Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1   932  RFP evil-collection  946684  collection of missing Evil bindings for Emacs M-x calendar,…  0  nobody
 2   2,602  RFP dypgen  586758  a GLR parser and lexer generator for OCaml  0  nobody
 3   2,594  RFP gerrit  589436  Web based code review and project management for Git based …  4  nobody
 4   2,931  RFP golang-github-lusis-go-artifactory  821206  Go library and utilities to interact with Artifactory  0  nobody
 5   2,352  RFP elpa-hyperbole  881933  hypertextual information manager  0  nobody
 6   78  RFP ghidra  923851  software reverse engineering framework  19  nobody
 7   557  RFP python-txjsonrpc  926034  code for creating Twisted JSON-RPC servers and clients  0  nobody
 8   492  RFP podcasts  965044  Podcast application for GNOME written in Rust  0  nobody
 9   823  RFP ripeatlasprobe  965172  RIPE Atlas Software Probe  0  nobody
 10   2,465  RFP flipcoin  822221  flip an adjustable coin for random exit status  0  nobody
 11   41  RFP slidge-slidgram  1066937  feature-rich Telegram to XMPP puppeteering gateway  0  nobody
 12   2,760  RFP phplist  612288  multi-list email campaign manager  0  nobody
 13   2,091  RFP alfanous  861621  Quranic search engine  0  nobody
 14   1,621  RFP moinmoin-mode  877755  emacs major mode to edit MoinMoin wiki pages  0  nobody
 15   175  RFP icecat  637348  GNU version of the Firefox browser  30  nobody
 16   1,844  RFP node-evacuated-deep-extend  926686  Recursive object extending  0  nobody
 17   3,042  RFP cherokee  648256  Very fast, flexible and easy to  14  nobody
 18   3,042  RFP liblutok  675626  library for Lightweight C++ API for Lua  0  nobody
 19   3,549  RFP feincms-elephantblog  672581  simplistic blog engine for FeinCMS  0  nobody
 20   593  RFP procmon  965242  utility to trace the syscall activity on the system  1  nobody
 21   2,668  RFP wmi-client  593261  useful package for those interacting with windows machine  22  nobody
 22   2,222  RFP ssb-sprom  666527  A tool for modification of the Broadcom Sonics Silicon Back…  0  nobody
 23   3,102  RFP libapache-sshd-java  683639  java server and client implementation of the SSH protocol  0  nobody
 24   1,809  RFP drupal-console-launcher  928946  DrupalConsole global executable aka Launcher  0  nobody
 25   1,301  RFP blockly  971608  web-based, visual programming editor  0  nobody
 26   473  RFP docbook-el  984898  Info-like viewer for DocBook  0  nobody
 27   1,036  RFP explain-pause-mode-el  990294  Emacs mode for session profiling and identification of poor…  0  nobody
 28   649  RFP visitor  1013428  A tiny library to facilitate visitor implementation in Pyth…  0  nobody
 29   2,645  RFP funcdesigner  631206  Python module for rapid prototyping of functions with AD  0  nobody
 30   3,559  RFP replicatorg  613210  Simple 3D printing program  1  nobody
 31   3,103  RFP bool2cnf  616651  tool for converting a boolean formula into CNF  0  nobody
 32   2,768  RFP cutmp3  619703  small and fast command line MP3 editor  35  nobody
 33   1,189  RFP kibana  700337  is a user friendly way to view your log data.  425  nobody
 34   3,559  RFP ibus-bogo  703760  A Vietnamese input engine for IBus.  0  nobody
 35   3,559  RFP ruby-georuby  702165  Ruby data holder for OGC Simple Features  0  nobody
 36   3,549  RFP ruby-rkerberos  718034  A Ruby interface for Kerberos  31  nobody
 37   11  RFP python-gensafeprime  1022836  generate primes with openssl  0  nobody
 38   256  RFP openfwwf  513974  Open Firmware for Broadcom b43 wlan devices  3  nobody
 39   2,931  RFP golang-github-pearkes-mailgun  821265  Go library for using Mailgun (email service)  0  nobody
 40   1,485  RFP cuba  886254  library for multidimensional numerical  0  nobody
 41   1,841  RFP node-evacuated-functional-red-black-t…  926899  A purely functional red-black tree data structure (in javas…  0  nobody
 42   1,848  RFP hg-evolve  926398  Mutable history for mercurial  0  nobody
 43   2,393  RFP yofrankie  497859  Yo Frankie is a project by the blender foundation to create…  1  nobody
 44   419  RFP btdu  1008321  stochastic disk use analyzer for btrfs  1  nobody
 45   2,442  RFP lenmus  480510  music education software to learn music  1  nobody
 46   2,965  RFP qooxdoo  485975  Ajax application framework  0  nobody
 47   833  RFP mob  1003683  Smooth git handover for remote pair/mob programming.  0  nobody
 48   1,903  RFP node-from  885779  Create a Node.JS stream from arrays or functions  0  nobody
 49   2,622  RFP meta-suckless-tools  709237  meta-package installs simple commands for minimalistic wind…  0  nobody
 50   2,364  RFP firebird-emu  880826  Third-party emulator of the ARM-based TI-Nspire calculators  13  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!