Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 351   348  RFP firetable  686790  An iptables firewall management script, written in PHP  0  nobody
 352   2,673  RFP librcf-cpp  692563  Remote Call Framework (RCF) is a portable IPC/RPC middlewar…  0  nobody
 353   3,134  RFP pyskein  682044  Python extension implementing the Skein  0  nobody
 354   2,441  RFP sigrok-util  681881  sigrok related utilities  0  nobody
 355   1,662  RFP libanltao  684704  Toolkit for Advanced Optimization (TAO)  0  nobody
 356   2,714  RFP xprofile  685454  a profile manager for different driver configurations  0  nobody
 357   2,802  RFP leaflet-tilejson  694134  leaflet-tilejson adds support for the TileJSON specificatio…  0  nobody
 358   3,134  RFP debugger-ruby-core-source  691522  Provide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need t…  0  nobody
 359   890  RFP unvanquished  694703  a multi-player team-based alien vs  0  nobody
 360   3,653  RFP toped  692561  Toped is a cross-platform IC layout editor  0  nobody
 361   3,134  RFP msnake  685539  A snake game in the terminal  0  nobody
 362   3,134  RFP php-wp-cli  692353  Command line interface for WordPress  0  nobody
 363   3,651  RFP begin  699113  an output modifier  0  nobody
 364   2,673  RFP cw-driver  704997  Driver and utilities for the Catweasel versatile floppy dis…  0  nobody
 365   2,906  RFP jubatus  704100  jubatus: Distributed Online Machine Learning Framework  0  nobody
 366   3,651  RFP lua-lunamark  700756  General markup format converter using lpeg  0  nobody
 367   3,134  RFP sdb-pancake  704059  simple and fast key/value database  0  nobody
 368   3,651  RFP ruby-georuby  702165  Ruby data holder for OGC Simple Features  0  nobody
 369   2,802  RFP numbers  704214  database of interesting numbers and a tool to compare again…  0  nobody
 370   2,741  RFP chinese-checkers  705212  Multiplayer implementation of the chinese checkers game  0  nobody
 371   3,651  RFP ad2openldap  698825  Replication tool to populate OpenLDAP with objects from AD  0  nobody
 372   2,694  RFP rockmongo  702961  MongoDB web administration tool  0  nobody
 373   2,302  RFP dnsgraph  701222  trace and graph all resolution paths for DNS names  0  nobody
 374   2,850  RFP desktop-base-oldies  704105  packages containing theming from past releases’ desktop-bas…  0  nobody
 375   3,651  RFP vmodsynth  702149  a modular software synthesizer  0  nobody
 376   2,716  RFP ccons  702247  Interactive Console for the C Programming Language  0  nobody
 377   848  RFP pidgin-opensteamworks  690465  Steam IM / Steam Friends plugin for Pidgin (libpurple)  1  nobody
 378   3,651  RFP ruby-escper  702246  Collection of tools that make printing of plain text and im…  0  nobody
 379   3,372  RFP xmlvalidate  704253  Quick and flexible XML validator  0  nobody
 380   2,362  RFP zuul  705844  zuul - a project gating system  0  nobody
 381   2,906  RFP libcmime  704909  libcmime is a lightweight mime library, written in C  0  nobody
 382   1,844  RFP apr-json  699496  JSON serializer / deserializer for use with Apache Portable…  0  nobody
 383   3,651  RFP crosslibs  702365  A cross-platform library designed to simplify C++ developme…  0  nobody
 384   3,651  RFP retask  703636  Simple task queues using Redis  0  nobody
 385   3,651  RFP pyftgl  701966  python bindings for the ftgl opengl font rendering library  0  nobody
 386   3,651  RFP python-shove  701126  python module for object storage to be accessed in a dictio…  0  nobody
 387   3,651  RFP yetris  706077  customizable Tetris(tm) on the console  0  nobody
 388   4  RFP icecat  637348  GNU version of the Firefox browser  33  nobody
 389   2,800  RFP winexe  629100  execute a command on Windows  82  nobody
 390   682  RFP boot-repair  636977  Simple tool to repair boot problems  106  nobody
 391   1,949  RFP m64py  678947  Mupen64Plus 2.0 GUI frontend written in python  20  nobody
 392   438  RFP brogue  698843  Roguelike game by Brian Walker  0  nobody
 393   3,651  RFP libcatalyst-controller-soap-perl  702584  Catalyst SOAP Controller  0  nobody
 394   2,297  RFP patchwork  703226  a console or web based patch tracking system  0  nobody
 395   3,651  RFP richbool  703981  An advanced portable C++ library of over 80 boolean-like ma…  0  nobody
 396   3,133  RFP psymon  706481  A cross-platform, task and performance monitor.  0  nobody
 397   3,651  RFP fabtools  702298  tools for writing awesome Fabric files  0  nobody
 398   3,651  RFP taginfo  707015  convenience wrapper for taglib  0  nobody
 399   2,684  RFP gdb-heap  699175  gdb extension to debug dynamic memory allocation problems  0  nobody
 400   2,760  RFP gypsy  494175  GPS multiplexing daemon  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!