Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 401   397  RFP rust-chic  1033950  Pretty parser error reporting  3  nobody
 402   107  RFP forgejo  1058932  a self-hosted lightweight software forge  3  nobody
 403   3,052  RFP naemon  753928  Host, service and network monitoring and management system  3  nobody
 404   2,269  RFP hazelcast  745640  distributed cache  3  nobody
 405   212  RFP raceintospace  748321  free software version of the Liftoff! board game  3  nobody
 406   3,052  RFP sems  740788  SIP Express Media Server, very fast and flexible SIP media …  3  nobody
 407   2,531  RFP syncterm  739035  SyncTerm is the Synchronet Terminal  3  nobody
 408   3,443  RFP cabocha  729126  A Japenese dependency/case structure analysis system  3  nobody
 409   306  RFP cavif  1040308  Encoder/converter for AVIF images  3  nobody
 410   468  RFP sorr  1029458  Remake of all the original Sega beat-'em-up games Streets o…  3  nobody
 411   3,052  RFP python-debiancontributors  732991  Manage submissions to  3  nobody
 412   3,370  RFP indicator-multiload  709804  A port of the gnome multiload panel applet to appindicators…  3  nobody
 413   2,820  RFP ntk  751548  Non Tool Kit (NTK)  3  nobody
 414   3,051  RFP indicator-keylock  709149  indicator that displays the status of the keyboard lock keys  3  nobody
 415   624  RFP solanum  1017744  IRCv3 server designed to be highly scalable  3  nobody
 416   3,443  RFP jsbsim  724061  the JSBSim flight dynamics model  3  nobody
 417   265  RFP openfwwf  513974  Open Firmware for Broadcom b43 wlan devices  3  nobody
 418   267  RFP emailrelay  1010873  SMTP email proxy and relay server  3  nobody
 419   2,267  RFP hdhomerun-config-gui  697415  GUI Configuration utility for Silicon Dust HD HomeRun  3  nobody
 420   897  RFP cobang  1000264  QR Code scanner application  2  nobody
 421   160  RFP simplesok  1001508  Simple Sokoban is a (simple) Sokoban game.  2  nobody
 422   993  RFP axolotl  992211  Signal Private Messenger unofficial client  2  nobody
 423   892  RFP ccl  609047  Clozure CL  2  nobody
 424   3,070  RFP freesurfer  628183  analysis and visualization of functional brain imaging data  2  nobody
 425   2,254  RFP ruby-therubyracer  892013  Embed the V8 Javascript Interpreter into Ruby  2  nobody
 426   789  RFP docker-buildx  989917  docker CLI plugin for BuildKit  2  nobody
 427   193  RFP qalculate-qt  993587  Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - Qt version  2  nobody
 428   1,154  RFP up  984764  a tool for writing pipes interactively, with live preview o…  2  nobody
 429   1,154  RFP purple-gowhatsapp  984775  Pidgin/libpurple plugin for WhatsApp Web.  2  nobody
 430   445  RFP pnpm  985669  efficient NPM replacement  2  nobody
 431   1,180  RFP hobbits  980730  a GUI toolkit for reverse engineering of binary formats  2  nobody
 432   445  RFP audiveris  547671  Optical Music Recognition module  2  nobody
 433   2,442  RFP iroffer-dinoex  580686  IRC file distribution bot  2  nobody
 434   1,334  RFP venom  968177  A Vala/Gtk+ client for Tox.  2  nobody
 435   2,776  RFP notion-scripts  692167  Contributed scripts for the Notion window manager  2  nobody
 436   2,632  RFP julius  506606  speech recognition engine  2  nobody
 437   1,696  RFP cargo-deb  940169  A cargo subcommand that generates Debian packages from info…  2  nobody
 438   1,718  RFP notqmail  935371  Collaborative successor to qmail  2  nobody
 439   1,348  RFP tunefish  948488  very tiny analog synthesizer  2  nobody
 440   2,004  RFP oxipng  913285  Parallel lossless PNG compression optimizer  2  nobody
 441   2,149  RFP apfs-fuse  901703  FUSE driver for Apple File System (APFS)  2  nobody
 442   1,909  RFP libjs-jquery-datetimepicker  921920  jQuery Date and Time Picker Plugin  2  nobody
 443   220  RFP stepmania  200715  rhythm and dancing game  2  nobody
 444   1,548  RFP zsh-history-substring-search  950906  ZSH port of Fish history search (up arrow)  2  nobody
 445   118  RFP plots  1060245  graph plotting app for GNOME  2  nobody
 446   227  RFP swayfx  1052391  sway, but with eye candy  2  nobody
 447   576  RFP xfce4-time-out-plugin  866243  take periodical breaks from the computer every X minutes  2  nobody
 448   2,052  RFP convert3d  865126  tool(s) for converting 3D images between common file formats  2  nobody
 449   2,055  RFP yices2  864786  satisfiability modulo theory solver by SRI  2  nobody
 450   2,663  RFP steamos-compositor  851363  SteamOS Compositor  2  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!