Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3301   3,255  RFP libthreads-lite-perl  741383  threads::lite provides actor model threading for Perl  0  nobody
 3302   3,255  RFP libnet-ssleay-oo-perl  741936  OO Calling Method for Net::SSLeay  0  nobody
 3303   3,255  RFP orchid  740364  a tor client implementation and library written in pure java  0  nobody
 3304   3,255  RFP datanommer  742952  a storage consumer for the fedmsg bus  0  nobody
 3305   2,880  RFP ngp  739307  ncurses code parsing tool  0  nobody
 3306   2,603  RFP everpad  739637  Evernote client for GNU/Linux  0  nobody
 3307   3,024  RFP stellarium-stars  743956  additional stellarium star catalogues  0  nobody
 3308   3,255  RFP online-python-tutor  737732  Online Python Tutor helps learn how to program in Python by…  0  nobody
 3309   3,255  RFP gedraa-duplex  743723  double star observers a tool to make easier a basic astroph…  0  nobody
 3310   1,654  RFP qimageviewer  741946  simple image viewer  0  nobody
 3311   3,662  RFP omnisharp-server  738649  HTTP server allowing C# editor plugins to be written in any…  0  nobody
 3312   3,255  RFP bquery  737546  simple cli tool to quickly parse html streams with a jQuery…  0  nobody
 3313   1,654  RFP limoo  741940  an Image viewer, created using QML, Qt and C++  0  nobody
 3314   3,255  RFP toutv  738275 console application  0  nobody
 3315   3,255  RFP fonts-sahl-naskh  739504  a fork of Droid Arabic Naskh font  0  nobody
 3316   2,800  RFP python-efl  740087  Python bindings for the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries  0  nobody
 3317   2,468  RFP liquidfeedback  740025  platform for proposition development and decision making  0  nobody
 3318   2,936  RFP php-file-find  738138  Class that facilitates the search of filesystems  0  nobody
 3319   3,022  RFP shocco  743272  documentation generator for Posix shell programs  0  nobody
 3320   3,255  RFP sweethome3d-textures  740026  Interior 2D design application with 3D preview (additional …  0  nobody
 3321   1,797  RFP django-remote-forms  743675  Platform independent form serializer for Django  0  nobody
 3322   1,357  RFP whatsapp-purple  738668  WhatsApp protocol plugin for  0  nobody
 3323   3,255  RFP casperjs  738827  navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS  0  nobody
 3324   3,255  RFP python-intef-exe  737654  eLearning XHTML editor  0  nobody
 3325   3,255  RFP tapsim  739080  Atom probe experiment simulator  0  nobody
 3326   628  RFP xmlcalabash  742119  an XProc processor  0  nobody
 3327   2,769  RFP brahms  742518  Modular execution framework for SystemML  0  nobody
 3328   3,255  RFP yaafe  741854  audio features extraction library  0  nobody
 3329   3,255  RFP vsfm  743183  GUI application for 3D reconstruction using structure from …  0  nobody
 3330   3,255  RFP qpid-dispatch  737776  Dispatch router for Qpid and AMQP  0  nobody
 3331   2,769  RFP spineml-2-brahms  742517  Convert SpineML models for execution in brahms  0  nobody
 3332   1,822  RFP alaveteli  742931  free software to help citizens write Freedom of Information…  0  nobody
 3333   3,255  RFP timeside  740783  open web audio processing framework  0  nobody
 3334   2,883  RFP llvmmath  743876  LLVM math library  0  nobody
 3335   3,255  RFP mpria  737696  multi-precision rational interval arithmetic library  0  nobody
 3336   3,255  RFP ruby-better-errors  739168  Better error page for Rails and other Rack apps  0  nobody
 3337   3,255  RFP rassam-paint  742398  Simple drawing program for Linux  0  nobody
 3338   3,255  RFP oct2py  743499  GNU Octave to Python bridge  0  nobody
 3339   3,440  RFP vim-automaticlatexplugin  739066  editing, building and viewing LaTeX files in vim  0  nobody
 3340   3,255  RFP sentimental-skk  743024  Japanese Input Method SKK on your terminal  0  nobody
 3341   1,124  RFP madgwick-ahrs  740858  Madgwick and Mahony attitude and heading reference (AHRS) a…  0  nobody
 3342   3,255  RFP ccd2cue  742157  GNU CCD (CloneCD) sheet to CUE sheet converter  0  nobody
 3343   456  RFP gstreamer-sharp-1.0  742729  new revamped GStreamer CLI bindings that target gstreamer-1…  0  nobody
 3344   3,662  RFP nancy  738674  lightweight framework for building HTTP based services in C#  0  nobody
 3345   648  RFP ajaxometer  737352  web-based download and upload speed test utility  0  nobody
 3346   3,662  RFP ruby-albacore  738676  suite of Rake tasks for building C# projects  0  nobody
 3347   3,255  RFP arrowhead  748677  micro-framework for flowchart-like computing  0  nobody
 3348   648  RFP garrymander  748324  command-line client and python modules for interacting with…  0  nobody
 3349   3,255  RFP force-bind  748952  forcer-bind is a shared object that is loaded with LD_PRELO…  0  nobody
 3350   3,255  RFP sblim-sfc-common  754422  sfc Common libraries for sfcb and sfcc  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!