Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1601   1,228  O easyh10  991083  Utility to manage the iRiver H10 music player  7  nobody
 1602   1,318  O dj-static  986932  Serve production static files with Django (Python 3)  7  nobody
 1603   1,790  O herisvm  947727  machine learning tools for classification algorithms  7  nobody
 1604   1,895  RFA golang-github-tent-http-link-go  940432  None  7  nobody
 1605   1,895  RFA golang-github-nu7hatch-gouuid  940403  None  7  nobody
 1606   2,690  RFP koha  702134  Koha Integrated Library System  7  nobody
 1607   1,931  O cvs-mailcommit  934417  Send CVS commitments via mail  7  nobody
 1608   1,895  RFA golang-gopkg-xmlpath.v2  940447  None  7  nobody
 1609   2,062  O dot-forward  907095  reads sendmail's .forward files under qmail  7  nobody
 1610   3,114  O asterisk-prompt-es-co  823902  Colombian Spanish voice prompts for Asterisk  7  nobody
 1611   3,844  O tmexpand  748276  text-macro processing script to create HTML and SGML docume…  7  nobody
 1612   1,897  O python-minimock  677174  simple library for Python mock objects  7  nobody
 1613   921  RFP raylib  1011133  simple videogame library  7  nobody
 1614   1,609  RFP radeon-profile  960582  an application to read current clocks of ATi Radeon cards  7  nobody
 1615   2,929  RFP pantheon-greeter  750824  Pantheon Login Screen  7  nobody
 1616   2,121  O gitgraph.js  889499  convert git log --graph to image with HTML5 canvas  7  nobody
 1617   2,199  RFP deepin-draw  871976  Deepin Draw for Deepin Desktop Environment  7  nobody
 1618   2,387  RFP node-babel-messages  854168  Collection of debug messages used by Babel.  7  nobody
 1619   2,631  O simba  858685  next generation mirroring tool  7  nobody
 1620   2,913  RFP influxdb-relay  840675  a basic high availability layer for InfluxDB  7  nobody
 1621   2,750  RFP wview  659620  Weather station daemon  7  nobody
 1622   1,350  O python-jenkinsapi  985165  bindings for Python usage of the Jenkins remote API  6  nobody
 1623   241  O gcpegg  1064156  GCP (EGG) Software  6  nobody
 1624   2,860  RFP libjs-extjs4  619642  cross-browser JavaScript library, version 4  6  nobody
 1625   522  O zlmdb  1038667  Object-relational in-memory database layer based on LMDB  6  nobody
 1626   1,035  RFA dlang-libevent  1004236  None  6  nobody
 1627   3,644  RFP mod-host  722491  LV2 host for jackd with socket and shell control  6  nobody
 1628   2,780  RFP python-bond  809542  transparent remote/recursive evaluation between Python and …  6  nobody
 1629   1,072  RFP web-greeter  641768  Modern, visually appealing login  6  nobody
 1630   2,881  RFP commandbox  792018  CFML REPL, CLI, Package Manager, and Embedded Server  6  nobody
 1631   2,939  RFP openxcom  794470  Open-source clone of the original X-Com game  6  nobody
 1632   1,895  RFA golang-github-calmh-luhn  940347  None  6  nobody
 1633   1,895  RFA golang-github-calmh-du  940346  None  6  nobody
 1634   305  RFH qiskit-terra  1008625  None  6  nobody
 1635   1,087  O ruby-open-uri-redirections  1000994  openuri patch to allow redirections between HTTP and HTTPS  6  nobody
 1636   2,833  RFP i-nex  738266  an application that gathers information for hardware compon…  6  nobody
 1637   1,895  RFA golang-github-pierrec-xxhash  940407  None  6  nobody
 1638   1,895  RFA golang-github-vjeantet-grok  940438  None  6  nobody
 1639   3,254  RFP dooble  727146  WebKit based light browser  6  nobody
 1640   1,559  O scim-unikey  968562  Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey Engine  6  nobody
 1641   2,856  RFP nfsen  472666  Netflow Sensor  6  nobody
 1642   2,062  O mailfront  907086  mail server network protocol front-ends  6  nobody
 1643   2,027  O python-first  928536  simple function that returns the first true value from an i…  6  nobody
 1644   2,784  RFP jampal  690274  mp3 song library management system and player  6  nobody
 1645   3,349  RFP reaction  694645  first person shooter (ioquake3)  6  nobody
 1646   2,120  O golang-github-leemcloughlin-gofarmhash  889230  Implements Google's Farmhash in Golang  6  nobody
 1647   2,120  O libjs-autolink  889497  JavaScript methods converting text to links  6  nobody
 1648   2,885  O cyclades-serial-client  849719  Network Serial port client software for Cyclades terminal s…  6  nobody
 1649   3,048  O net-luminis-build-plugin  824824  Wrapper around Bnd to allow easy bundle creation from ant b…  6  nobody
 1650   3,002  O ewipe  836475  Yet another presentation tool based on Tcl/Tk  6  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!