Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 251   3,099  RFP unity  609278  Interface for Ubuntu Desktop Edition  0  nobody
 252   1,895  RFP unit  941243  NGINX Unit  19  nobody
 253   884  RFP uniseg-python  901796  A Python package to determine Unicode text segmentations  0  nobody
 254   1,006  RFP unicode-tussle  1006770  Tom Christiansen's Unicode scripts  0  nobody
 255   1,914  RFP umtskeeper  831893  keep your UMTS/GPRS/GSM connection alive automatically  1  nobody
 256   453  RFP ultrastardx  487216  A singing competition game  1  nobody
 257   1,157  RFP ultimate-facebook-scraper  915373  A bot which scrapes almost everything about a facebook user…  0  nobody
 258   1,914  RFP ui-grid  848525  Angular UI Grid  0  nobody
 259   2,431  RFP uglifycss  794479  CSS mangler/compressor toolkit  0  nobody
 260   2,563  RFP udev-notify  670467  Display notifications about newly plugged hardware  0  nobody
 261   798  RFP ucode  1020861  tiny general purpose scripting language featuring a syntax …  1  nobody
 262   2,975  RFP ublock-origin-websocket  840476  companion to uBlock Origin to expose websocket connections  0  nobody
 263   2,366  RFP ubiquity  623790  GUI installer for live systems  1  nobody
 264   2,892  RFP uberftp  779275  Interactive gridftp client  0  nobody
 265   609  RFP ubbd  1033982  Userspace backend block device  0  nobody
 266   3,304  RFP tyrutils  803880  quake 1 or 2 mod utils for building quake levels and quake …  0  nobody
 267   2,868  RFP tyrquake  799829  very conservative QuakeWorld and Quake1 engine  0  nobody
 268   317  RFP typst  1060888  A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and …  0  nobody
 269   3,265  RFP txjsonrpc  764560  Library for creating Twisted JSON-RPC servers and clients  0  nobody
 270   677  RFP txi2p  930578  I2P bindings for Twisted  0  nobody
 271   3,076  RFP twlog  815733  ham log book program  0  nobody
 272   1,663  RFP twhamqth  815708  callsign look up using database  0  nobody
 273   1,736  RFP twemoji-mozilla  881475  Twitter Emoji font in  0  nobody
 274   3,062  RFP twemoji-color-font  831512  Twitter Color Emoji SVGinOT Font  0  nobody
 275   61  RFP twemoji  878875  Open-sourced Twitter emoji images  0  nobody
 276   3,023  RFP twamp-gui  786603  TWAMP protocol client and responder  0  nobody
 277   875  RFP tvision  1014886  modern port of Turbo Vision, a framework for text-based use…  0  nobody
 278   1,122  RFP tvb-data  901862  Demonstration datasets for use with The Virtual Brain  0  nobody
 279   3,397  RFP tuxemon  795174  Open source turn-based RPG  0  nobody
 280   1,337  RFP tuxedo-keyboard  986560  TUXEDO Computers kernel module drivers for keyboard, keyboa…  61  nobody
 281   864  RFP tut  1015960  A TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keys  13  nobody
 282   371  RFP tusd  1014812  implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol  1  nobody
 283   280  RFP turtle  1064941  Turtle provides dialogs for version control operations and …  0  nobody
 284   2,555  RFP turtl  883701  Note-taking application with secure online syncing  4  nobody
 285   1,015  RFP turbowarp  1006298  TurboWarp as a desktop app  0  nobody
 286   3,036  RFP turbid  591472  High-Entropy Randomness Generator  0  nobody
 287   1,561  RFP tunefish  948488  very tiny analog synthesizer  2  nobody
 288   2,216  RFP tubedown  871245  Download videos for mp4 files using Youtube-dl GUI  0  nobody
 289   3,019  RFP tt-rss-attic-plugins  713065  Extra plugins for tt-rss  0  nobody
 290   656  RFP ttm  1031507  Tiny task manager for Linux, MacOS and Unix-like systems  59  nobody
 291   2,794  RFP ttf2woff  830797  Converter from TrueType and OpenType fonts to the WOFF form…  0  nobody
 292   200  RFP tsmuxer  761820  mux video to TS/M2TS files or create BD disks  113  nobody
 293   1,316  RFP tsc  832287  The Secret Chronicles of Dr. M.  4  nobody
 294   3,024  RFP trytls  835333  TLS client quality checker  0  nobody
 295   2,421  RFP truffleruby  851392  high performance Java implementation of the Ruby programmin…  0  nobody
 296   1,891  RFP truepolyglot  941471  Create combined ZIP/PDF files.  0  nobody
 297   2,259  RFP trojita  795701  Fast Qt IMAP e-mail client.  5  nobody
 298   583  RFP trivy  929458  A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Contai…  113  nobody
 299   2,558  RFP triops  835802  safely and securely encrypt and decrypt files from cmdline  0  nobody
 300   2,134  RFP trinity-desktop  684475  Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE)  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!