Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2551   470  RFP open-vmdk  1042360  tool for creating Open Virtual Appliances (OVAs)  0  nobody
 2552   439  RFP libsentry  1051712  Sentry Native SDK  0  nobody
 2553   455  RFP bindinator  1050576  generates C# binding projects from gir files  0  nobody
 2554   447  RFP gwaveedit  1051167  Sound file editor  0  nobody
 2555   421  RFP slweb  1053212  small and lightweight web framework  0  nobody
 2556   369  RFP cli-docs-tool  1051975  A library containing utilities to generate documentation fo…  0  nobody
 2557   354  RFP rustic  1051541  fast, encrypted, and deduplicated backups powered by Rust  0  nobody
 2558   351  RFP rkbin  1050968  Pre-built Rockchip bootloader firmware binaries (for embedd…  0  nobody
 2559   421  RFP slcl  1053213  small and lightweight cloud  0  nobody
 2560   188  RFP qadwaitadecorations  1051960  Qt decoration plugin  0  nobody
 2561   438  RFP vosk-api  1051812  Offline speech recognition API  0  nobody
 2562   402  RFP pdfbox  1054183  PDF utilities (based on Apache PDFBox)  0  nobody
 2563   353  RFP pass-secret-service  1053477  dbus-service to serve secret-service api with pass backend  0  nobody
 2564   385  RFP anura  1055343  2D game engine  0  nobody
 2565   410  RFP krudio  1053772  simple radio tray app for Linux on Qt  0  nobody
 2566   388  RFP redwax-tool  1055168  The universal certificate conversion tool.  0  nobody
 2567   386  RFP bitlbee-discord  1055294  Bitlbee plugin for Discord  0  nobody
 2568   387  RFP python-langid  1055209  Language Identification (LangID) tool  0  nobody
 2569   405  RFP searxng  1053992  Privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine  0  nobody
 2570   421  RFP cmykilluminatigames  1053250  Many popular and fun games  0  nobody
 2571   397  RFP docusaurus  1054426  Docusaurus is a project for building, deploying, and mainta…  0  nobody
 2572   410  RFP node-vite  1053782  Next Generation Frontend Tooling  0  nobody
 2573   400  RFP ngfp  1054300  New Gfpoken (python game)  0  nobody
 2574   399  RFP kommit  1054213  Git client GUI for Plasma Desktop from KDE  0  nobody
 2575   410  RFP krudio-qml  1053773  simple radio tray app for Linux on QML  0  nobody
 2576   372  RFP harpoon  1055284  CLI tool for open source and threat intelligence  0  nobody
 2577   404  RFP emacs-eask  1053993  CLI for building, running, testing, and managing your Emacs…  0  nobody
 2578   188  RFP just-gtfs-cpp  1057303  single header to parse the General  0  nobody
 2579   357  RFP django-extensions  1057258  collection of custom extensions for the Django Framework  0  nobody
 2580   381  RFP system76-ectool  1055615  System76 Open Source Embedded Controller tool  0  nobody
 2581   361  RFP denote  1056181  simple note-taking tool for Emacs  0  nobody
 2582   89  RFP consent-o-matic  1057261  browser extension to automatically fill out cookie popups  0  nobody
 2583   375  RFP liblouvre  1055904  C++ library for building Wayland compositors  0  nobody
 2584   139  RFP neovim-gtk  1055427  Rust-based GTK frontend for Neovim  0  nobody
 2585   354  RFP slips  1057475  Behavioral Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Prevention Syst…  0  nobody
 2586   350  RFP slidge-dev-helpers  1057869  various tools to help slidge-based XMPP gateway development  0  nobody
 2587   349  RFP slidge-style-parser  1057868  a parsing library for Slidge  0  nobody
 2588   260  RFP libreqos  1065656  QoS management system for ISP and other network operators  0  nobody
 2589   118  RFP webext-passff  1077361  firefox extension for the pass password manager  0  nobody
 2590   331  RFP vim-graphical-preview  1059569  preview images inside (n)vim  0  nobody
 2591   331  RFP joshuto  1059578  ranger-like filemanager  0  nobody
 2592   204  RFP elpa-casual  1070276  a transient-based porcelain for Emacs Calc  0  nobody
 2593   106  RFP quill  1078353  Asynchronous Low Latency C++ Logging Library  0  nobody
 2594   61  RFP elixir-bcrypt_elixir  1082632  Bcrypt password hashing algorithm for Elixir  0  nobody
 2595   61  RFP elixir-json_ld  1082635  An implementation of JSON-LD for Elixir and RDF.ex  0  nobody
 2596   104  RFP spoofdpi  1078511  simple and fast anti-censorship tool  0  nobody
 2597   330  RFP webext-snowflake  1059599  web extension to provide a snowflake proxy  0  nobody
 2598   331  RFP webext-tab-stash  1059598  web extension for stashing tabs  0  nobody
 2599   196  RFP kicad-packages3d-generator  1070911  generate 3D models for kicad from the commandline  0  nobody
 2600   275  RFP composefs  1064457  file system for mounting container images  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!