired by Highway Gothic  0  nobody
 2492   693  RFP vim-nim  1027431  Nim language support for Vim  0  nobody
 2493   649  RFP flashrom-stable  1031251  Identify, read, write, erase, and verify BIOS/ROM/flash chi…  0  nobody
 2494   361  RFP pass2csv  1030023  pass password store export to CSV  0  nobody
 2495   669  RFP anarch  1029469  oldschool first-person-shooter game  0  nobody
 2496   361  RFP external-editor-revived  1031610  Thunderbird MailExtension which allows using external edito…  0  nobody
 2497   121  RFP freshrss  1032767  self-hosted RSS feed aggregator  0  nobody
 2498   654  RFP carbonyl  1030902  a Chromium based browser built to run in a terminal  0  nobody
 2499   644  RFP phockup  1031562  Media sorting tool to organize photos and videos from your …  0  nobody
 2500   518  RFP django-model2puml  1029672  Generator of project models structure in PlantUML class not…  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!