Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2351   2,115  RFP linsim  775464  Amateur Radio Digital Mode Evaluation Tool  0  nobody
 2352   3,761  RFP async  718237  a library for OCaml asynchronous programming  0  nobody
 2353   647  RFP elpa-ws-trim  659533  various sorts of whitespace trimming for emacs  0  nobody
 2354   3,314  RFP tellduscenter  618493  Graphical program to control NEXA and other RF remote recei…  0  nobody
 2355   2,884  RFP python-audiolab  535627  A python module to make noise from numpy arrays  0  nobody
 2356   3,177  RFP qooxdoo  485975  Ajax application framework  0  nobody
 2357   874  RFP eth-utils  882695  Utility functions for working with ethereum related codebas…  0  nobody
 2358   2,564  RFP elpa-hyperbole  881933  hypertextual information manager  0  nobody
 2359   2,515  RFP jkcemu  877241  Java KC-Emulator  0  nobody
 2360   2,558  RFP ruby-paperclip  882432  Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord  0  nobody
 2361   3,560  RFP bitcoin-explorer  779071  Bitcoin Command Line Tool  0  nobody
 2362   3,771  RFP moocng  707135  open source MOOC platform  0  nobody
 2363   2,572  RFP ppladdressbook  876504  A command line address book  0  nobody
 2364   3,254  RFP ckylark  773453  phrase structure parser based on PCFG-LA  0  nobody
 2365   2,515  RFP yaze  877235  Yet Another Z80 Emulator  0  nobody
 2366   2,557  RFP python-ez-setup  882546  easy and for python  0  nobody
 2367   3,022  RFP orocos-rtt  782210  Orocos Real-Time Toolkit  0  nobody
 2368   1,226  RFP libapache2-mod-socket-policy-server  642282  serving Adobe socket policies  0  nobody
 2369   1,902  RFP apache-karaf  881297  A small OSGi based application server provisioned from mave…  0  nobody
 2370   2,559  RFP python-ipwhois  882339  Retrieve and parse whois data for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses  0  nobody
 2371   2,615  O rhash-bindings  876751  LibRHash hash sums calculation library  0  nobody
 2372   2,558  RFP ruby-paperclip-av-transcoder  882449  Audio/Video Transcoder for Paperclip using FFMPEG/Avconv  0  nobody
 2373   2,984  RFP ssllabs-scan  767461  client for the SSL Labs APIs  0  nobody
 2374   3,761  RFP async-extra  718240  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (extra)  0  nobody
 2375   404  RFP node-web-ext  877977  build, run, and test web extensions  0  nobody
 2376   50  RFP twemoji  878875  Open-sourced Twitter emoji images  0  nobody
 2377   3,254  RFP puppet-module-domcleal-augeasproviders  771816  Alternative Augeas-based providers for Puppet  0  nobody
 2378   2,627  RFP mbox2eml  875770  Split mbox mailboxes into single eml files  0  nobody
 2379   2,223  RFP python-adapt-parser  869100  A text-to-intent parsing framework  0  nobody
 2380   3,254  RFP hsenv  769000  Haskell virtual environment tool  0  nobody
 2381   3,761  RFP async-unix  718239  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (unix)  0  nobody
 2382   3,231  RFP nesicide  658261  An Integrated Development Environment for the 8-bit Nintend…  0  nobody
 2383   2,858  RFP trac-ldapplugin  618371  LDAP support with group management in Trac  0  nobody
 2384   803  RFP dagr  872683  deviantArt gallery ripper  0  nobody
 2385   2,215  RFP no-resource-uri-leak  869654  browser extension for improving privacy by denying resource…  0  nobody
 2386   3,376  RFP dropwizard  768103  A Java library for building production-ready RESTful web se…  0  nobody
 2387   2,627  RFP libmodule-install-testtarget-perl  875784  Assemble custom test targets for `make`  0  nobody
 2388   2,153  RFP fairsim  871660  ImageJ plugin for SIM reconstruction  0  nobody
 2389   1,903  RFP hekate  764519  Protein crosslink analysis by mass spectrometry  0  nobody
 2390   3,771  RFP telemeta  717961  open web audio CMS  0  nobody
 2391   2,119  RFP zpui  871830  ZeroPhone UI framework  0  nobody
 2392   2,205  RFP tubedown  871245  Download videos for mp4 files using Youtube-dl GUI  0  nobody
 2393   3,254  RFP kvasd-installer  765987  Utility to Install, Remove and Test KVASD Decoder from K1JT  0  nobody
 2394   2,187  RFP openvpn-auth-script  873230  OpenVPN script authentication module  0  nobody
 2395   2,642  RFP trepan3k  873738  a GDB-like debugger for Python  0  nobody
 2396   3,385  RFP vim-easymotion  769061  simple and efficient motions in vim  0  nobody
 2397   2,857  RFP libsamsung-ipc  713937  library to communicate with modems present in Samsung smart…  0  nobody
 2398   233  RFP deepin-wm  872062  Default window manager for DDE (deepin desktop environment)  0  nobody
 2399   2,195  RFP pocket-home  872380  a simple menu for mobile devices  0  nobody
 2400   3,254  RFP python-shinkenplugins  764870  Shinken plugins wrapper  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!