Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1751   105  RFP docker-buildx  989917  docker CLI plugin for BuildKit  4  nobody
 1752   1,356  RFP purple-gowhatsapp  984775  Pidgin/libpurple plugin for WhatsApp Web.  4  nobody
 1753   661  RFP geckodriver  989456  proxy for using W3C WebDriver compatible clients to interac…  4  nobody
 1754   1,048  RFP fontedit  962120  edit fonts as byte arrays for use in embedded systems  4  nobody
 1755   1,809  RFP watchexec  946546  Executes commands in response to file modifications  4  nobody
 1756   3,254  RFP sems  740788  SIP Express Media Server, very fast and flexible SIP media …  4  nobody
 1757   2,543  RFP turtl  883701  Note-taking application with secure online syncing  4  nobody
 1758   2,184  RFP goreplay  873487  GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying…  4  nobody
 1759   2,344  RFP p2c  895637  Pascal to C translator  4  nobody
 1760   2,678  RFP kplex  869677  NMEA-0183 (GPS data) multiplexer  4  nobody
 1761   2,121  O golang-github-go-xorm-builder  889237  SQL builder for XORM written in Go  4  nobody
 1762   1,465  RFP xsuspender  975103  Automatically suspend inactive X11 applications.  4  nobody
 1763   2,922  RFP mapmap  845446  Open source video mapping software  4  nobody
 1764   2,384  RFP openmeca  850590  a graphical application to model and simulate mechanical sy…  4  nobody
 1765   955  RFP freebasic  412060  32-bit BASIC compiler with MS QuickBasic compatibility  4  nobody
 1766   72  RFP qlog  1081139  Amateur radio logbook software  3  nobody
 1767   3,645  RFP cabocha  729126  A Japenese dependency/case structure analysis system  3  nobody
 1768   459  O python-spoon  1050252  Simple to use pre-forking server interface  3  nobody
 1769   2,082  RFP krew  924412  krew is the package manager for kubectl plugins.  3  nobody
 1770   2,856  RFP statsd  688662  A simple, lightweight network daemon to collect metrics ove…  3  nobody
 1771   3,254  RFP python-debiancontributors  732991  Manage submissions to  3  nobody
 1772   425  RFA sisl  1052598  SINTEF Spline Library  3  nobody
 1773   1,570  RFP mage  808428  a C/C++ software toolkit for reactive implementation of HMM…  3  nobody
 1774   3,253  RFP indicator-keylock  709149  indicator that displays the status of the keyboard lock keys  3  nobody
 1775   3,572  RFP indicator-multiload  709804  A port of the gnome multiload panel applet to appindicators…  3  nobody
 1776   2,829  RFP solarus  758195  Open-source Zelda-like game engine  3  nobody
 1777   3,022  RFP ntk  751548  Non Tool Kit (NTK)  3  nobody
 1778   3,645  RFP jsbsim  724061  the JSBSim flight dynamics model  3  nobody
 1779   2,988  RFP sc-controller  825217  steam controller open source driver + GUI  3  nobody
 1780   3,024  RFP birdie  772739  A native Twitter client for GNU/Linux  3  nobody
 1781   2,873  RFP kafka  786460  Distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service  3  nobody
 1782   969  RFA qiskit-ibmq-provider  1008627  None  3  nobody
 1783   1,079  O olpc-kbdshim  1001126  OLPC XO keyboard support daemon  3  nobody
 1784   1,635  RFP mstpd  767013  A daemon implementing the RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protoco…  3  nobody
 1785   1,791  O tinydyndns  947703  pop-before-dyndns service using djbdns  3  nobody
 1786   160  O mini-httpd-run  947645  Small HTTP server (Runit integration)  3  nobody
 1787   1,895  RFA golang-github-influxdata-tdigest  940371  None  3  nobody
 1788   1,895  RFA golang-github-smira-flag  940421  None  3  nobody
 1789   1,895  RFA golang-github-templexxx-reedsolomon  940430  None  3  nobody
 1790   1,895  RFA golang-github-juju-retry  940379  None  3  nobody
 1791   1,895  RFA golang-github-smira-commander  940420  None  3  nobody
 1792   1,895  RFA golang-github-smira-go-xz  940424  None  3  nobody
 1793   1,895  RFA golang-github-mkrautz-goar  940394  None  3  nobody
 1794   1,895  RFA golang-github-disposaboy-jsonconfigre…  940356  None  3  nobody
 1795   1,895  RFA golang-github-smira-go-aws-auth  940422  None  3  nobody
 1796   1,943  O wnn7egg  933391  EGG Input Method with Wnn7 for Emacsen  3  nobody
 1797   2,121  O golang-github-go-macaron-toolbox  889242  health check, pprof, profile and statistic services for Mac…  3  nobody
 1798   1,903  O golang-github-issue9-assert  889236  Simple extension to test a series of assert functions  3  nobody
 1799   2,121  O golang-github-ngaut-log  889216  Provides a simple log wrapper for ngaut libraries  3  nobody
 1800   2,121  O golang-github-siddontang-go  889208  Collection of siddontang libraries for Go  3  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!