Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3351   44  RFP minetest-mod-stamina  1073147  Stamina mod for minetest  0  nobody
 3352   44  RFP minetest-mod-animalworld  1073149  wild animals in minetest  0  nobody
 3353   44  RFP minetest-texturepack-soothing-32  1073150  soothing texture pack for minetest  0  nobody
 3354   187  RFP typst  1060888  A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and …  0  nobody
 3355   184  RFP jellyfin-web  1061461  jellyfin media server web ui  1,387  nobody
 3356   60  RFP xfce4-docklike-plugin  1072051  Docklike Taskbar for Xfce  52  nobody
 3357   42  RFP amber-lang  1073278  A programming language that compiles to Bash  0  nobody
 3358   1,996  RFP csdr  821115  DSP library and command-line tool for Software Defined Radio  10  nobody
 3359   190  RFP prometheus-script-exporter  1061119  Prometheus exporter to execute scripts and collect metrics …  0  nobody
 3360   160  RFP whisper.cpp  1064101  automatic speech recognition  2  nobody
 3361   2,346  RFP xviewer  830615  GTK Image viewer program for the XApps project  34  nobody
 3362   39  RFP valent  1073792  connect, control and sync devices  0  nobody
 3363   110  RFP htmx  1063374  high power tools for HTML  0  nobody
 3364   178  RFP clipcat  1062136  Clipcat is a clipboard manager which supports X11 and Wayla…  2  nobody
 3365   189  RFP spitbol  1061167  SPITBOL is an extremely high performance implementation of …  0  nobody
 3366   38  RFP shikane  1073813  dynamic Wayland output configuration tool focusing on accur…  0  nobody
 3367   4  RFP diffsitter  1076805  AST-aware difftool  0  nobody
 3368   31  RFP mathwar  815428  flash card game designed to teach simple maths  13  nobody
 3369   37  RFP onceover  1073935  Testing tools for Puppet controlrepos  0  nobody
 3370   186  RFP wireviz  1061328  Easily document cables and wiring harnesses.  0  nobody
 3371   1,668  RFP kali-undercover  947938  Windows 10 like theme for Gnome  41  nobody
 3372   906  RFP opl3bankeditor  948487  small editor of the OPL3 FM banks of different formats  56  nobody
 3373   673  RFP kde-service-menu-reimage  1020562  None  23  nobody
 3374   497  RFP obs-backgroundremoval  1022161  OBS Studio Plugin: Background Removal  30  nobody
 3375   3,526  RFP dive  726779  A tool to start processes employing some advanced Linux fea…  201  nobody
 3376   896  RFP usbimager  1005378  very minimal GUI app that can write compressed disk images …  96  nobody
 3377   2,904  RFP ffmulticonverter  780041  graphical multi format converter  85  nobody
 3378   675  RFP jpilot  1020381  GUI app to view & edit your old Palm device's data  140  nobody
 3379   28  RFP canokey-qemu  1074069  virtual canokey to the guest OS  0  nobody
 3380   184  RFP funkwhale  1061467  federated audio sharing platform  0  nobody
 3381   143  RFP libsdl2-pango  1065533  pango extension for sdl2  0  nobody
 3382   1,278  RFP cudatext  981099  Cross-platform GUI code editor  36  nobody
 3383   131  RFP cotp  1066826  command line totp/hotp authenticator  0  nobody
 3384   31  RFP labwc-menu-generator  1074295  None  0  nobody
 3385   31  RFP pyarrow  1074317  Apache Arrow Python bindings  0  nobody
 3386   181  RFP jami-greenscreen-plugin  1061637  a greenscrenn plugin for jami  0  nobody
 3387   122  RFP anew  1063591  Tool for adding new lines to files, skipping duplicates (pr…  0  nobody
 3388   30  RFP kaleido  1074333  Static image export for web-based visualization libraries w…  0  nobody
 3389   30  RFP uwsm  1074367  Universal Wayland Session Manager  0  nobody
 3390   166  RFP jujutsu  1061772  Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful  0  nobody
 3391   110  RFP apparmor.d  1065545  Full set of AppArmor profiles (~ 1500 profiles)  1  nobody
 3392   160  RFP wayneko  1064205  wayland port of neko  0  nobody
 3393   475  RFP wire-desktop  977849  open source secure messenger / collaboration tool  92  nobody
 3394   1,626  RFP whalebird  951244  A Mastodon and Pleroma client for the desktop  29  nobody
 3395   28  RFP nvidia-mofed  1074466  MVidia MLNX OFED software for Infiniband  0  nobody
 3396   2,411  RFP qubes-core-agent  837902  The Qubes core files for VMs  1  nobody
 3397   2,411  RFP qubes-gui-daemon  837910  Qubes GUI daemon  1  nobody
 3398   791  RFP pwnat  930966  allows clients behind NATs to communicate  33  nobody
 3399   130  RFP contour-terminal  1067135  modern virtual terminal emulator  0  nobody
 3400   123  RFP librust-parse-display-dev  1067743  Rust library that provides derive macro Display and FromStr  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!