Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2301   2,979  RFP baculum  780155  Baculum WebGUI tool for Bacula Community program  0  nobody
 2302   2,114  RFP node-event-stream  885722  a toolkit for easy creation and use of Node.JS streams  0  nobody
 2303   452  RFP pytest-logging  887319  Configures logging and allows tweaking the log level with a…  0  nobody
 2304   3,771  RFP mediawiki-mwxml2sql  710584  Tools to help import MediaWiki XML dumps into database  0  nobody
 2305   1,697  RFP cuba  886254  library for multidimensional numerical  0  nobody
 2306   2,114  RFP node-ternary-stream  884961  Node.JS streams that are controlled by a condition  0  nobody
 2307   3,024  RFP libmodule-install-testbase-perl  778806  integrates Test::Base and Module::Install Perl modules  0  nobody
 2308   1,132  RFP intel-me-cleaner  885152  deblobs Intel ME/TXE  0  nobody
 2309   2,521  RFP lz4m  885662  multi-threaded lz4 implementation  0  nobody
 2310   558  RFP coreclr  779969  .NET Core Runtime  0  nobody
 2311   3,255  RFP qserve  719341  A job queue server  0  nobody
 2312   3,022  RFP pytomtom  598629  TomTom GPS manager  0  nobody
 2313   2,813  RFP ps3-media-server  551645  DLNA UPnP Media Server, dedicated to  0  nobody
 2314   2,100  RFP php-buzz-react  878884  Simple, async PSR-7 HTTP client  0  nobody
 2315   3,023  RFP mate-applet-lockkeys  776381  Keyboard LED indicator  0  nobody
 2316   3,023  RFP plainbox-provider-piglit  781590  Piglit (OpenGL/OpenCL) Test Provider for Plainbox  0  nobody
 2317   2,559  RFP reactjs-textarea-autosize  882290  textarea component for React which grows with content  0  nobody
 2318   2,100  RFP php-emoji  878873  Emoji images from unicode characters and names  0  nobody
 2319   874  RFP setuptools-markdown  882704  Use Markdown for your project description  0  nobody
 2320   3,022  RFP ioflo  781968  Automated reasoning engine and flow based programming pytho…  0  nobody
 2321   3,022  RFP orocos-ocl  782623  Orocos Component Library  0  nobody
 2322   3,022  RFP telepathy-gabble-legacy  782448  Jabber/XMPP connection manager (legacy branch)  0  nobody
 2323   2,559  RFP ruby-rails-hamlit  882275  Hamlit (haml) generators for Rails 4  0  nobody
 2324   1,726  RFP twemoji-mozilla  881475  Twitter Emoji font in  0  nobody
 2325   3,771  RFP python-pingdom  717591  3rd-party Python library for Pingdom's new REST API.  0  nobody
 2326   2,448  RFP sharelatex  879198  online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor  0  nobody
 2327   2,412  RFP xul-ext-mail-redirect  772674  Redirect mail to other recipients  0  nobody
 2328   2,138  RFP ruby-sass-listen  878419  Ruby library listening to file modifications - Sass fork  0  nobody
 2329   3,024  RFP libcoro-mock-java  776016  Mock library for compiling JVM coroutine-utilizing code on …  0  nobody
 2330   2,939  RFP ruby-spinach  713890  BDD framework on top of Gherkin  0  nobody
 2331   3,293  RFP selector  660470  selector is a real-time pattern matcher for console  0  nobody
 2332   655  RFP speed-dreams  599884  Open source motorsport simulation  0  nobody
 2333   1,833  RFP moinmoin-mode  877755  emacs major mode to edit MoinMoin wiki pages  0  nobody
 2334   2,141  RFP node-protoduck  878155  Create new error instances with a code and additional prope…  0  nobody
 2335   1,538  RFP palemoon-browser  780379  Open Source, Firefox-based web browser  0  nobody
 2336   3,255  RFP timelib  719343  A short wrapper around PHP's internal DateTime ext  0  nobody
 2337   2,558  RFP ruby-av  882448  Programmable Ruby interface for FFMPEG/Libav  0  nobody
 2338   3,024  RFP phpmemcachedadmin  776613  Graphic administration for memcached to monitor and debug.  0  nobody
 2339   2,614  RFP python-pyfcm  877037  Python client library for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging (A…  0  nobody
 2340   2,298  RFP propulse-tracker  881944  crossplatform ProTracker clone with an Impulse Tracker styl…  0  nobody
 2341   2,485  RFP fllog  774923  Amateur Radio Logbook Server  0  nobody
 2342   1,189  RFP qpdfpresenterconsole  663255  PDF/Beamer presentation software.  0  nobody
 2343   2,593  RFP dnsleak  879005  Local utility to test for DNS leaks  0  nobody
 2344   2,559  RFP ruby-pghero  882288  A performance dashboard for Postgres  0  nobody
 2345   2,153  RFP pep9  877124  Pep/9 assembler and simulator  0  nobody
 2346   1,365  RFP gnome-theme-clearlooks-flat-compact  710526  Compact GTK+ 2, GTK+ 3 and Metacity theme  0  nobody
 2347   2,403  RFP framadate  876496  online service for planning an appointment  0  nobody
 2348   874  RFP pytest-pythonpath  882713  A py.test plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH from pytest.i…  0  nobody
 2349   2,157  RFP lapdog  876655  Take actions when specific devices appear/disappear from yo…  0  nobody
 2350   2,157  RFP django-tinymce  876450  TinyMCE integration for Django  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!