Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3251   2,310  RFP foreman  663101  puppet dashboard and node classifier  28  nobody
 3252   2,398  RFP ruby-winrm  839070  Ruby library for Windows Remote Management  29  nobody
 3253   1,626  RFP whalebird  951244  A Mastodon and Pleroma client for the desktop  29  nobody
 3254   332  RFP sftpgo  1050829  SFTP/FTP/FTPS/WebDAV file server with virtual user support  29  nobody
 3255   3,481  RFP sslyze  765787  SSL analyser and weakness scanner  29  nobody
 3256   2,503  RFP plugn  812533  hook system for shell programs  29  nobody
 3257   2,655  RFP puppetdb-termini  826551  Enable a Puppet master to connect to PuppetDB  29  nobody
 3258   2,187  RFP fsleyes  861327  feature-rich viewer for volumetric images  29  nobody
 3259   2,265  RFP commix  833397  Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation …  29  nobody
 3260   1,020  RFP system-monitoring-center  994891  Provides information  30  nobody
 3261   2,665  RFP divxenc  544051  shell script to encode DVDs to FMP4/DivX  30  nobody
 3262   2,240  RFP gns3-gui  766167  GNS3 graphical interface for the GNS3 server  30  nobody
 3263   497  RFP obs-backgroundremoval  1022161  OBS Studio Plugin: Background Removal  30  nobody
 3264   1,991  RFP rethinkdb  810210  scalable document database with push support  31  nobody
 3265   1,533  RFP lantern  828932  A popular Internet censorship circumvention tool  31  nobody
 3266   3,641  RFP ruby-rkerberos  718034  A Ruby interface for Kerberos  31  nobody
 3267   2,901  RFP python-pysal  791560  library of spatial analysis functions  31  nobody
 3268   677  RFP qrcp  1015802  transfer files by qrcode  32  nobody
 3269   3,134  RFP gns3-server  766166  GNS3 server to asynchronously manage emulators  32  nobody
 3270   2,384  RFP php-oci8  774765  Extension for Oracle Database  32  nobody
 3271   200  RFP publii  1037456  Static CMS for privacy-focused, SEO-optimized websites  33  nobody
 3272   790  RFP pwnat  930966  allows clients behind NATs to communicate  33  nobody
 3273   217  RFP signald  980286  A daemon that facilitates communication via Signal Private …  33  nobody
 3274   4  RFP icecat  637348  GNU version of the Firefox browser  33  nobody
 3275   2,479  RFP xviewer-plugins  830625  Set of plugins for xviewer.  33  nobody
 3276   1,726  RFP emacs-snapshot  429577  The GNU Emacs editor (development snapshot)  34  nobody
 3277   2,345  RFP xidel  826763  Command line tool to download and query HTML/XML/JSON with …  34  nobody
 3278   2,346  RFP xviewer  830615  GTK Image viewer program for the XApps project  34  nobody
 3279   2,860  RFP cutmp3  619703  small and fast command line MP3 editor  35  nobody
 3280   781  RFP glpi  1012423  GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software  36  nobody
 3281   1,277  RFP cudatext  981099  Cross-platform GUI code editor  36  nobody
 3282   793  RFP subsurface  824520  scuba diving logbook  36  nobody
 3283   326  RFP conan  845463  dependency manager for C/C++/golang  36  nobody
 3284   2,393  RFP purple-facebook  803473  Plugin for pidgin to support new facebook chat  36  nobody
 3285   2,675  RFP zcash  842388  an implementation of the "Zerocash" protocol  36  nobody
 3286   1,430  RFP qcad  871733  computer-aided design (CAD) application for 2D design and d…  39  nobody
 3287   1,012  RFP mediawiki-extensions  878147  Extensions for mediawiki like additional authentication plu…  39  nobody
 3288   114  RFP keydb  1067413  persistent key-value database with network interface  40  nobody
 3289   318  RFP mintupdate  1038403  Linux Mint update manager  40  nobody
 3290   1,667  RFP kali-undercover  947938  Windows 10 like theme for Gnome  41  nobody
 3291   32  RFP kweather  987749  weather app for Plasma Mobile and Desktop  42  nobody
 3292   3,441  RFP yacreader  755731  Yet another comic reader  43  nobody
 3293   303  RFP gnome-schedule  825148  GUI for vixie-cron, dcron and at to manage your crontab file  43  nobody
 3294   2,346  RFP xed  830598  GTK Text editor for the XApps project  43  nobody
 3295   303  RFP gcstar  1024613  Desktop application to manage of various types of collectio…  43  nobody
 3296   2,458  RFP burpsuite  832943  platform for security testing of web applications  45  nobody
 3297   264  RFP gcc-xtensa  868895  toolchain for xtensa  45  nobody
 3298   439  RFP markdownlint  989710  A tool to check markdown files and flag style issues.  46  nobody
 3299   1,536  RFP trilium  960429  hierarchical note taking application that uses Zettelkasten…  47  nobody
 3300   236  RFP kdbg  1055797  graphical debugger interface  47  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!