Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3101   3,562  RFP openecard  702028  lightweight eID client, integrates major international stan…  0  nobody
 3102   3,045  RFP erbot  706703  A bot that can currently talk to you through InternetRelayC…  0  nobody
 3103   3,088  RFP qtweetlib  700028  qtweetlib is a QT library for talking to twitter  0  nobody
 3104   3,045  RFP stats  703614  simple filter to gather numbers in repeated text  0  nobody
 3105   3,562  RFP sqlworkbenchj  706068  A free, DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL tool  0  nobody
 3106   2,190  RFP gmqcc  712125  Improved QuakeC compiler  0  nobody
 3107   3,562  RFP maple-package  710349  utility for creating Maple Debian packages  0  nobody
 3108   2,651  RFP utmp  709229  simple utility to manage utmp-records for shell and/or term…  0  nobody
 3109   3,045  RFP neurosynth  710302  Large-scale synthesis of functional neuroimaging data  0  nobody
 3110   2,648  RFP python-pygsear  711814  a Pygame Framework with Examples  0  nobody
 3111   3,562  RFP require-kernel.js  710057  Reference implementation of a CommonJS module loader for a …  0  nobody
 3112   3,329  RFP zotero-dataserver  709925  dataserver for the zotero client  0  nobody
 3113   2,737  RFP nightingale  712631  audio player and web browser based on the Songbird  0  nobody
 3114   1,362  RFP buck  718394  Facebook's build system for large Java projects  0  nobody
 3115   3,562  RFP digitd  712647  A simple, flexible and safe finger daemon  0  nobody
 3116   3,258  RFP spark-hilite  713928  SPARK programming language toolset (Ada 2012-style)  0  nobody
 3117   2,202  RFP taskwarrior-web  719315  A web interface for the Taskwarrior todo application  0  nobody
 3118   3,046  RFP mwlib.ext  719346  External dependencies needed by the mwlib library  0  nobody
 3119   3,562  RFP node-helenus  709825  Apache Cassandra client implementation for Node.js  0  nobody
 3120   3,571  RFP kfilebox  715527  Unofficial KDE Dropbox client developed in QT. KFilebox (pr…  0  nobody
 3121   2,225  RFP libjs-jsxml  712220  XML/XSLT to DOM parser in JavaScript  0  nobody
 3122   524  RFP brickutils  714956  Utility for organizing your collection of LEGO(R) bricks  0  nobody
 3123   2,577  RFP plasma-widget-bitcoin-chart  718885  bitcoin exchange rate plasmoid  0  nobody
 3124   3,046  RFP braingl  711956  exploring and visualizing anatomical and functional connect…  0  nobody
 3125   3,045  RFP simplenat  714017  script for autoconfigure simple NAT server  0  nobody
 3126   2,541  RFP mayan-edms  718580  Django-based Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)  0  nobody
 3127   2,218  RFP  707166  Makes WebSockets and realtime possible in all browsers  0  nobody
 3128   3,562  RFP trac-testmanager  708271  full test management life-cycle for Trac  0  nobody
 3129   2,958  RFP ldglite  715053  Display, edit and render 3D LEGO(R) LDraw models  0  nobody
 3130   438  RFP fidocadj  708312  a multi-platform editor for electronics  0  nobody
 3131   3,436  RFP eatmonkey  719214  Stupid download manager for monkeys and Capuchins!  0  nobody
 3132   3,562  RFP rbdl  717589  Rigid Body Dynamics Library  0  nobody
 3133   2,625  RFP meta-suckless-tools  709237  meta-package installs simple commands for minimalistic wind…  0  nobody
 3134   1,424  RFP octoprint  718591  Responsive web interface for 3D printers  0  nobody
 3135   3,046  RFP sqlite3dbm  719345  A sqlite-backed dict conforming to the dbm interface  0  nobody
 3136   3,045  RFP libtiger  712821  Kate rendering library  0  nobody
 3137   2,648  RFP libsamsung-ipc  713937  library to communicate with modems present in Samsung smart…  0  nobody
 3138   3,562  RFP telemeta  717961  open web audio CMS  0  nobody
 3139   3,552  RFP async-unix  718239  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (unix)  0  nobody
 3140   3,552  RFP async-extra  718240  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (extra)  0  nobody
 3141   3,562  RFP moocng  707135  open source MOOC platform  0  nobody
 3142   3,552  RFP async  718237  a library for OCaml asynchronous programming  0  nobody
 3143   1,156  RFP gnome-theme-clearlooks-flat-compact  710526  Compact GTK+ 2, GTK+ 3 and Metacity theme  0  nobody
 3144   3,046  RFP timelib  719343  A short wrapper around PHP's internal DateTime ext  0  nobody
 3145   2,730  RFP ruby-spinach  713890  BDD framework on top of Gherkin  0  nobody
 3146   3,562  RFP python-pingdom  717591  3rd-party Python library for Pingdom's new REST API.  0  nobody
 3147   3,046  RFP qserve  719341  A job queue server  0  nobody
 3148   3,562  RFP mediawiki-mwxml2sql  710584  Tools to help import MediaWiki XML dumps into database  0  nobody
 3149   1,482  RFP mpir  708391  Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals library  0  nobody
 3150   3,552  RFP ruby-dbi-dbrc  718648  A database resource control interface for Ruby that lets yo…  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!