Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3301   597  RFP rmilter  813711  None  13  nobody
 3302   2,444  RFP mattermost-desktop  831861  Mattermost Desktop application  454  nobody
 3303   2,446  RFP jwm-menu  848417  a menu generator for JWM  2  nobody
 3304   2,516  RFP inspec  887397  compliance checking tool  12  nobody
 3305   1,028  RFP psftools  874548  PSF font tools  5  nobody
 3306   2,807  RFP zcash  842388  an implementation of the "Zerocash" protocol  36  nobody
 3307   585  RFP trivy  929458  A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Contai…  113  nobody
 3308   2,199  RFP atomic  862765  Atomic Run Tool for installing/running/managing container i…  73  nobody
 3309   2,715  RFP stratagus  810304  Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy gamin…  9  nobody
 3310   1,799  RFP openra  947401  engine remake for Command & Conquer  24  nobody
 3311   1,665  RFP lantern  828932  A popular Internet censorship circumvention tool  38  nobody
 3312   3,573  RFP yacreader  755731  Yet another comic reader  49  nobody
 3313   2,178  RFP oomox  865621  Graphical application for generating different  127  nobody
 3314   2,769  RFP heroku  862012  Client library and CLI to deploy apps on Heroku  164  nobody
 3315   1,035  RFP duplicati  969188  user-friendly remote, encrypted, incremental backups; capab…  312  nobody
 3316   1,954  RFP openhab2  933090  home automation software  49  nobody
 3317   2,133  RFP amdvlk  916552  AMD Open Source Driver For Vulkan  25  nobody
 3318   572  RFP diff-so-fancy  931427  make your diffs human readable  8  nobody
 3319   1,668  RFP trilium  960429  hierarchical note taking application that uses Zettelkasten…  47  nobody
 3320   1,478  RFP xsuspender  975103  Automatically suspend inactive X11 applications.  4  nobody
 3321   1,920  RFP megacmd  939318  a command line client for  265  nobody
 3322   2,588  RFP firebird-emu  880826  Third-party emulator of the ARM-based TI-Nspire calculators  13  nobody
 3323   2,413  RFP zaproxy  897142  Testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications  25  nobody
 3324   1,271  RFP peepdf  989813  tool to analyze PDF documents  2  nobody
 3325   657  RFP ttm  1031507  Tiny task manager for Linux, MacOS and Unix-like systems  59  nobody
 3326   1,096  RFP couchdb  1001167  Document-oriented database with RESTful JSON API  74  nobody
 3327   1,220  RFP ferdi  991855  All your messaging services in one place  22  nobody
 3328   173  RFP deltachat-desktop  1073037  chat client, uses any email server as a backend  86  nobody
 3329   85  RFP cora  1081429  command line application to play internet radio streams  0  nobody
 3330   65  RFP marktext  1082832  simple and elegant markdown editor focused on speed and usa…  74  nobody
 3331   327  RFP node-pug3-cli  1060743  Pug 3 CLI with many fixes and improvements  0  nobody
 3332   163  RFP hatch  1072818  Modern, extensible Python project management  0  nobody
 3333   180  RFP betterbird  1072827  Betterbird is a fine-tuned version of Mozilla Thunderbird w…  0  nobody
 3334   303  RFP  1063335  Python bindings for Chafa  0  nobody
 3335   480  RFP bitwarden  956836  fully open-source, cross-platform  403  nobody
 3336   175  RFP minetest-mod-stamina  1073147  Stamina mod for minetest  0  nobody
 3337   175  RFP minetest-mod-animalworld  1073149  wild animals in minetest  0  nobody
 3338   175  RFP minetest-texturepack-soothing-32  1073150  soothing texture pack for minetest  0  nobody
 3339   318  RFP typst  1060888  A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and …  0  nobody
 3340   110  RFP pinta  1077275  Pinta is a free, open source program for drawing and image …  416  nobody
 3341   316  RFP jellyfin-web  1061461  jellyfin media server web ui  1,511  nobody
 3342   192  RFP xfce4-docklike-plugin  1072051  Docklike Taskbar for Xfce  59  nobody
 3343   173  RFP amber-lang  1073278  A programming language that compiles to Bash  0  nobody
 3344   2,128  RFP csdr  821115  DSP library and command-line tool for Software Defined Radio  10  nobody
 3345   129  RFP liquidshell  1077593  liquidshell is an alternative to plasmashell  0  nobody
 3346   322  RFP prometheus-script-exporter  1061119  Prometheus exporter to execute scripts and collect metrics …  0  nobody
 3347   106  RFP lightpad  1079219  A plugin for XFCE DE that shows a grid menu applications li…  3  nobody
 3348   292  RFP whisper.cpp  1064101  automatic speech recognition  2  nobody
 3349   76  RFP libclassgraph-java  1082384  uber-fast parallelized classpath scanner and module scanner…  0  nobody
 3350   2,478  RFP xviewer  830615  GTK Image viewer program for the XApps project  34  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!