Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3401   3,665  RFP yasr-js  753349  Javascript library for visualization of SPARQL results  0  nobody
 3402   3,134  RFP tinycthread  749338  minimalist, portable, threading library for C  0  nobody
 3403   3,134  RFP rdfalchemy  748871  RDFAlchemy is an Object RDF Mapper for Python  0  nobody
 3404   527  RFP sblim-cmpi-devel  754479  CMPI C++ Wrapper and development headers  0  nobody
 3405   2,919  RFP manokwari  747612  desktop shell for GNOME 3  0  nobody
 3406   1,523  RFP intellij-idea  747616  An integrated development environment for Java and other Ja…  0  nobody
 3407   3,134  RFP execpermfix  748562  Fixes executable permissions  0  nobody
 3408   1,752  RFP apg-gui  753891  GUI for Automated Password Generator (APG)  0  nobody
 3409   3,134  RFP casadi  745758  symbolic framework for algorithmic differentiation and nume…  0  nobody
 3410   845  RFP libhdt-cpp  749416  Library for RDF HDT file manipulation  0  nobody
 3411   3,134  RFP jscover  750442  Javascript code coverage  0  nobody
 3412   3,134  RFP bdreader  759212  An e-comics reader  0  nobody
 3413   3,134  RFP rucksack  756985  texture packer and resource bundler for video games  0  nobody
 3414   1,533  RFP multivnc  762576  A tabbed cross-platform multicast VNC viewer  0  nobody
 3415   568  RFP fonts-source-han-sans  755382  A sans-serif Pan-CJK font family that is offered in seven w…  0  nobody
 3416   438  RFP apache-mesos  760315  Cluster manager for sharing distributed application framewo…  0  nobody
 3417   3,134  RFP libguasi  760968  Asynchronous syscall library  0  nobody
 3418   3,230  RFP pnfft  761202  Parallel NFFT software library based on MPI  0  nobody
 3419   3,134  RFP fasterxml-oss-parent  760829 parent pom  0  nobody
 3420   3,134  RFP shinken-mod-ip-tag  760224  Shinken ip-tag module  0  nobody
 3421   2,353  RFP mapbox-studio-classic  761914  Vector tile driven map design  0  nobody
 3422   2,857  RFP ruby-lemon  762422  pucker-strength unit testing  0  nobody
 3423   2,257  RFP softether  757746  multiprotocol virtual private network daemon  0  nobody
 3424   3,134  RFP ruby-timeline-setter  758152  TimelineSetter is a tool to create HTML timelines from spre…  0  nobody
 3425   3,134  RFP piqi  761343  Universal schema language for JSON, XML, Protocol Buffers  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!