Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3051   2,686  RFP gerrit  589436  Web based code review and project management for Git based …  4  nobody
 3052   2,264  RFP openmeca  850590  a graphical application to model and simulate mechanical sy…  4  nobody
 3053   2,224  RFP p2c  895637  Pascal to C translator  4  nobody
 3054   2,501  RFP asciiquarium  823693  Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own …  4  nobody
 3055   2,064  RFP goreplay  873487  GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying…  4  nobody
 3056   1,222  RFP fonts-fira  724629  sans-serif font family released with FirefoxOS  4  nobody
 3057   1,346  RFP xsuspender  975103  Automatically suspend inactive X11 applications.  4  nobody
 3058   2,348  RFP pthsem  565675  pth replacement with semaphore support  4  nobody
 3059   74  RFP rocm-validation-suite  1040616  AMD GPU system validation  4  nobody
 3060   2,087  RFP oxipng  913285  Parallel lossless PNG compression optimizer  4  nobody
 3061   3,134  RFP sems  740788  SIP Express Media Server, very fast and flexible SIP media …  4  nobody
 3062   2,152  RFP jrommanager  904310  Java Rom Manager  4  nobody
 3063   950  RFP pyload  1001980  The free and open-source Download Manager written in pure P…  4  nobody
 3064   942  RFP asusctl  1002702  A control daemon, CLI tools, and a collection of crates for…  4  nobody
 3065   461  RFP thanos  1032842  highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage ca…  4  nobody
 3066   1,615  RFP xplayer  830624  GTK media player based on GStreamer for the Xapps project  4  nobody
 3067   362  RFP megazeux  1042718  cross-platform game creation system  4  nobody
 3068   2,852  RFP scratch-text-editor  679559  text editor written in Vala  4  nobody
 3069   2,737  RFP nfsen  472666  Netflow Sensor  5  nobody
 3070   310  RFP swayfx  1052391  sway, but with eye candy  5  nobody
 3071   135  RFP php-pdo-sqlsrv  900568  PHP PECL extension for Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Se…  5  nobody
 3072   896  RFP psftools  874548  PSF font tools  5  nobody
 3073   2,883  RFP cgrates  787476  Real-time Charging System for Telecom & ISP environments  5  nobody
 3074   751  RFP pycharm  742394  IDE for python development  5  nobody
 3075   2,129  RFP trojita  795701  Fast Qt IMAP e-mail client.  5  nobody
 3076   707  RFP mailpile  745399  a modern fast web-mail client with user-friendly encryption…  5  nobody
 3077   1,479  RFP gala  750822  Pantheon Window Manager  5  nobody
 3078   2,250  RFP abduco  900387  lightweight session manager with {de,at}tach support  5  nobody
 3079   953  RFP web-greeter  641768  Modern, visually appealing login  5  nobody
 3080   3,135  RFP avant-window-navigator  730676  MacOS X like panel for GNOME  5  nobody
 3081   924  RFP numix-icon-theme-square  911420  Square icon theme from the Numix project  5  nobody
 3082   906  RFP mattermost-server  823556  self-hosted team communication service  5  nobody
 3083   2,874  RFP xfdashboard  788332  GNOME shell like dashboard for Xfce  5  nobody
 3084   1,259  RFP calibre-web  982690  web app providing a clean interface for browsing, reading a…  5  nobody
 3085   332  RFP freight  843120  easy-to-understand shell script to handle APT repositories  5  nobody
 3086   1,864  RFP qmodbus  930358  Qt-based ModBus master application  5  nobody
 3087   193  RFP electron  842420  Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, an…  5  nobody
 3088   2,347  RFP ganeti-instance-image  769611  guest OS definition for Ganetiusing images  5  nobody
 3089   243  RFP simplesok  1001508  Simple Sokoban is a (simple) Sokoban game.  5  nobody
 3090   2,820  RFP openxcom  794470  Open-source clone of the original X-Com game  6  nobody
 3091   2,740  RFP libjs-extjs4  619642  cross-browser JavaScript library, version 4  6  nobody
 3092   527  RFP razercommander  952855  GTK control center for managing Razer peripherals  6  nobody
 3093   2,067  RFP deepin-clone  873045  Disk and partition backup/restore tool  6  nobody
 3094   1,441  RFP wildfly  752018  a JEE application server  6  nobody
 3095   1,640  RFP multipass  950202  Lightweight virtual machine manager  6  nobody
 3096   2,351  RFP kiwiirc  646776  Web based IRC client  6  nobody
 3097   3,230  RFP reaction  694645  first person shooter (ioquake3)  6  nobody
 3098   3,171  RFP node-moment-timezone  802262  parse and display moments in any timezone  6  nobody
 3099   2,661  RFP python-bond  809542  transparent remote/recursive evaluation between Python and …  6  nobody
 3100   2,713  RFP i-nex  738266  an application that gathers information for hardware compon…  6  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!