Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 351   1,581  RFP cocalc  947455  CoCalc: Collaborative Calculation in the Cloud  0  nobody
 352   1,923  RFP cocos2d-x  919691  Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-d…  0  nobody
 353   2,564  RFP cocot  638838  Character code converter on tty  0  nobody
 354   1,669  RFP codebraid  941380  A pandoc wrapper enablong code execution in Markdown docume…  0  nobody
 355   2,485  RFP code-maat  819769  Command line tool used to mine and analyze data from versio…  0  nobody
 356   1,980  RFP codernitydb  872631  fast schema-less NoSQL database engine  0  nobody
 357   2,586  RFP codexl  858776  comprehensive CPU/GPU profilig suite with GUI.  1  nobody
 358   1,336  RFP codimd  969111  Web based real time collaborative markdown editing  0  nobody
 359   331  RFP codium  959941  Code editing. Redefined.  1,951  nobody
 360   2,808  RFP coffeelint  746619  static code analyser for CoffeeScript  0  nobody
 361   2,537  RFP colibri-core  814250  Colibri Core is a Natural Language Processing tool to quick…  0  nobody
 362   2,669  RFP commandbox  792018  CFML REPL, CLI, Package Manager, and Embedded Server  6  nobody
 363   1,176  RFP commit-helper  932492  Helps you create and maintain your  0  nobody
 364   2,298  RFP commitizen  886697  Git command that helps format commit messages correctly  0  nobody
 365   2,172  RFP commix  833397  Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation …  28  nobody
 366   363  RFP company-irony  892377  C, C++ and Objective-C completion tooltips for emacs.  0  nobody
 367   1,459  RFP complete-alias  958942  BASH Completion for shell aliases  0  nobody
 368   62  RFP composefs  1064457  file system for mounting container images  0  nobody
 369   233  RFP conan  845463  dependency manager for C/C++/golang  36  nobody
 370   2,511  RFP condetri  816925  Perl-based trimming of Illumina FASTQ files  0  nobody
 371   3,432  RFP confctl  684200  Utility to access C-like configuration files from shell scr…  0  nobody
 372   1,963  RFP confidantmail  874340  Secure GPG-based non-SMTP email and large file transfer  0  nobody
 373   3,041  RFP confiture  747823  Python library to parse configuration files  0  nobody
 374   1,981  RFP connid  847003  framework for provisioning identities to repositories  0  nobody
 375   144  RFP consent-o-matic  1057261  browser extension to automatically fill out cookie popups  0  nobody
 376   1,585  RFP container-diff  930385  Diff your Docker containers  1  nobody
 377   313  RFP container-selinux  1038164  SELinux policy module for containers  0  nobody
 378   36  RFP contour-terminal  1067135  modern virtual terminal emulator  0  nobody
 379   2,903  RFP convergence  640786  An agile, distributed, and secure strategy for replacing Ce…  0  nobody
 380   2,041  RFP convert3d  865126  tool(s) for converting 3D images between common file formats  2  nobody
 381   1,913  RFP cookie-autodelete  908285  delete cookies not used by any open tab  0  nobody
 382   2,730  RFP cookieculler  569957  browser extension to manage cookies  0  nobody
 383   564  RFP coolreader  1021451  cross platform open source e-book reader  24  nobody
 384   2,653  RFP coova-chilli  517847  (Wireless) LAN Access Point Controller  12  nobody
 385   2,693  RFP coq-areamethod  801484  coq library for the area method decision procedure  0  nobody
 386   345  RFP coreclr  779969  .NET Core Runtime  0  nobody
 387   346  RFP corefx  779970  .NET Core Libraries  0  nobody
 388   1,967  RFP core-moos  874011  Mission Oriented Operating Suite  0  nobody
 389   1,456  RFP core-setup  959099  Helper library for MSbuild .NET Core support  0  nobody
 390   1,690  RFP corridor  829740  a Tor traffic whitelisting gateway  0  nobody
 391   37  RFP cotp  1066826  command line totp/hotp authenticator  0  nobody
 392   871  RFP couchdb  1001167  Document-oriented database with RESTful JSON API  72  nobody
 393   174  RFP courier-zdkimfilter  840955  DKIM filter for Courier-MTA  0  nobody
 394   3,560  RFP cows-and-bulls  682398  Words-based version of the cows and bulls game  0  nobody
 395   562  RFP cozy  963101  modern and slick GUI audiobook player  1  nobody
 396   2,621  RFP cpupowerd  587514  daemon for frequency and voltage control of AMD K8 CPUs wit…  0  nobody
 397   1,773  RFP cr3  715470  Cool Reader 3, an e-book reader  2  nobody
 398   43  RFP cracktunes  1062777  hassle-free, highly performant Discord music bot  0  nobody
 399   2,040  RFP crashpad  909459  a crash-reporting system  0  nobody
 400   2,572  RFP cream-pim  682505  Personal Information Manager for the Cream Desktop Environm…  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!