Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3751   2,869  RFP puppet-module-edgester-kerberos  801616  A puppet module for managing MIT Kerberos clients and serve…  0  nobody
 3752   3,290  RFP  802257  FixedColumns for DataTables  0  nobody
 3753   3,292  RFP tyrutils  803880  quake 1 or 2 mod utils for building quake levels and quake …  0  nobody
 3754   3,290  RFP libjs-angular-ui-bootstrap  802238  Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS  0  nobody
 3755   2,874  RFP libjs-zeroclipboard  801195  easy copy text in browser to clipboard  0  nobody
 3756   1,652  RFP cvars  802913  C++ run-time variable tweaking  0  nobody
 3757   2,867  RFP python-sphinx-openstackdocs-theme  801771  OpenStack docs sphinx theme  0  nobody
 3758   3,290  RFP  802254  DataTables for jQuery  0  nobody
 3759   2,819  RFP mchange-commons-java  806774  General-purpose Java utilities by Machinery For Change, Inc.  0  nobody
 3760   2,832  RFP igb  804258  dkms source for the igb network driver  0  nobody
 3761   2,988  RFP gccintro-es  802494  Spanish Introduction to GCC by Brian J. Gough  0  nobody
 3762   2,839  RFP qchartjs  804748  QML bindings for Chart.js  0  nobody
 3763   3,290  RFP libjs-ngstorage  802247  localStorage and sessionStorage done right for AngularJS  0  nobody
 3764   2,840  RFP partitionfinder  804646  programs for simultaneously choosing partitioning schemes a…  0  nobody
 3765   2,858  RFP rapicorn  802783  UI toolkit for declarative user interface construction and …  0  nobody
 3766   3,290  RFP libcxf2-java  801996  open source services framework  0  nobody
 3767   2,355  RFP libjs-react  805376  JavaScript library for building user interfaces  0  nobody
 3768   2,858  RFP dwv-orthanc-plugin  802756  DICOM Web Viewer (DWV) plugin for Orthanc  0  nobody
 3769   1,640  RFP glui  801858  GLUT-based C++ user interface library which provides contro…  0  nobody
 3770   3,290  RFP libjs-blueimp-canvas-to-blob  802243  polyfill for canvas.toBlob method  0  nobody
 3771   667  RFP fonts-pompiere  803690  a playful script font  0  nobody
 3772   3,290  RFP  802258  ColReorder for DataTables  0  nobody
 3773   2,528  RFP node-tosource  804145  converts JavaScript objects back to source  0  nobody
 3774   1,559  RFP shatteredpixeldungeon  805925  A mod of Pixel Dungeon with many improvements  0  nobody
 3775   1,662  RFP simutrans-pak128  804450  None  0  nobody
 3776   2,472  RFP node-kosmtik  805308  Make maps with OpenStreetMap and Mapnik  0  nobody
 3777   2,822  RFP robofab  806512  library with objects deal with data associated with fonts a…  0  nobody
 3778   2,528  RFP elisp-es  803074  Spanish version of An Introduction to Programming in Emacs …  0  nobody
 3779   2,856  RFP awslogs  802927  AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans  0  nobody
 3780   2,874  RFP node-blueimp-tmpl  801204  JavaScript templating engine  0  nobody
 3781   3,290  RFP libjs-blueimp-load-image  802244  load images from file, blob or URL  0  nobody
 3782   2,836  RFP vsearch-data  805106  example data for vsearch tool for processing metagenomic se…  0  nobody
 3783   2,820  RFP ensembl-tools  805754  Ensembl tools for genomic data processing  0  nobody
 3784   2,830  RFP openviewerfx  802176  Open Source JavaFX PDF Viewer  0  nobody
 3785   2,842  RFP saws  804439  A Supercharged AWS Command Line Interface  0  nobody
 3786   2,756  RFP ciscocmd  813464  Expect script to send a set of commands to a set of Cisco d…  0  nobody
 3787   3,168  RFP node-es6ify  809499  browserify v2 transform to compile ES6 to ES5 on the fly  0  nobody
 3788   2,770  RFP lua-fun  811482  functional programming library for Lua  0  nobody
 3789   2,742  RFP helm-synth  813956  polyphonic synthesiser  0  nobody
 3790   2,794  RFP ctf-gameserver  809036  Gameserver for A/D IT-Sec CTFs  0  nobody
 3791   2,742  RFP linux-malware-detect  810125  Linux Malware Detect  0  nobody
 3792   2,578  RFP golang-github-creack-termios  809191  Multi Platform Golang terminal management: Raw mode, TTY si…  0  nobody
 3793   2,668  RFP lofreq  808895  sensitive variant calling from sequencing data  0  nobody
 3794   3,218  RFP firefox-tab-groups  812880  Mozilla announced discontinuing the Tab Groups feature wit…  0  nobody
 3795   2,809  RFP django-user-accounts  807702  infrastructure for dealing with user accounts  0  nobody
 3796   2,753  RFP libqcpp  813840  A C++ library for next-gen sequencing data quality control.  0  nobody
 3797   3,183  RFP kaldi  808427  Kaldi speech recognition toolkit  0  nobody
 3798   2,812  RFP gwamar  807415  genome-wide assessment of mutations associated with drug re…  0  nobody
 3799   2,762  RFP python-libxdo  812903  Python bindings for libxdo  0  nobody
 3800   2,772  RFP gtabview  811299  simple graphical tabular data viewer  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!