Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3651   2,880  RFP denyhosts-server  800630  Denyhosts synchronisation server  0  nobody
 3652   3,031  RFP python-pytmx  796785  PyTMX is a map loader for python/pygame designed for games  0  nobody
 3653   2,979  RFP beluga  795246  Functional programming language designed for formal reasoni…  0  nobody
 3654   2,946  RFP aspy.yaml  793656  extensions to pyyaml  0  nobody
 3655   2,437  RFP libmpris2client  798912  Library to control mpris2 compatible players  0  nobody
 3656   2,895  RFP node-kerberos  798183  Kerberos library for Node.js  0  nobody
 3657   2,896  RFP onionmail-wizard  799079  Wizard to subscribe a new OnionMail user account on TAILS o…  0  nobody
 3658   3,327  RFP oqplus  799828  GPL content for Quake engines  0  nobody
 3659   2,879  RFP python-twistar  800717  Python ORM library for the Twisted framework  0  nobody
 3660   3,292  RFP yaf  794350  a network packet flowmeter tool with ipfix support  0  nobody
 3661   2,892  RFP linuxband  799331  GUI front-end for MMA (Musical MIDI Accompaniment)  0  nobody
 3662   1,651  RFP icedove-thunderlink  792760  Link to email by Message-ID  0  nobody
 3663   3,164  RFP gnome-breeze  798592  A GTK Theme Built to Match KDE's Breeze  0  nobody
 3664   2,881  RFP bauble-installer  799535  bauble is a botanic collection manager  0  nobody
 3665   3,352  RFP bomi  799381  GUI multimedia player based on mpv  0  nobody
 3666   2,979  RFP zorba  795775  NoSQL Query Processing  0  nobody
 3667   2,904  RFP ruby-rails-asset-jqueryui  798291  A gemified version of the jquery-ui javascript library  0  nobody
 3668   2,921  RFP python-eta  796289  python module to generate progress bar for CLI  0  nobody
 3669   2,882  RFP  792607  Post to the social network automatically from (RSS)…  0  nobody
 3670   2,856  RFP tyrquake  799829  very conservative QuakeWorld and Quake1 engine  0  nobody
 3671   2,919  RFP modelio  796737  UML, BPMN2 and SysML modelling environment  0  nobody
 3672   2,919  RFP runabc  796733  graphical user interface for processing abc files  0  nobody
 3673   2,923  RFP python-pojson  796060  converts PO files to JSON  0  nobody
 3674   2,912  RFP rumpkernel  797411  Rump kernel libraries  0  nobody
 3675   3,385  RFP tuxemon  795174  Open source turn-based RPG  0  nobody
 3676   2,895  RFP tablesnap  795869  Backup utility for the Cassandra database  0  nobody
 3677   2,584  RFP ruby-chef-api  795785  Chef API client with minimal dependencies  0  nobody
 3678   2,907  RFP bangsh  797970  framework for easy shell scripting  0  nobody
 3679   270  RFP elixir-earmark  795501  Markdown to HTML conversion library  0  nobody
 3680   2,627  RFP zulip-server  800052  group chat for teams  0  nobody
 3681   2,867  RFP libgtkflow  792885  flow graphs for gtk3  0  nobody
 3682   2,808  RFP zz-bulletin  793173  Open source, Elegant, Powerful Forums.  0  nobody
 3683   2,947  RFP flocker  793658  Flocker is an open-source Container Data Volume Manager for…  0  nobody
 3684   2,420  RFP uglifycss  794479  CSS mangler/compressor toolkit  0  nobody
 3685   2,895  RFP puppet-module-puppetlabs-dhcp  799159  Install and manage a DHCP server  0  nobody
 3686   2,920  RFP unlzexe  796555  decompress DOS .EXE files compressed with LZEXE  0  nobody
 3687   2,873  RFP mactel-boot  800049  hfs-bless utility for Intel Macs  0  nobody
 3688   2,918  RFP refkeen  796559  Ports of Keen Dreams and the Catacomb Adventure Series games  0  nobody
 3689   2,901  RFP superboucle  798580  Loop based software fully controllable with any midi device  0  nobody
 3690   2,944  RFP lua-lanes  794008  Lua extension library providing the possibility to run mult…  0  nobody
 3691   2,931  RFP jsr-275  795204  Java package for the programmatic handling of physical quan…  0  nobody
 3692   3,380  RFP gnome-pdf-tool  796085  GUI tool to edit PDF metadata  0  nobody
 3693   3,308  RFP python-wordpress-xmlrpc  793432  Python library for WordPress XML-RPC integration  0  nobody
 3694   2,948  RFP golang-github-jgeewax-cli  793619  small package for building command line apps in Go  0  nobody
 3695   2,808  RFP django-piston3  800697  a django mini-framework for creating apis.  0  nobody
 3696   2,929  RFP libjparsec-java  795371  parser combinator modelled after Haskell Parsec  0  nobody
 3697   3,351  RFP python-cylp  795619  Python interface to COIN-OR linear and mixed-integer progra…  0  nobody
 3698   2,919  RFP esmf  796698  Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF)  0  nobody
 3699   3,359  RFP hackpad  796505  Web-based realtime wiki  0  nobody
 3700   2,883  RFP puppet-module-pdxcat-nrpe  800366  This module installs and configures nrpe  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!