Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2751   2,998  RFP fdmf  490135  find duplicate music files  0  nobody
 2752   2,603  RFP brl-cad  289632  A Combinatorial/Constructive Solid Geometry, solid modeling…  0  nobody
 2753   3,335  RFP curl-loader  503308  application load simulator  0  nobody
 2754   3,497  RFP honeytrap  440226  low-interaction network honeypot  0  nobody
 2755   3,288  RFP freedict-eng-ara  505511  Dict package for English-Arabic Freedict dictionary  0  nobody
 2756   2,259  RFP elpa-nopaste  580259  submitting buffers or regions to various nopaste sites from…  0  nobody
 2757   2,102  RFP etherpad-lite  576998  collaborative real-time editor  0  nobody
 2758   2,884  RFP python-audiolab  535627  A python module to make noise from numpy arrays  0  nobody
 2759   2,813  RFP ps3-media-server  551645  DLNA UPnP Media Server, dedicated to  0  nobody
 2760   3,178  RFP memorize-activity  566787  Memorize game for Sugar  0  nobody
 2761   2,943  RFP cookieculler  569957  browser extension to manage cookies  0  nobody
 2762   2,273  RFP elpa-babel  576609  translate for emacs  0  nobody
 2763   1,957  RFP squirrel-sql  559867  graphical universal SQL client  0  nobody
 2764   2,794  RFP pyclutter-gst  557671  Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements…  0  nobody
 2765   3,022  RFP libnet-plesk-perl  590195  Perl extension for the Plesk XML Remote API  0  nobody
 2766   2,604  RFP libspring-security-java  582181  modular Java/J2EE  0  nobody
 2767   2,818  RFP lastfm-desktop  537200  The official desktop application suite  0  nobody
 2768   910  RFP openoctave  578787  MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor  0  nobody
 2769   2,814  RFP asciiportal  548031  puzzle jump'n'run adventure game  0  nobody
 2770   2,897  RFP libopenssl-perl  534338  OpenSSL bindings in perl  0  nobody
 2771   2,108  RFP usb-creator-to-be-renamed  576359  startup disk creator  0  nobody
 2772   3,026  RFP turbid  591472  High-Entropy Randomness Generator  0  nobody
 2773   3,391  RFP elf-statifier  579661  compiles C programs into a single static executable  0  nobody
 2774   2,835  RFP cpupowerd  587514  daemon for frequency and voltage control of AMD K8 CPUs wit…  0  nobody
 2775   2,834  RFP libgstreamer-java  576984  Java interface to the gstreamer framework  0  nobody
 2776   2,945  RFP historyblock  569958  browser extension for hist. control  0  nobody
 2777   2,737  RFP mumps-metis  586110  Mumps library with METIS support  0  nobody
 2778   3,024  RFP statusnet-client-desktop  589456  Titanium-based desktop client for connecting to StatusNet  0  nobody
 2779   2,835  RFP mapcatcher  589254  offline map viewer  0  nobody
 2780   2,776  RFP selenium-ide  552099  Firefox add-on to record and playback  0  nobody
 2781   2,978  RFP bt747  533589  GPS data logger software, allows download, convert, and con…  0  nobody
 2782   3,581  RFP python-pyneo  534162  pyneo mobile stack: basis libraries  0  nobody
 2783   3,026  RFP makeup  537587  The anti-ageing build system  0  nobody
 2784   2,830  RFP scmbug  528110  Integration of Software Configuration  0  nobody
 2785   1,461  RFP levmar  546202  Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares  0  nobody
 2786   3,291  RFP jarifa  557757  System for grid computing on organizational resources, usin…  0  nobody
 2787   2,857  RFP peerguardian  578192  IP blocking software  0  nobody
 2788   3,581  RFP pyneod  534160  pyneo mobile stack: daemon suite  0  nobody
 2789   2,987  RFP klee  576142  symbolic virtual machine built on top of LLVM  0  nobody
 2790   2,879  RFP affiliatefox-fsfe  577693  iceweasel plugin for fsfe  0  nobody
 2791   3,450  RFP aspell-lang  536075  dictionary creation tools for aspell  0  nobody
 2792   2,493  RFP maven-release  573393  Maven Release Plugin  0  nobody
 2793   2,940  RFP pyopenfst  579401  Python bindings for the OpenFst library  0  nobody
 2794   3,198  RFP ljcrop  521315  graphical tool for lossless JPEG cropping  0  nobody
 2795   1,159  RFP jidanni  576184  a natural intelligence to find many bugs  0  nobody
 2796   2,842  RFP openvibe  580247  software platform for BCI  0  nobody
 2797   2,505  RFP billiards  539078  Billiards is a free cue sports simulator  0  nobody
 2798   3,026  RFP overbiteff  589060  Add-on for Iceweasel/Firefox that provides improved gopher …  0  nobody
 2799   3,255  RFP fsmap  576881  Graphical description in a concept map of the free software…  0  nobody
 2800   3,320  RFP weaveserver  537499  Secure data sharing server for firefox/iceweasel  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!