Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3401   78  RFP nvidia-mofed  1074466  MVidia MLNX OFED software for Infiniband  0  nobody
 3402   2,461  RFP qubes-core-agent  837902  The Qubes core files for VMs  1  nobody
 3403   2,461  RFP qubes-gui-daemon  837910  Qubes GUI daemon  1  nobody
 3404   840  RFP pwnat  930966  allows clients behind NATs to communicate  35  nobody
 3405   179  RFP contour-terminal  1067135  modern virtual terminal emulator  0  nobody
 3406   33  RFP kunifiedpush  1078570  UnifiedPush client library and distributor daemon  1  nobody
 3407   172  RFP librust-parse-display-dev  1067743  Rust library that provides derive macro Display and FromStr  0  nobody
 3408   172  RFP libgourou  1067719  free implementation of Adobe's ADEPT protocol used to add D…  0  nobody
 3409   163  RFP ai-sdc  1068386  A collection of tools and resources for managing the statis…  0  nobody
 3410   69  RFP rlogout  1075899  rust/gtk4 based wlogout  0  nobody
 3411   1,106  RFP libnet-sftp-perl  993606  pure-Perl implementation of the Secure File Transfer Protoc…  12  nobody
 3412   163  RFP python-chainstream  1068376  a subclass of io.RawIOBase, to chain I/O streams together i…  0  nobody
 3413   162  RFP aerospike-database  1068456  Distributed, scalable NoSQL database that supports both str…  0  nobody
 3414   160  RFP golang-freecumextremist-themusicgod1-…  1019524  bridge between net/context and http.Handler  0  nobody
 3415   160  RFP eww  1056072  A widget system written in Rust  0  nobody
 3416   18  RFP python-pycddl  1068692  Deserialize CBOR and/or do CDDL schema validation  0  nobody
 3417   153  RFP python-sphinxcontrib.django  1061436  Sphinx extension which improves the documentation of Django…  0  nobody
 3418   155  RFP rust-topgrade  1068886  all-in-one upgrade tool which doesn't try reinventing the w…  0  nobody
 3419   153  RFP python-pytest-fail-slow  1010168  pytest plugin for making tests fail that take too long to r…  0  nobody
 3420   153  RFP python-surt  1022923  transform Universal Resource Identifiers into an easily-sor…  0  nobody
 3421   153  RFP python-gensafeprime  1022836  generate primes with openssl  0  nobody
 3422   153  RFP python-playwright  1023837  Playwright is a Python library to automate Chromium, Firefo…  0  nobody
 3423   153  RFP python-aiologger  1032475  Asynchronous non-blocking logging for python and asyncio  0  nobody
 3424   65  RFP liba2i  1076091  String-to-numeric library  0  nobody
 3425   149  RFP shellprof  1069241  Shell script profiler in Python  0  nobody
 3426   151  RFP tenacity  1069124  easy-to-use, privacy-friendly, multi-track audio editor and…  0  nobody
 3427   148  RFP bbcp  1069342  Parallel SSH transfer  0  nobody
 3428   145  RFP qft  1069670  Resilient P2P UDP file transfer  0  nobody
 3429   127  RFP rapidgzip  1069602  Parallelized decompression of gzip (Python)  0  nobody
 3430   144  RFP cars-sports-racing  1069699  Cars Sports Racing Speed Dreams fork  0  nobody
 3431   13  RFP nginx-push-stream-module  1080314  A pure stream http push technology for Nginx setup  0  nobody
 3432   0  RFP aptkit  1081742  Transaction based package management service  0  nobody
 3433   0  RFP captain  1081743  Collection of APT tools  0  nobody
 3434   2,134  RFP flacon  913217  audio file encoder  50  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!