Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 251   2,746  RFP coova-chilli  517847  (Wireless) LAN Access Point Controller  12  nobody
 252   1,533  RFP atomsk  878152  A tool for manipulating and converting atomic data files  12  nobody
 253   2,384  RFP inspec  887397  compliance checking tool  12  nobody
 254   2,801  RFP amdgpu-pro  845589  proprietary AMD graphics drivers  11  nobody
 255   2,350  RFP eibd-server  549901  KNX/EIB server  11  nobody
 256   1,073  RFP whitesur-gtk-theme  992440  None  11  nobody
 257   2,902  RFP capnet-assist  784177  captive login detector  11  nobody
 258   488  RFP jitsi-videobridge  757769  a WebRTC compatible Selective  11  nobody
 259   1,318  RFP ags  844078  Please add 'ags' (adventure game studio) to Debian games  11  nobody
 260   713  RFP pdf4qt  1017089  An all in one PDF reader and editor tool.  11  nobody
 261   880  RFP tlpui  1006598  GTK user interface for laptop power management  11  nobody
 262   2,595  RFP elkarbackup  865046  backup solution with an easy-to-use web interface based on …  11  nobody
 263   733  RFP miraclecast  1015961  The MiracleCast project provides software to connect extern…  11  nobody
 264   2,218  RFP wifiphisher  858612  Automated phishing attacks against Wi-Fi networks  10  nobody
 265   1,056  RFP libnet-sftp-perl  993606  pure-Perl implementation of the Secure File Transfer Protoc…  10  nobody
 266   2,827  RFP quickhash  842413  hashing GUI tool  10  nobody
 267   1,995  RFP csdr  821115  DSP library and command-line tool for Software Defined Radio  10  nobody
 268   2,692  RFP mozjpeg  741487  Mozilla JPEG Encoder Project  10  nobody
 269   1,858  RFP libressl  754513  SSL library, forked from OpenSSL  10  nobody
 270   2,661  RFP jhelioviewer  705285  Visualization software for solar image  10  nobody
 271   2,731  RFP qesteidutil  658303  Estonian ID card management utility  10  nobody
 272   994  RFP rtpmidid  998646  RTP MIDI (AppleMIDI) daemon for Linux  9  nobody
 273   2,731  RFP guayadeque  850685  lightweight music player  9  nobody
 274   1,012  RFP klogg  993936  Really fast log explorer based on glogg project  9  nobody
 275   1,131  RFP activitywatch  990173  automated and extensible privacy-focused time tracker  9  nobody
 276   2,810  RFP libtext-sass-xs-perl  795406  Perl binding for LibSass  9  nobody
 277   838  RFP soundtracker  947918  Fasttracker II compatible music sequencer and sampler  9  nobody
 278   3,531  RFP android-studio  747614  An integrated development environment for Android  9  nobody
 279   2,583  RFP stratagus  810304  Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy gamin…  9  nobody
 280   2,263  RFP mellowplayer  898837  Cloud music integration for your desktop  9  nobody
 281   528  RFP clifm  1031287  shell-like, command line file manager  9  nobody
 282   551  RFP easyrpg-player  1029455  RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG game interpreter.  9  nobody
 283   1,869  RFP ssb-patchwork  930518  A decentralized messaging and sharing app built on top of t…  9  nobody
 284   2,345  RFP node-babel-types  845190  Babel Types is a Lodash-esque utility library for AST nodes  8  nobody
 285   1,756  RFP nextcloud  835086  self-hosted cloud services  8  nobody
 286   1,344  RFP grab  973974  simple but very fast grep  8  nobody
 287   2,471  RFP souffle  831628  a translator of declarative Datalog programs into the C++ p…  8  nobody
 288   1,485  RFP yacy  452422  distributed web crawler and search engine  8  nobody
 289   190  RFP forgejo  1058932  a self-hosted lightweight software forge  8  nobody
 290   1,706  RFP hardened-malloc  945455  hardened memory allocator  8  nobody
 291   374  RFP zap  1041390  ZAP is Zigbee Cluster Library configuration tool and genera…  8  nobody
 292   2,437  RFP vertex-theme  796414  Vertex themes for GTK 2/3  8  nobody
 293   3,134  RFP ipad-charge  743798  Utility to make iPad charge with the  8  nobody
 294   440  RFP diff-so-fancy  931427  make your diffs human readable  8  nobody
 295   754  RFP qmplay2  739417  a video player  8  nobody
 296   3,095  RFP openbugs  751570  BUGS for Bayesian MCMC analysis.  8  nobody
 297   424  RFP archivebox  924040  open source self-hosted web archive  8  nobody
 298   2,023  RFP usbcryptformat  919010  usbcryptformat is a graphical program to encrypt USB devices  8  nobody
 299   2,080  RFP dde-launcher  871977  Launcher module for Deepin Desktop Environment  8  nobody
 300   3,651  RFP esteidpkcs11loader  702166  Loads pkcs#11 module for web authentication with smart cards  8  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!