Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3201   2,221  RFP  726486  a stream server that does most of what  0  nobody
 3202   3,432  RFP geronimo-j2ee-deployment-1.1-spec  721609  Geronimo API implementation of the J2EE deployment 1.1 spec  0  nobody
 3203   2,726  RFP pyper  720135  Easily transform text into other forms using stackable filt…  0  nobody
 3204   3,041  RFP hpccsystems  720436  HPCC (High Performance Computing Cluster)  0  nobody
 3205   3,432  RFP doxia-1.0  720876  1.0 alpha version of Doxia from codehaus  0  nobody
 3206   1,628  RFP email-spec  720756  Easily test email in RSpec, Cucumber, and MiniTest  0  nobody
 3207   3,136  RFP erlang-esasl  722508  Erlang SASL library needed for GSSAPI support in ejabberd.  0  nobody
 3208   3,432  RFP python-blit  724892  Simple pixel-composition library  0  nobody
 3209   3,432  RFP youtube-cli  724801  command-line client for YouTube'  0  nobody
 3210   2,809  RFP bdsync  724344  bdsync is a fast block device synchronizing tool  0  nobody
 3211   2,155  RFP minetest-mod-itemdrop  722309  Minetest mod - Item Drop  0  nobody
 3212   694  RFP python-clamd  725170  Python module to use the ClamAV anti-virus engine. Requires…  0  nobody
 3213   255  RFP php-v8js  723786  V8 Javascript Engine for PHP  0  nobody
 3214   3,432  RFP fonts-gandhi  719605  A sans serif and serif version of  0  nobody
 3215   2,961  RFP liblog-any-app-perl  721377  module that provides an easy way to use Log::Any in applica…  0  nobody
 3216   345  RFP kdis  722953  The KDIS Distributed Interactive Simulation library (IEEE 1…  0  nobody
 3217   3,432  RFP interfacetable-v3t  721969  Nagios / Icinga plugin to monitor network interfaces via SN…  0  nobody
 3218   2,284  RFP openvisualtraceroute  725776  Visual Traceroute displaying in a 3D map  0  nobody
 3219   3,432  RFP python-cornice  725232  provides helpers to build & document Web Services with Pyra…  0  nobody
 3220   2,155  RFP minetest-mod-plantlife  721086  Minetest mod - Plantlife  0  nobody
 3221   1,486  RFP liblenskit-java  721678  toolkit for building,  0  nobody
 3222   3,432  RFP libmini  724604  the libMini real-time terrain rendering system  0  nobody
 3223   3,041  RFP libplack-middleware-assets-railslike-…  723158  bundle and minify JavaScript and CSS files  0  nobody
 3224   1,326  RFP roundcube-plugins-kolab  726120  Kolab Groupware plugins for Roundcube Webmail  0  nobody
 3225   3,432  RFP libscion  725069  dataflow programming library  0  nobody
 3226   2,792  RFP gajim-otr  722130  Off-The-Record encryption for Gajim  0  nobody
 3227   1,831  RFP flexget  724718  multipurpose automation tool for torrents, nzbs, podcasts, …  0  nobody
 3228   3,432  RFP ruby-pyu-ruby-sasl  720758  Simple Authentication and Security Layer  0  nobody
 3229   2,615  RFP kte-collaborative  725110  Collaborative Text Editor support for KDE  0  nobody
 3230   3,432  RFP wiktionarytodict  725487  Translation dictionaries for the dictd server  0  nobody
 3231   3,432  RFP php-structures-datagrid-datasource-da…  720951  DataSource driver using PEAR::DB_DataObject  0  nobody
 3232   2,678  RFP metar-elboza  723827  a simple command line metar and taf  0  nobody
 3233   2,645  RFP wxcam  725708  A webcam application  0  nobody
 3234   3,042  RFP libjs-leaflet-awesome-markers  724893  plugin for Leaflet to make awesome markers  0  nobody
 3235   1,868  RFP elpa-coffee-mode  726509  Emacs mode for editing CoffeeScript  0  nobody
 3236   3,432  RFP metawarej  725463  Java framework for creating web-based business applications  0  nobody
 3237   434  RFP vscp  726445  framework for automation of IoT/m2m tasks  0  nobody
 3238   2,155  RFP minetest-mod-moretrees  721200  Minetest mod - more trees  0  nobody
 3239   3,432  RFP puppet-module-puppetlabs-keystone  726748  Puppet module for Openstack keystone  0  nobody
 3240   3,432  RFP ecp  720327  copies files with checksum on the fly"  0  nobody
 3241   3,432  RFP puppet-module-puppetlabs-vswitch  720294  Puppet module for vSwitches  0  nobody
 3242   1,426  RFP jchardet  721624  Java port of Mozilla charset detector  0  nobody
 3243   3,432  RFP clang-tags  726332  Indexing tool for C/C++ source code  0  nobody
 3244   2,135  RFP libjs-zxcvbn  726171  realistic password strength  0  nobody
 3245   2,603  RFP python-vcs  721598  Various version control systems management abstraction layer  0  nobody
 3246   3,432  RFP rateit  721807  Tool for performing MUSHRA tests  0  nobody
 3247   455  RFP fonts-new-athena-unicode  723009  Multilingual font distributed by the American Philological …  0  nobody
 3248   414  RFP rumember  725320  "Remember The Milk Ruby API and command line client"  0  nobody
 3249   2,808  RFP playitagainsam  726006  presenter that records and replays interactive terminal ses…  0  nobody
 3250   2,245  RFP radium  721861  graphical music editor  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!