Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1251   1,313  O dkopp  987089  Full and incremental backup to DVD  24  nobody
 1252   1,877  RFP mist  827314  Ethereum browser  24  nobody
 1253   1,398  O proxycheck  980955  checks existence of open proxy  24  nobody
 1254   1,895  RFA golang-github-roaringbitmap-roaring  940416  None  24  nobody
 1255   2,825  O cricket  737290  Program for collection and display of time-series data  23  nobody
 1256   3,062  O libapache2-mod-lisp  829682  An Apache2 module that interfaces with Lisp environments  23  nobody
 1257   448  O emacs-lsp-haskell  1051027  Haskell support for lsp-mode  23  nobody
 1258   1,992  O wiipdf  930304  present a PDF file using your wiimote  23  nobody
 1259   981  O emacs-world-time-mode  904236  None  23  nobody
 1260   288  RFP ghidra  923851  software reverse engineering framework  23  nobody
 1261   1,147  O lua-copas  995501  Copas is a dispatcher of concurrent TCP/IP requests  23  nobody
 1262   1,147  O lua-xmlrpc  995525  xmlrpc library for the Lua language  23  nobody
 1263   2,230  O ngetty  911035  getty replacement - one single daemon for all consoles  22  nobody
 1264   1,207  RFP ferdi  991855  All your messaging services in one place  22  nobody
 1265   61  RFA zigpy  1082597  Python Zigbee stack  22  nobody
 1266   4,534  O elfrc  678874  convert arbitrary files into elf objects  22  nobody
 1267   1,160  O aft  994637  "free form" document preparation system  22  nobody
 1268   2,847  O doclifter  854220  Convert troff to DocBook  22  nobody
 1269   2,952  O pinyin-database  841817  PinYin database used by ibus-pinyin  22  nobody
 1270   3,474  O fwanalog  785776  firewall log-file report generator (using analog)  22  nobody
 1271   239  O qt-avif-image-plugin  1067899  Qt plug-in to read/write AVIF images  22  nobody
 1272   267  O sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet  1065030  Organize changelog directives in Sphinx docs  22  nobody
 1273   242  O python-isoweek  1067706  Python module to provide the class Week (Python 3)  22  nobody
 1274   1,122  RFA diod  997964  I/O forwarding server for 9P  22  nobody
 1275   310  O kytos-sphinx-theme  964900  Theme used by kytos with sphinx -- Python  22  nobody
 1276   467  O loadwatch  1047904  Run a program using only idle cycles  22  nobody
 1277   811  O xwrited  1019015  display write and wall messages as desktop notifications  22  nobody
 1278   431  RFP 2mandvd  690593  Video DVD creator  22  nobody
 1279   2,859  RFP drive  790933  Google Drive tool  22  nobody
 1280   556  O libapache-mod-auth-radius  1036181  Apache 2.x module for RADIUS authentication  21  nobody
 1281   130  O wf-shell  1076394  GTK-based panel and background client for Wayfire  21  nobody
 1282   900  RFA oz  1012397  Install virtual machine guest OSs with minimal input from t…  21  nobody
 1283   465  O clearsilver  849019  fast, powerful, and language-neutral HTML template system  21  nobody
 1284   1,608  O coriander  963911  control IEEE1394 digital camera  21  nobody
 1285   160  O mmh  947625  set of electronic mail handling programs  21  nobody
 1286   1,107  RFP dvc  932377  Version Control System for Machine Learning  21  nobody
 1287   524  RFP lunarg-vulkan-layers  890009  Extra vulkan development layers  21  nobody
 1288   3,028  RFP kodi-visualization-projectm  833763  ProjectM visualizer for Kodi  21  nobody
 1289   2,312  RFP gsignond  831747  gSSO daemon and default plugins  21  nobody
 1290   2,968  O libnfo  840040  an NFO file parser/writer library -- development files  20  nobody
 1291   2,589  O powerdebug  879409  tool to display regulator, sensor and clock information  20  nobody
 1292   4,105  O mmake  721058  Makefile generator for Java programs  20  nobody
 1293   1,040  RFA dvdtape  1003908  Create DVD master filesystems on DLT media  20  nobody
 1294   839  O safe-iop  1016735  Safe integer operation library  20  nobody
 1295   314  O python-plyer  926030  platform-independent wrapper for platform-dependent APIs  20  nobody
 1296   2,068  RFP m64py  678947  Mupen64Plus 2.0 GUI frontend written in python  20  nobody
 1297   260  O google-android-m2repository-installer  1065612  Google Android support m2 repository  20  nobody
 1298   2,952  O tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese  841818  Simplified Chinese handwriting model for Zinnia  20  nobody
 1299   2,983  O bbmail  832561  Mail notifier for Blackbox/Fluxbox  20  nobody
 1300   3,020  RFA liblog4ada  834509  Ada library for flexible logging  20  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!