Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3201   2,045  RFP flexget  724718  multipurpose automation tool for torrents, nzbs, podcasts, …  0  nobody
 3202   3,646  RFP ruby-pyu-ruby-sasl  720758  Simple Authentication and Security Layer  0  nobody
 3203   2,829  RFP kte-collaborative  725110  Collaborative Text Editor support for KDE  0  nobody
 3204   3,646  RFP wiktionarytodict  725487  Translation dictionaries for the dictd server  0  nobody
 3205   3,646  RFP php-structures-datagrid-datasource-da…  720951  DataSource driver using PEAR::DB_DataObject  0  nobody
 3206   2,892  RFP metar-elboza  723827  a simple command line metar and taf  0  nobody
 3207   2,859  RFP wxcam  725708  A webcam application  0  nobody
 3208   3,256  RFP libjs-leaflet-awesome-markers  724893  plugin for Leaflet to make awesome markers  0  nobody
 3209   2,083  RFP elpa-coffee-mode  726509  Emacs mode for editing CoffeeScript  0  nobody
 3210   3,646  RFP metawarej  725463  Java framework for creating web-based business applications  0  nobody
 3211   648  RFP vscp  726445  framework for automation of IoT/m2m tasks  0  nobody
 3212   2,369  RFP minetest-mod-moretrees  721200  Minetest mod - more trees  0  nobody
 3213   3,646  RFP puppet-module-puppetlabs-keystone  726748  Puppet module for Openstack keystone  0  nobody
 3214   3,646  RFP ecp  720327  copies files with checksum on the fly"  0  nobody
 3215   3,646  RFP puppet-module-puppetlabs-vswitch  720294  Puppet module for vSwitches  0  nobody
 3216   1,640  RFP jchardet  721624  Java port of Mozilla charset detector  0  nobody
 3217   3,646  RFP clang-tags  726332  Indexing tool for C/C++ source code  0  nobody
 3218   2,349  RFP libjs-zxcvbn  726171  realistic password strength  0  nobody
 3219   2,817  RFP python-vcs  721598  Various version control systems management abstraction layer  0  nobody
 3220   3,646  RFP rateit  721807  Tool for performing MUSHRA tests  0  nobody
 3221   669  RFP fonts-new-athena-unicode  723009  Multilingual font distributed by the American Philological …  0  nobody
 3222   628  RFP rumember  725320  "Remember The Milk Ruby API and command line client"  0  nobody
 3223   3,022  RFP playitagainsam  726006  presenter that records and replays interactive terminal ses…  0  nobody
 3224   2,459  RFP radium  721861  graphical music editor  0  nobody
 3225   3,255  RFP b2sum  734112  BLAKE2 family of hash functions -- command-line tool  0  nobody
 3226   472  RFP carbonate  734377  some primitive tools to help you manage your graphite clust…  0  nobody
 3227   2,789  RFP phpipam  731713  web based IP address management  0  nobody
 3228   3,255  RFP openpgpkey-milter  736497  automatically PGP encrypt emails for milter-capable MTAs  0  nobody
 3229   2,614  RFP lua-stdlib  727169  Standard Lua libraries  0  nobody
 3230   3,646  RFP golang-urlconnection  728657  Go library to connect to targets given as URLs  0  nobody
 3231   2,818  RFP alienfeed  728940  Reddit command-line client  0  nobody
 3232   3,685  RFP adbfuse  729259  fuse layer for ADB  0  nobody
 3233   3,255  RFP pstar  734793  The P* Web Programming Language  0  nobody
 3234   3,255  RFP pysshmenu  734380  Menu for quick connections to your remote hosts  0  nobody
 3235   3,255  RFP keysigningpartytools  737072  create a better formatted list in PDF format by reading a F…  0  nobody
 3236   3,256  RFP travatar  732718  tree based machine translation toolkit  0  nobody
 3237   3,646  RFP web100-userland  728808  The userland library and utilities for accessing and manipu…  0  nobody
 3238   3,646  RFP postgresql-madlib  729883  MADlib is an open-source library for scalable in-database a…  0  nobody
 3239   3,255  RFP light-table  734653  IDE with real time feedback  0  nobody
 3240   2,689  RFP zathura-mupdf  731447  mupdf backend for zathura  0  nobody
 3241   3,255  RFP prpltwtr  732562  libpurple plugin to add microblogging as an IM protocol  0  nobody
 3242   3,256  RFP readseq2  732990  readseq2 is a rewrite of readseq converter  0  nobody
 3243   2,435  RFP rssdrop  727727  deliver rss feeds to Maildirs  0  nobody
 3244   3,256  RFP libdesktop-agnostic  730677  Desktop-agnostic library for GLib-based projects  0  nobody
 3245   3,246  RFP joyent-mdata-client  728749  Metadata tools for interacting with SmartOS datasources  0  nobody
 3246   2,796  RFP ibus-sayura  729937  Sinhala Transe IME engine for ibus  0  nobody
 3247   2,841  RFP pyhusl  734394  conversions for HUSL (human-friendly HSL) color space  0  nobody
 3248   3,646  RFP django-oauth2-provider  728162  Provide OAuth2 access to django application  0  nobody
 3249   2,807  RFP gitignorer  727676  A simple utility that aids in the creation of .gitignore fi…  0  nobody
 3250   3,646  RFP libpoly2tri  729491  Lightweight triangulation library for simple polygons.  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!